"I'm afraid the weather is like the mood against the scales, getting more and more gloomy." Fengfei QiuHuang still didn't let Su Qing leave her room on the top floor of the hotel.

There are police investigation and evidence collection on all floors below. Only the top floor is not disturbed. Fengfei courtship naturally won't let the police see Su Qing. After all, Su Qing is their system. In case anything happens that she can't control, she must try to avoid that unnecessary trouble.

"Do you know what will happen next in this gloomy weather?" Su Qing stares at Feng Fei coldly. She has been tit for tat with this woman for a long time.

Su Qing hasn't been out since she was brought into the room. Someone has been guarding the door. There are at least ten men who can fight in the room. Su Qing has no chance at all.

"Of course I know, the storm." Feng Fei asked her mate with a smile: "do you want to say that the inverse scale will hit me like a storm and give me a heavy blow?"

"Hum." Su Qing just gave a cold Snort and turned her head to ignore Feng Fei's request for a mate.

"Miss Su, I can tell you very clearly that when I am prepared, let alone a storm, I am not afraid of even a typhoon and hurricane." Fengfei QiuHuang shook her head: "I really hope to face a storm. I have been idle for too long. Now I hope someone can bring me a little stimulation."

Su Qing gnashes her teeth and stares at Feng Fei for her mate: "Chen Yuyue will never let you down."

"Don't be too confident in him." Feng Fei shrugged and spread his hand: "maybe he doesn't have so much confidence in himself now. Who gives you confidence?"

"He never let me down." Su Qing's confidence in Chen Yuyue is still 100 percent: "you can't do anything to him."

"I never thought about what I could do to him." Feng Fei nodded and admitted: "If inverse scale is so easy to deal with, my people won't invite you here by all means. When you were in Tianhai, they didn't think less about you. It's a pity that you have been in Tianhai all the time, and they don't have a chance. Thank you for giving us this opportunity to spend a holiday in my hotel."

It hurts to tell the truth.

Why is it so inch! Why is it so unlucky?

It's not Su Qing's fault. It's Chen Yuyue's fault for booking such a hotel.

But if it's really strange to Chen Yuyue, it's no wonder that Chen Yuyue does everything for Su Qing. If she doesn't take care of Su Qing's mood, she won't come here for vacation.

"Miss Su, do you regret it now?" Feng Fei begged her husband. Every time she saw Su Qing's helpless expression, she would gloat over it: "there's no way, this is life."

"Yes, this is life." Su Qing stares at Feng Fei to ask for her mate: "but now it's not time to make a final decision. She laughs and says that the last person is not necessarily you."

Feng Fei's courtship disapproved: "I really don't want to blow your little hope, just a little more fantasy."

"This is not a fantasy!" Su Qing insisted.

When Feng Fei asked for her mate, she couldn't see anyone so tough in front of her: "isn't it a fantasy? Well, I tell you, inverse scale will find a way to sneak into the hotel after the storm at night."

"Don't think you know him very well." Su Qing said, "in fact, you don't know him."

"Well, let's make a bet, Miss Su. If he really appears in this hotel as I guessed, you will cooperate with me and let inverse scale listen to her sister." Feng Fei asked her husband with a sneer.

Su Qing glared, "what if you guessed wrong!"

"Then I'll let you go unconditionally!" Feng Fei asked her husband to pat the table on the spot and said, "I'll do what I say."

"Well, that's what you said. Let's wait. After the coming storm is over, our gambling will be over." Su Qing said, "if Chen Yuyue doesn't show up after the storm, let me leave here unconditionally."

Feng Fei nodded and without hesitation agreed to Su Qing: "OK, that's it."

She just has this self-confidence, because it suits the best opportunity!

Fengfei QiuHuang believes that if he doesn't take advantage of the storm, he won't have any chance to break through the police blockade, which is actually the reason why Fengfei QiuHuang will let the police come to the hotel to investigate the murder.

She has made all the preparations. She knows there will be a storm today. She knows everything. That's why she made such an arrangement, which can reduce her time to watch out for Chen Yuyue.

As long as we wait until the storm comes and Fengfei asks everyone to be vigilant, we can have 100% trust to resist the impact.

"You'd better do what you say!" Su Qing said strongly.

"I always do what I say, but what I'm worried about now is whether he can see you smoothly." Fengfei begged her husband with a smile: "if he wants to enter but is solved by my people before he comes in, I'm afraid Miss Su can't leave."

"Impossible!" Su Qing denied.

Feng Fei has the final say, "smile," and he took out his mobile phone: "is it possible that you didn't have the final say?"

When the voice fell, she dialed Ruan Qiang.

At this time, Fengfei QiuHuang feels that there is no need for Ruan Qiang to hide Ye Lei. Some things should be made clear.

When the phone was connected, Feng Fei asked her husband to wait for the other end of the phone to speak, so she directly ordered: "Please help me inform Ye Lei now. Take all his people to the monsoon Hotel and try every means to prevent inverse scale from sneaking into the hotel. By the way, Tell ye Lei that if he can catch inverse scale alive, he still has a chance to stay in his position. If you catch inverse scale alive, you can replace him immediately."

However, ye Lei's voice came over the phone: "miss Fengfei, your people are really deep enough."

Feng Fei heard Ye Lei's voice when she asked for her mate, but she didn't mean any panic or tension: "Ye Lei... Hehe, it's just that I'll notify you directly."

"If you want to inform me, why do you call Arun?" Ye Lei said: "do you want to continue to explain?"

"I don't seem to have the need to explain to you?" Feng Fei frowned. "Although you try every means to climb up and even use me at all costs, you haven't been in the top position yet. Don't forget your identity. I don't need to explain anything to you."

Ye Lei takes a cold breath: "Yes, yes, miss Fengfei really doesn't need to explain anything to me. I'm loyal to you for so many years. You've been using me to practice power restriction with me and two or three other guys. Now they're dead and finished, leaving me. You can't control it and want to destroy me... You're so powerful, how dare I ask you to explain to me. But I don't know Every act and every move you make sit up and take notice of your eyes. You know, "Miss Feng Fei, I really look at you with a different view."

Feng Fei asks for his wife, but she just throws Lin Lei four words: "just know."

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