Quite a few of the shinobi from the Allied Shinobi Forces stood on a faraway cliff, overlooking the battle between four titans. Although they were very far away, considering the figures fighting each other were all about 100 meters tall, things were still somewhat visible to them.

"A battle between gods."

While everyone was in awe due to what they were witnessing, one of the people present murmured these words under their breaths, causing those who heard them to nod in agreement.

Every single move the four figures made changed the terrain, as Bijuudama's, were tossed around like they were firecrackers.

A gigantic tornado constantly rampaged over the battlefield while soccerball-sized hail was bombarding the ground. Hundreds of meters tall trees were popping out of the ground like they were common weeds, just to be slashed down by what appeared to be a single sword strike that seemed to cut space itself.

However, all of that wasn't even the most terrifying thing about the battle they were witnessing. It were...



... Yuna and Madara's madness-filled voices that were constantly echoing over the Allied Shinobi Forces.

Meanwhile, Naruto crossed his arms in front of his chest to block around ten wooden arms that were punching towards him. Despite the attack sending him sliding backward, two additional chakra arms grew out of Kurama's chakra coating, producing two Bijuudama within an instant.

They shot toward Hashirama's wooden golem, but before they could reach him, Madara appeared and sliced both of them in two halves with two of the four massive swords his Susanoo was holding. The other swords he was holding slashed downward toward Naruto at the same time. However, a single sword slash blocked their path and actually cut through Madara's chakra blades as if they were made out of paper.

Madara clicked his tongue as this was not the first time one of Yuna's sword strikes sliced through his blades. Luckily, they weren't physical weapons, so he could quickly restore them by pumping a bit of chakra into them. Despite that, Madara really wondered how Yuna could so effortlessly slice through his weapons. In fact, the first time he saw that, he made sure to properly dodge all of Yuna's sword strikes. After all, if they could cut through Susanoo's blade, they could probably cut through Susanoo as well. By now, he could more or less guess why Yuna's attack permanently disabled the Edo Tensei. Although he couldn't understand under what kind of principle it worked, he assumed that Yuna had reached a level in swordsmanship so terrifying that it defied logic.

Some might label him as unresponsible or reckless for simply dismissing it as incomprehensible, but what else was he supposed to do? In fact, every time his Sharingan witnessed one of her swords strikes, he felt like a blade pierced through his eyes.

Simultaneously, Obito was frozen in place as he witnessed what was happening in front of him. He knew Madara was strong. Obviously. Everybody knew that.

However, the fight happening in front of him was beyond incomprehensible. Although he didn't think that he had reached Madara's level yet, he thought that he could at least hold a candle against him. Unfortunately, he was wrong. Utterly wrong.

'Why is it like this? He isn't even using his Rinnegan right now. Why am I so much weaker than him despite possessing a Rinnegan and a Mangekyou Sharingan?'

If Madara's current strength was a considerable hit to Obito's mental state, the display Yuna and Naruto were putting on was pretty much a critical hit.

Despite having to flee from Yuna and Naruto once each, Obito has always been looking down on them. In his mind, they were only some slightly significant figures he would capture sooner or later, but now he didn't even dare to say that as a joke.

He got his hands on the Rinnegan, significantly increasing his power. Then, he used the captured Bijuu as his puppets, increasing his war potential even further. With that kind of line-up, he was certain that he could capture Naruto.

The end result? Utter failure. Despite that, Obito's morale wasn't in the gutter yet. After all, he had yet to fight personally. The power of the Rinnegan combined with his Mangekyou ability surely would be enough to defeat Naruto or Yuna, right?

Yet again, he was proven wrong when he arrived on the corresponding battlefield. Two legends from the past, Hashirama Senju, the God of Shinobi, and Madara Uchiha, the Ghost of the Uchiha, were fighting on equal terms with Yuna and Naruto.

In front of him was a battlefield he had little confidence in surviving despite having the Kamui, and yet the two people he wanted to capture were actively participating in said battle. Wasn't that a little too laughable?


Another explosion almost shattered the eardrums of everyone watching the battle as a massive black chakra ball that had spinning shuriken-like wind blades surrounding it collided with four gigantic swords.

Yet again, the terrain was changed as wind chakra shredded everything into pieces while four deep gashes appeared on the ground.

Madara and Hashirama gazed at each other for a short moment, and seeing the glint of madness in Madara's eyes, Hashirama could only sigh in resignation.

"*Sigh* Very well, let's do it."

A face splitting grin appeared on Madara's face as he approached Hashirama.

"Are they going to kiss, Naruto?"

[*Urgh* Gonna cut the connection.]

"Ha! I knew there was more to their relationship than it was told in history books."

[Hoho~ So it's like that, huh? What a twist.]

Madara almost tripped when he heard Yuna and Naruto's words but decided to completely ignore them. As soon as Madara's Susanoo and Hashirama's wooden buddha statues were close enough, they fused, forming a gigantic Buddha covered in an Susanoo armor.

Yuna and Naruto's eyes gleamed when they saw that.

"Let's go, Naruto!"


Yuna pointed her right fist at Naruto, causing a broad smile to appear on his face. Naruto lifted his hand as well, and fist-bumped Yuna.

