When Tao Zi finished stating this problem, he was already very clear in his heart. There was no explosion for no reason. In this case, his brother was more or less unlucky.

Chen Yuyue's silence made Taozi realize the seriousness of the problem. He knew that all this was irreparable.

"Didn't you say you were going to help check my boat... Why? Why didn't the inspection find out the danger?" Tao Zi was hoarse: "why... I trust you so much. If it weren't for you, maybe he wouldn't be killed if he didn't need to come back... It's all because of you... You... You're murderers!"

"Tao Zi, don't talk nonsense!" Zhao Xiaoyao won't let him wrong the third brother: "we took it down on the ship * it's still in our hands now! If your brother listens to us and goes right away, there will be no accident. He betrayed us, and he recruited those people back! He killed himself! He doesn't believe us, but believes those people, he's just...!"

Zhao Xiaoyao didn't say it.

At this time, Tao Zi's mood must be very unstable, and Zhao Xiaoyao shouldn't stimulate him anymore.

Chen Yuyue is much calmer than Zhao Xiaoyao: "Tao Zi, we will give you a truth and an answer. We will avenge your brother."

"Why should I believe you? I don't... from now on, I want to make a clear relationship with you. If it weren't for you, there would be no accident!" Tao Zi shook his head: "we just make a little money. We won't cause such a thing at all. Why... Why did you bother us!"

Tao Zi then hung up the phone heavily.

Chen Yuyue silently put down his mobile phone: "we have been betrayed. Now their people know that we are on Weidao. From now on, we must be cautious in every step."

"That bastard thing." Zhao Xiaoyao is really speechless. He just killed himself and sold them all. What's the matter? "We shouldn't have believed that bastard at the beginning. We should have knocked him out and locked him up somewhere. In that case, he won't have a chance to sell us if he wants to sell us."

"Even if you really lock him up, ye Lei's people will notice our presence if they can't find him." Chen Yuyue said faintly: "it's true that you can protect his life... But it's too late to regret now."

"There's nothing to regret, just his kind of villain who goes back on his word. It's not worth dying." Zhao Xiaoyao still resents their betrayal.

Those who betray their brothers and friends deserve to die. This is something they hate very much.

"Well, I know you are unhappy, but this kind of thing is often forced." Chen Yuyue patted Zhao Xiaoyao on the shoulder: "if you think from his point of view, you will understand that he also has his difficulties."

"The difficulty? It's for money." Zhao Xiaoyao said, "people's hearts are not enough. Snakes swallow elephants. If they weren't greedy for money, they wouldn't be used so easily."

"It's still because the country is poor... Or because the country can't give people some basic security. Of course, people without a sense of security will desperately want to make more money." Chen Yuyue waved his hand.

Such words are only suitable for those corrupt officials, not for the common people.

Some corrupt people are millions and tens of millions, and they have received hundreds of millions of stolen money and stolen goods. They are absolutely damn bastards. What can they do if they hide so much money? They don't bring life or death. Their identity and status can be guaranteed by the best living standard, the best medical security, and even their children and grandchildren can get the best educational conditions, They can get a lot of things. Why are they greedy for money?

This is really vulgar!

However, these people living at the bottom are different. Their living standard is far lower than that of the big leaders who can eat Shanghai ginseng abalone every day. They are ill and disaster, and even can't afford medicine. Their children can only make do with school, and their educational conditions can even be described as poor.

Under such conditions and circumstances, can they not want money?

Chen Yuyue absolutely understands the mentality of such people. He knows why these people want money so hard because they have no sense of security.

Only money can bring them a sense of security, and only money can give them the most common protection.

Chen Yuyue and his colleagues have been able to find out these clues smoothly all the way. It is also because of this. They know that no one is short of money, so it is the easiest to take money to open the way.

Especially now in this crazy society where online celebrities show off their wealth, the psychology of too many people has been distorted. They have been changed by those distorted values and distorted world outlook. Even people with good living standards begin to feel that they are living too poor.

Look at the life of those who show off their wealth and online popularity, they feel unfair. Why do those people get money and become rich by making a mess of things on the Internet, but they are tired and tired of making contributions to this society, but they can only get a little meager income?

Collapse of values!

How many teenagers in this country have their values collapsed!

How many people will make more contributions to the country and society as something worth showing off?

No! Little pity! The vast majority of young people whose minds are not yet mature have their values destroyed by some random thoughts today. They no longer think about how they want to become a useful person for this country and society, and what they can do in the future to promote social progress.

Many people want to be a net star, easily get money, and then be a star, drive a sports car, live in a luxury house. If they have nothing to do, they will go abroad for tourism and vacation

The mentality of the vast majority of young people has become a "hedonic" mentality, which is rare even for young people in many developed countries.

You know how many years China was founded? Compared with many developed countries in Europe and America, China is still too young!

Such a young country breeds a large number of young people with a "hedonic" mentality. What future does this country have?

It is said that a strong youth makes a strong country. Now let the star benefit become "a young mother is a national Mother"!

The anchor with three wrong views has hollowed out the time of countless teenagers, hollowed out the ideals of countless teenagers, and hollowed out the future of this country.

The correct values and world outlook have become more and more distorted. Chen Yuyue doesn't know what he should do to change all this. In addition, some online novels with distorted outlook on life are also spreading in this country, but the so-called relevant departments don't know to quickly put these things out in the cradle.

When this country is crazy, it may be too late to solve it. The cauliflower is cold, and the thoughts of a whole generation have been poisoned.

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