An intriguing internal competition ended with the phone hanging up.

Su Qing sneered at Feng Fei's courtship: "the mob is the mob. There will never be a lack of infighting."

"Miss Su, don't think you know me very well." Feng Fei asked her husband to put down her mobile phone: "my men are not qualified to fight with me. Do you know why I should annoy him?"

"I'm not interested to know." Su Qing doesn't want to hear Feng Fei's explanation. Every time the woman speaks, she has a sense of pride, as if everything is under her control. This strength makes Su Qing feel sick.

Fengfei never meant to respect Su Qing's wishes. Despite Su Qing's refusal, she continued: "if I don't annoy him, inverse scale will have less trouble. I need someone to bring some trouble to inverse scale, so I have to do so."

"Don't do this!" Su Qing snorted, "don't think I didn't understand. It's clear that the informant you arranged for your hand has been exposed. Now you are betrayed."

"It's impossible to talk about betrayal." Feng Fei asked her husband to shake her head: "but what you heard is true, but my adaptability is also true. Miss Su, you especially like to deny my ability. Ha ha, it's because of jealousy?"

"I will envy you?" Su Qing was speechless. "You think too much. Now I just want to tell you that you think you can plan strategies, but you may not get anything in the end."

Feng Fei asked for her mate with a smile: "of course, there will be this possibility."

"Just know," Su Qing glared. "Justice must win in the end."

"Miss Su, it's a philosophical question. Justice must win in the end? Hehe, that's because the person who wins in the end will always tell the world that he is justice." Feng Fei asks for his wife: "the person who wins may not be justice, and the person who wins will certainly regard justice as justice, so all people will think that justice will always win in the end."

Su Qing sneered: "strong arguments are unreasonable."

"I find that you people always like to talk about justice, and one of my most annoying words is' justice will not be absent '... This sentence is really funny." Feng Fei asked her husband to wave his hand: "Your so-called justice is always late. If you finally solve a person, you will jump out and shout that you won't be absent, but how many people haven't been punished by justice? Hehe, maybe goodness limits your imagination. You don't know the evil and dirt everywhere, so you will believe your so-called justice."

"I'm too lazy to reason with people like you." Su Qing doesn't want to hear these fallacies!

But Feng Fei thought she had won: "if Miss Su is not convinced, she can come to me to argue at any time."

"There's nothing to argue with people like you." Su Qing also put on an indifferent posture: "you just need to know that you will pay the price. I bet you will be punished by justice. Dare you?"

"Interesting." Feng Fei asked her husband and wife nodded: "I really appreciate you more and more. How nice if we were friends?"

"I'll never make friends with people like you." Su Qingyi said, "you just want to be blind."

Fengfei's courtship didn't mind Su Qing's sarcasm: "if the person I admire can't become my friend, I can only destroy it myself... Miss Su, I promise you will become my friend, hehe, and you are still a good friend."

At this moment, an extremely evil idea came out of the bottom of Feng Fei's heart.

It's not difficult to control a person to become a puppet around her. Just inject a new drug developed by Dr. Ji. The new drug can make people completely forget their identity and be willing to become a slave to their master

"You like daydreaming. I can't control it." Su Qing turned her face again to make her out of sight and out of mind.

"Whether I'm daydreaming or not will be known soon." Feng Fei asked her husband not to care: "look at the weather, the storm is coming soon."

At the moment, a strong wind has blown out of the window, and the branches are blowing like seaweed. The sunny day that was clear an hour ago is now covered with dark clouds.

The dark clouds are very thick. It seems that lightning is hidden inside. As long as God gives an order, those lightning and rainstorm will smash into the world.

Feng Fei couldn't wait for the storm to come earlier. How she hoped that the gloomy sky would be split by lightning in the next second.

However, some people do not want the storm to come, let alone the heavy dark clouds drilled by lightning.

"Brother Lei! I beg you to let me go. I swear I will be loyal to you in the future. I won't dare to have two hearts again!" Ruan Qiang begged hoarsely when he saw Ye Lei walking up the roof again.

However, ye Lei walked up to him without any expression, motioned Gou Feng to put the chair in front of Ruan Qiang, and then sat down silently.

"Brother Lei! I beg you!" Ruan Qiang struggled with all his strength to make himself kneel on the ground. The binding of Shi Hu made his joints difficult to move, so it was amazing that he could kneel.

Ye Lei looks at Shi Hu and doesn't say a word.

Shi Hu saw his meaning in Ye Lei's eyes, bowed his head and explained: "brother Lei, I definitely didn't leave him any mercy. The person who betrayed you has no mercy for me. He can still struggle these times. It's really just that his desire to win is too strong..."

Lin Lei waved his hand: "OK, I don't blame you."

"Yes." Shi Hu then retreated behind Ye Lei.

"Brother Lei, give me a chance. I swear I won't let you regret it!" Ruan Qiang was terrified. Every second he worried about the thunder from the sky running through his body: "as long as you let me go this time, my life will always belong to you! I don't hesitate to go up the knife mountain and down the oil pan!"

Ye Lei looked at Ruan Qiang expressionless: "I have no other requirements. Since you are willing to give me this life, let me see if you have a life to live today. If your life is hard, I won't give you a chance, but if your life is short, it's no wonder me."

Ruan Qiang shook his head desperately, but he couldn't say what he wanted to say.

"I've made it clear with Fengfei to ask for a mate." Ye Lei continued: "it doesn't make any sense to me whether you are dead or alive. Even if you go to ask for a mate with Fengfei in the future, it doesn't pose any threat to me. If I win the inverse scale this time, I can be on an equal footing with Fengfei to ask for a mate. If I can't, I will be trampled on by Fengfei's asking for a mate all my life..."

Ruan Qiang seemed to have grasped the straw: "brother Lei, as long as you are willing to give me a chance, I promise I will help you win the scale! I will let you win the credit in Miss Fengfei's hand! Brother Lei, you are now in the moment of employment. Give me a chance and I will prove that your decision is correct!"

Ye Lei said nothing and looked at Ruan Qiang with a faint smile.

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