As soon as their fists touched, Kurama's chakra started mixing with each other. Although Yuna's influence had significantly changed the chakra of "her" Kurama, it was still very compatible with Naruto's Kurama since they had the same origin.

Moments later, the two giant foxes vanished, turning into one even bigger fox.

Yet again, the crazy laughter of two people echoed over the battlefield, and the fight was just about to beginn when Madara and Hashirama suddenly started emitting white light. Madara widened his eyes in surprise when he realized what was going on.

"What!? Someone canceled the Edo Tensei!?"

Hearing Madara's words, Yuna's eyes widened in surprise as well as anger started flooding her body.

"What!? Who dares to cock-block this venerable one!?"

Meanwhile, in a faraway location, a sneeze left Anko's mouth.

'Oh? Is someone thinking about me?'

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Very humorous take on the entire reborn into Naruto theme. Have to say it’s a really refreshing sense of humour. Not the typical gags that have been done to death but really surprising original jokes or inspiration taken from somewhere I don’t know haha. The dialogue is great and characters really pop and aren’t cookie cutter shaped exposition or cliches. There’s a satisfying lifestyle they’re living And it’s great. No knowledge of Naruto the series but a whole bunch of outside context powers gathered through years of Xianxia living. Lots of fun situations happened and will probably happen in the future. Great stories like this send me to the authors profile in hopes they’ve written a few more stories haha. Unfortunately this is the first for this profile but hopefully it won’t be the last :)

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Usually, I do not give out pure 5 stars as there is always a little something, that sours the experience for me. This time, however, it's impossible to give anything else! Every aspect of this story is superb. The quality of writing is very nearly flawless with only a minuscule chance of even typos appearing. The development of the story leans on the canon timeline of events. The tiny changes pile up though, and somewhere in the not-so-far future, canon will be wrecked. The characters... Oh god, the characters. Usually, this is where I lower the rating, since you'll either have copied characters from canon or heavily ooc ones. Instead, you'll get a single original character, who believably influences others. That's extremely hard to pull off correctly, but it's done fantastically well here. Updating Stability. We get lot's of chapters to fuel our addiction, nuff said. World Background: Here, I do not only rate the Naruto universe, but also her home dimension. It's been deliciously vague till now. We get snippets of information, that keep us interested but not so much that it feels like an info dump, which is a hard line to toe. Well done! Overall, we get a reinvented universe, a lovable main cast and all around a good feeling while reading this book. 5 stars are very much deserved and well earned! Keep up the good work!

