A short while before confronting Yuna, Danzo was sitting in his office with an unhappy expression on his face. Things were becoming worse at a rapid pace since the Uzumaki clan gathering a few weeks ago. First, his Root agents that were supposed to disturb the gathering were not only stopped but even captured alive. Danzo had actually prepared himself to flee the village when that happened, but when Hiruzen hadn't made a move after a few days, he concluded that Hiruzen would let the matter slip yet again, causing Danzo to scoff at his soft-heartedness.

Next, he sent some people to break through the barrier surrounding the Uzumaki clan to cause havoc and collect information while Yuna wasn't in the village, but his agents simply disappeared inside the compound and he had no idea what happened to them.

And finally, Tsunade came back to Konoha and even agreed to become the new Hokage, something he deemed to be impossible to happen.

The only positive aspect was, that he finally managed to get a read on Yuna's abilities and finished preparing countermeasures. The next time Yuna left Konoha without being accompanied by someone as powerful as Jiraiya, Danzo would make his move.

A short while later, one of Danzo's Root agents entered the room and kneeled in the middle of it.

"Danzo-sama, I received a report that Sasuke Uchiha had left the village and is heading for the Land of Sound."

Danzo only scoffed when he heard that. He might have promised Itachi that he would spare Sasuke, but that didn't mean that he had to babysit him. If he wanted to leave the village so much, then Danzo couldn't care less. If Sasuke was an Itachi-level genius, then things might be different, but so far Sasuke hasn't shown much potential. He might be stronger than quite a few shinobi are at his age, but that was all there was to it. Danzo was just about to dismiss the person in front of him when the Root agent continued his report.

"Yuna Uzumaki, Naruto Uzumaki, and Hinata Hyuga were sent to capture him."

Danzo's visible eye widened when he heard that. This was exactly what he was waiting for. He immediately stood up and prepared himself to chase after the trio together with every single Root agent that was currently available.

To Danzo's surprise, his group caught up with Yuna rather quickly and what surprised him, even more, was that Yuna was actually on her own and was waiting for him. He couldn't help but shiver a little when he saw Yuna's smile but decided not to think about that too deeply.

"Danzo. Finally."

Yuna was truly excited when Danzo appeared in front of her. It has been quite a while since Danzo's name appeared on her ToKill-List and today was finally the day when she could cross his name out.

The moment she felt Danzo approaching, she sent back orders to the Uzumaki compound to raid Danzo's bases inside Konoha. Although all of them were rather well hidden, considering that Danzo's Root agents were very easily distinguishable for Yuna's senses she mapped out the correct locations years ago. Although all of Danzo's bases were protected by seals, in front of the Uzumaki clan that was as effective as hanging a "Do not enter" sign in front of the entrance. Yuna really wondered just how much outrageous stuff will be found in those bases.

"You finally came out to play, Danzo. I will enjoy killing you."

Despite feeling the pressure oozing out of Yuna increasing even further, Danzo only scoffed at her statement.

"I don't think so. Showing your full capabilities was a huge mistake. You revealing your full power will be the cause of your death."

"Hehe, revealing my full power? I wonder when that happened? Maybe when I fought Lee while only using taijutsu?"

Overbearing chakra started flowing out of Yuna, coating her whole body with red bubbling chakra, and forming four tails behind her.

"Or maybe when I fought my girlfriend and my little brother in a two-on-one fight?"

A pure white armor of ice appeared on Yuna's body while a crown made out of ice appeared on her head, causing the temperature in the vicinity to drop.

"Or maybe, when I fought Gaara, without moving a single step?"

Four chains burst out of Yuna's back, causing the temperature to sink even further, while the ground underneath Yuna started freezing over.

"Or maybe, when I was allowing the Kyuubi to use Hashirama as a punching bag?"

Yuna's four chains fused together with her four tails, significantly increasing their attack power and causing the temperature around Yuna to sink even further.

"Do you know the difference between all these fights and this one?"

Danzo, however, didn't answer. While Yuna was talking, his group made their own preparations. He already knew that this won't be an easy fight and that he will lose quite a few of his Root agents, but that was a sacrifice he was willing to make to get rid of Yuna.

Without saying a single word, the Root agents surrounding Yuna started shooting their jutsu. Half of them using fire style, while the other half was using wind style. Considering that Yuna seemed to be the most proficient in using ice, Danzo concluded that using a combination of fire and wind would be the best approach.

