
It is also one of the four fierce beasts in the Chinese legend. As the old saying goes, the emperor of the South China Sea is Hu, the emperor of the North Sea is Hu, and the emperor of the center is chaos.

In fact, the legend is quite interesting. For example, these four evils have a origin. It is said that this chaos is transformed by the resentment after the death of zandou, while the poverty and wonder as famous as it is transformed by the resentment after the death of Gonggong, Taowu is transformed by the resentment after the death of Zan, and Taotie is transformed by the resentment after the death of Sanmiao.

Who is this cuddle? It's a figure in ancient legends. It's said that he was exiled to Chongshan by Shun because he made trouble with him.

The three Miao, kudou, Gonggong and Kui are the four legendary sins. One of the achievements of Emperor Shun among the three emperors and five emperors is to pacify the four sins.

It is recorded in the book of the five emperors that Huan Dou offered advice to work together. Yao said that it was impossible to try the engineers and work together. Yao thought it was impossible for the four mountains to control the flood. Yue Qiang asked him to try it. It was useless to try, so it was inconvenient for the people. Sanmiao was in chaos in Jianghuai and Jingzhou, so Shun returned to the emperor and asked them to work together in Youling, to change Beidi, to put huandou in Chongshan, to change Nanman, to move Sanmiao to Sanwei, to change Xirong, to change Yushan, to change Dongyi, and to serve the world with four sins!

Obviously, the predecessor of chaos, tuodou, is not a positive role, but Zhao Xiaoyao doesn't care at all. What he wants is the momentum of this title!

What we want is the momentum of swallowing heaven and earth!

"There is a beast in the west of Kunlun. It looks like a dog with long hair and four feet. It looks like a cat without claws. It can't see without eyes. It can't move. It can't hear with two ears. Some people are intelligent, have a belly without five Zang, have a straight intestines without rotation, and pass by. It's called chaos. Living empty and doing nothing, he often turns his tail and looks up to the sky and laughs." Zhao Xiaoyao didn't finish this paragraph, and the unpleasant part was shielded by himself.

But Feng Fei has read many books and knows a little about Zhao Xiaoyao's words: "why don't you say two sentences in the middle? People have virtue and go against it, and those with fierce virtue rely on it."

Zhao Xiaoyao cut angrily. These two sentences are not good words. Of course he doesn't want to say them.

"People who have virtue will resist it, and those who have evil virtue will rely on it." Fengfei QiuHuang stressed again: "it sounds like you are more like me, ha ha ha."

"Dream!" Zhao Xiaoyao said unhappily, "don't look at your laughter now. You'll cry later."

"OK, come on, tell me what you can do to make me cry." Fengfei QiuHuang suddenly took out a needle of injected liquid in her hand and put it directly on Su Qing's jugular vein.

Let's not say what the liquid in the syringe is, but it's very dangerous to hurt the jugular vein.

It is well known that the main function of veins is to regulate the volume of vascular system and collect blood back to the atrium. The jugular vein is the pipeline for blood from the head to the heart. Once it is broken, if the wound is large, blood will splash. If the injured cannot be treated in time, he will die within a few minutes. Even if the wound is small, if he cannot be treated in time, he will still be life-threatening!

Feng Fei's quest for a mate directly took the key, obviously trying to give Chen Yuyue a blow.

"Don't mess around. You know our purpose very well. Our purpose is pure. We are here to save people, so she is the only chip in your hand." Chai Badou talked about the conditions with Fengfei QiuHuang very clearly.

Although they are well aware that Fengfei's courtship is now delaying time and waiting for manpower, when Su Qing's life is threatened, they still have to cooperate with Fengfei's delay.

"Yes, she is really the only chip in my hand." Feng Fei asked her husband with a smile: "that's why I am qualified to say conditions in front of you. If I don't have this chip, will you come?"

"What do you want?" Chen Yuyue said, "let me tell you for you. You want me to listen to you, go with you and replace me, right?"

"Counter scale, you are very smart." Feng Fei asks for her mate. There is nothing she doesn't dare admit: "from the beginning to now, you know our purpose very well."

"It's very clear." Chen Yuyue said, "to them, your orders can be killed without amnesty, but to me, you want to live?"

Feng Fei was stunned and didn't directly answer Chen Yuyue's question: "today, either you stay, or Miss Su stays, or you all stay. You can only choose one of the three results."

Zhao Xiaoyao bah: "who gives you confidence?"

"It's absolutely impossible for you to leave." Feng Fei asked her to shake her head. "If you cooperate, I'll send Miss Su back to Tianhai safely. If you don't cooperate, it's easy for me to come in and not so easy to go out."

"Whether we can stay depends on your ability." Chen Yuyue said coldly: "put down the things in your hand first."

Fengfei QiuHuang knows what Chen Yuyue is worried about, so she will not put down the things in her hand. She will not put down, but also explain to Chen Yuyue what kind of medicine the things in her hand are.

"Counter scale, do you know what the medicine in my hand is?" Feng Fei asked her mate with a smile.

"I'm not interested." Chen Yuyue refused.

"It doesn't matter if you're not interested. I can tell you. In fact, it's not a big deal." Feng Fei asked her husband: "You people in the dragon group are well-informed. Have you seen many people about gene fusion and mutation? Oh, by the way, you killed a wolf under Cheng Bu's hand. But I haven't found out where the wolf was hidden by you up to now."

The man wolf said that he was taken away by long Yueling. Chen Yuyue remembered it very clearly.

About the mutant of these gene fusion, it is really a challenge for Chen Yuyue, a current situation that makes him uneasy.

"Aren't you the organization that has been studying these things?" Chen Yuyue said coldly: "give you a word. If you don't do it, you won't die. Everything you do will be watched by God and will be punished."

"I don't care." without thinking about it, Feng Fei blurted out: "retribution is retribution, but at least not yet."

"The later the retribution comes, the heavier it will be." Chen Yuyue is vaguely worried about whether their organization has done more things in recent years.

Gene fusion mutants are a potential hidden danger for ordinary people, because they are not a "person" at all at some time. How can such a "person" and ordinary people live in the same world without danger? Of course, it is dangerous!

To some extent, the more these hidden dangers, the more terrible they will be when they finally break out.

If such hidden dangers cannot be controlled, the world is really too dangerous. This threat will spread over time and exist around everyone.

Chen Yuyue must solve this problem, which will be the most troublesome problem for their dragon group in the future.

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