<a title="Reply" data-report-pdt="readerend" data-report-pdid="18923491906741805" data-report-l1="1" data-report-eid="qi_A_reviews" data-report-uiname="reviews" data-report-dt="commentsdetail" data-report-did="20145997906014600" href="/review/18923491906741805/review_detail/20145997906014600"></a><small>1 year ago</small><button type="button"><svg viewBox="0 0 24 24" fill="none" width="20" height="20"><path d="M22 18V8h-6V2h-4l-6 8v12h12a4 4 0 004-4zM4 10H2v12h2V10z" fill="#000"></path></svg><svg viewBox="0 0 24 24" fill="none" width="20" height="20"><path fill-rule="evenodd" clip-rule="evenodd" d="M14 10V4h-1l-5 6.667V20h10a2 2 0 002-2v-8h-6zm8-2v10a4 4 0 01-4 4H6V10l6-8h4v6h6zM4 10H2v12h2V10z" fill="#000"></path></svg></button>29<a title="Review detail" data-report-pdt="readerend" data-report-pdid="18923491906741805" data-report-l1="1" data-report-eid="qi_A_reviews" data-report-uiname="reviews" data-report-dt="commentsdetail" data-report-did="20145997906014600" href="/review/18923491906741805/review_detail/20145997906014600"><button type="button"><svg viewBox="0 0 24 24" fill="none" width="20" height="20"><path fill-rule="evenodd" clip-rule="evenodd" d="M8.223 19.078l.526.235c.99.44 2.09.687 3.251.687a8 8 0 10-8-8c0 1.162.246 2.26.688 3.25l.234.527-.55 3.851 3.851-.55zm-6.208 2.907l.846-5.92A9.965 9.965 0 012 12C2 6.477 6.477 2 12 2s10 4.477 10 10-4.477 10-10 10a9.965 9.965 0 01-4.064-.86l-5.921.845z" fill="#000"></path></svg></button>7</a><a title="Bored_MC" data-report-pdt="readerend" data-report-pdid="18923491906741805" data-report-l1="1" data-report-eid="qi_A_heads" data-report-uiname="heads" data-report-dt="user" data-report-did="4308176403" href="/profile/4308176403?appId=10"><span aria-hidden="true"><svg viewBox="0 0 1024 1024" alt="Bored_MC"><path d="M0 507.17a507.17 507.17 0 1 0 1014.34 0A507.17 507.17 0 1 0 0 507.17z" fill="#BFC8FF"></path><path d="M753.51 816.302C640 772.83 603.773 739.019 603.773 664.15c0-45.887 33.81-31.396 50.717-113.51 7.245-33.81 36.226 0 43.471-79.698 0-31.396-16.905-38.641-16.905-38.641s9.66-45.887 12.075-82.113c2.415-43.472-26.566-156.981-185.962-156.981S318.792 306.717 323.623 352.604c2.415 36.226 12.075 82.113 12.075 82.113s-16.906 7.245-16.906 38.641c4.83 77.284 36.227 43.472 43.472 79.699 14.49 82.113 50.717 67.622 50.717 113.509 0 74.868-36.226 111.094-149.736 152.151-115.924 38.641-190.792 79.698-190.792 108.68V1024h869.434v-96.604c0-28.98-74.868-70.038-188.378-111.094z" fill="#F5F6FD"></path></svg></a>Bored_MCLv4<svg></image></svg><svg viewBox="0 0 24 24" fill="none" width="20" height="20"><path d="M19 8a7.003 7.003 0 01-5.5 6.839V23h-3v-8.161A7 7 0 1119 8zm-7 2a2 2 0 100-4 2 2 0 000 4z" fill="#000"></path></svg><a title="Bored_MC" href="/profile/4308176403?appId=10">Bored_MC</a><span data-hvi="true"><span role="presentation"><svg viewBox="0 0 24 24" fill="none" width="12" height="12"><path d="M12 17.27L18.18 21l-1.64-7.03L22 9.24l-7.19-.62L12 2 9.19 8.62 2 9.24l5.45 4.73L5.82 21 12 17.27z" fill="#000"></path></svg><span role="presentation"><svg viewBox="0 0 24 24" fill="none" width="12" height="12"><path d="M12 17.27L18.18 21l-1.64-7.03L22 9.24l-7.19-.62L12 2 9.19 8.62 2 9.24l5.45 4.73L5.82 21 12 17.27z" fill="#000"></path></svg><span role="presentation"><svg viewBox="0 0 24 24" fill="none" width="12" height="12"><path d="M12 17.27L18.18 21l-1.64-7.03L22 9.24l-7.19-.62L12 2 9.19 8.62 2 9.24l5.45 4.73L5.82 21 12 17.27z" fill="#000"></path></svg><span role="presentation"><svg viewBox="0 0 24 24" fill="none" width="12" height="12"><path d="M12 17.27L18.18 21l-1.64-7.03L22 9.24l-7.19-.62L12 2 9.19 8.62 2 9.24l5.45 4.73L5.82 21 12 17.27z" fill="#000"></path></svg><span role="presentation"><svg viewBox="0 0 24 24" fill="none" width="12" height="12"><path d="M12 17.27L18.18 21l-1.64-7.03L22 9.24l-7.19-.62L12 2 9.19 8.62 2 9.24l5.45 4.73L5.82 21 12 17.27z" fill="#000"></path></svg>

honestly the name and synopsis of this fic is god-awful, and despite having it in my library for a while i could never bring myself to read it cuz i figured itd be terribly disappointing, like strongest talent in naruto, but then i actually read it and even just for the comedy factor alone its great, and despite the MC being a cultivator and so obviously from a CN world, she's not 'Chinese' if you know what i mean, all in all, i read 300 chapters (400k+ words) in 3 days, once i started this i literally, and i cant express this enough, LITERALLY, did not stop reading unless to eat, sleep, or toilet breaks. i just couldnt put it down, the writing is as good as it can be, but the Dialog, OoOOooohh~~ its sooo goooood, honestly the characters feel SO real, its impossible to not be immersed, and despite how this may be difficult to believe by my review so far, but i have quite high standards, yet i love this fic, in spite of the fact that i dont really even like the plot, fics where the MC is a part of narutos generation arent really my cup off tea and yet i love this one because it is just so well written. and finally, Author-san, if youre reading this i want you to know that i spend all my time reading because i hate my life and like this i can escape into the lives of others, and i just want you to know that even if it was only for 3 days, thank you so, so much for letting me feel happy again for a bit :> TL:DR: dont let the title and synopsis deceive you, this story is amazing, at least read the first 2 chapters and you wont be able to put it down

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Here I go shameless 5 Star review. Had this story in my head for quite some time now. I started making notes where I want this to go about two month ago and now im finally bringing it on the screen. This will have a good mix of action, comedy and a little bit of romance, while occasionaly pointing out the weirdness that is the Naruto world. Hope you enjoy it.

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bit.ly/3LyRF1N 💗💗💗💗💗💗💗💗💗💗💗💗💗💗💗💗💗💗💗💗💗💗💗💗💗💗💗💗💗💗💗💗💗💗💗💗💗💗💗💗💗💗💗💗💗💗💗💗💗💗💗💗💗💗💗💗💗💗💗💗💗💗💗💗💗💗💗💗💗💗💗💗💗💗💗💗💗💗

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I never thought that I would see a cultivator naruto fanfic that is worth reading. All things considered I would love to dump some PWR Stones to this fanfic. But 15k words which should of be met or maybe it needs ten reviews. Can you post multiple reviews for one book / fanfic?

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Let All Mongrels Who Read This Know, That This Fanfiction Has This King's Stamp Of Approval. .................................................................................................................................................

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