Instead of trying to counter the attack, however, Yuna didn't move at all, causing the massive flames from all sides to engulf her. Danzo couldn't help but frown when he saw that. His Sharingan didn't detect her using a substitution jutsu, so he could only conclude that Yuna was hit by the full brunt of the attack.

When the flames receded, Danzo's eyes widened in surprise at what he saw. Yuna was completely unharmed and even the ice covering the ground under her was still intact. Yuna chuckled a little when she saw Danzo's dumbfounded look. For her, it was only obvious that her ice couldn't be melted by a simple fire, but it seems that Danzo expected a different outcome. Well, during the chunin exam, the ice that was at the edge of the stadium could be melted by fire jutsu, but that was just because Yuna wasn't in direct contact with it and didn't put any intent into it.

"Hehe, I will tell you what the difference is....I. Want. You. DEAD!"

Without another word, Yuna disappeared and reappeared in front of Danzo, while swinging down a massive sword made out of ice. While Danzo jumped backward to dodge the attack, one of his Root agents appeared to block the strike with his sword, while two more appeared behind Yuna, ready to strike her as soon as her sword gets blocked.

The moment Yuna's sword made contact with her enemy's sword it cut through it like it was made out of paper while slicing the Root agent in half. Danzo, who observed the attack with his Sharingan couldn't help but flinch when he saw Yuna's sword strike. Although the pain wasn't as strong as it was during the chunin exam, he could still feel some pain in his Sharingan when he observed Yuna's attack.

Moments later, the two people who tried to sneak attack Yuna had their hearts pierced by Yuna's chains while her other two chains started lashing out at the surrounding Root agents. Although it took her some time to get used to her chains, by now she could easily use them like they were her own limbs and move them independently from each other.

Yuna noticed that Danzo used some kind of jutsu to coat a kunai with wind chakra, but decided not to care about that. In one smooth motion, she changed the momentum of her sword and cut upwards towards Danzo. Danzo, probably believing that his chakra-coated kunai could stop Yuna's sword, was utterly dumbfounded when Yuna cut through it just as easily, resulting in Danzo being cut in half just like the Root agent previously.

Yuna couldn't help but shake her head in disappointment at how easily Danzo died. She spread her senses to see if Danzo used some weird jutsu to escape, but couldn't feel anything. No matter how she looked at it, Danzo was dead.

Yuna looked at the Root agents who were still surrounding her and shook her head.

"Might as well take out the tra..."

Yuna's instincts flared, while she opened her eyes in surprise. Without a moment of hesitation, she sidestepped the hand that was just about to put a seal on her back while her four chains moved and impaled the person holding the seal. Yuna couldn't help but be dumbfounded when she saw that the person who tried to put the seal on her was actually Danzo.

'He is alive? How?'

[No clue, but I bet the Sharingan is involved somehow. That thing has all kinds of bullshit abilities, and I wouldn't be surprised if this is one of them.]

'Mhh that's true. Now that I look at it in more detail, one of the eyes he has on his hand just closed. Is that hand some kind of weird life system? Does he think he is a videogame character or something like that?'

Moments later, the Danzo that had Yuna's chains stabbed into him vanished, while another one reappeared nearby.

"Haha, what the hell is this? Seems like I can kill you more than once. Did you develop that technique just for me, so I can kill you multiple times? Although I would have been satisfied with killing you only once, thanks for the nice service anyway."

Danzo, however, could only frown. This wasn't going the way he expected it to go at all. He already died twice and lost quite a few of his Root agents, while Yuna seemed to be completely unbothered.

'Damn, I have underestimated her. Should I run away? I would rather not waste the Kotoamatsukami on her. There are better targets for that.'

Before Danzo could finish his thoughts, Yuna could pretty much guess what he was thinking about.

'You want to run away? Do you really think I would let you do that after you finally left your hiding place?'

Yuna stealthily separated her chakra tails from her chains and let her chains burrow into the ground. and moments later, they emerged from four different locations around 100 meters away from Yuna's current position and formed a dome that surrounded her and Danzo's group, trapping all of them inside it.

Although Danzo noticed when the chains came out of the ground, at that point, it was already too late to do anything about it.

"Hehe, no running away, okay? Let's have lots of fun together. And what could be more fun than a good, old-fashioned massacre? What do you think, Danzo?"

Danzo's frown deepened even further when he saw Yuna stopping him from running away. A moment later, he made a decision. For now, he will try to get rid of Yuna the normal way, but if things get too dangerous for him, he will have to use the Kotoamatsukami, even if he didn't want to.

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