Feng Fei's courtship suddenly smiled with a very exaggerated smile: "human civilization? This is the most hypocritical place of mankind!"

"You are also human, how can you say such words." Chen Yuyue really can't understand Feng Fei's idea of courtship.

"What I hate most is you hypocritical people. Don't talk about civilization! I tell you, human beings have done far more barbaric things than civilized things in the history of this planet!" Fengfei QiuHuang suddenly became a little hysterical: "Also, don't think the civilization you see is really civilized. There are too many people who do all kinds of despicable things in the cloak of human civilization. Human beings are evil! Understand?"

The debate about whether human nature is good or evil has always existed in this society.

Of course, as a Chinese, it is right to learn that "human nature is good at the beginning of human life", but the saying that human nature is evil has always existed. There is no doubt that existence exists.

"It's not for you or me to talk about human nature, but I can responsibly tell you that compared with the barbarians in ancient times, human beings can have today's' civilized world 'is definitely not evolved overnight, but has experienced countless events." Chen Yuyue said: "I admit that once barbarism did exist, but I will not deny the current civilization."

The barbaric age is also a history that mankind must recognize.

It was a primitive clan society. If there were no barbaric age, there would not be today's human society. That is the beginning of the formation of the so-called society.

Some philosophers said that human beings began with animals. In order to get rid of the state of animals, human beings initially used barbaric, almost animal like means. This is the historical truth.

But when human beings get rid of animal state, they should no longer use animal barbarism to solve problems.

"Civilization, ha ha..." Feng QiuHuang disdained Chen Yuyue's word: "the development history of human civilization is always accompanied by blood and war... Isn't it?"

Chen Yuyue was stunned: "I admit that the bloody and inhuman massacre is an unavoidable darkness in human history. This is the sadness of civilization and human nature."

"Then I'll tell you, barbarism has nothing to do with the level of civilization!" Feng Fei said angrily: "The Nazi anti human atrocity of slaughtering Jews is a massacre in the history of human civilization! This most painful evil act in the history of human civilization actually occurred in advanced Europe in the 20th century and advanced Germany in the 20th century - the region that took the lead in bathing the wave of industrialization and marked the highest level of human civilization!"

Feng Fei's words made Chen Yuyue unable to refute.

No way, he had to admit that there was no doomed relationship between civilization and barbarism.

"The power of Soviet Russia originated from absolute power, but the consequences are much more serious than corruption! The execution of more than 100000 people and the death of millions of people can change the organizational form and foundation of a country, distort a country's culture and spirit, and lead to the solution of a country. This is also the modern history of the civilized world!" Feng Fei said coldly.

Chen Yuyue is still unable to refute this. Absolute power will bring absolute corruption.

After 70 years of time, the layers of fog that once shrouded that era finally dissipated, revealing the true face of human nature

"Barbarism also collides with civilization. One side of civilization is always weak! The victory must be barbarism!" Feng Fei said more and more excitedly: "Facing the Mongolian cavalry who galloped thousands of miles into the uninhabited territory, the Abbasid Dynasty, which had dominated Western Asia for 500 years in the mid-13th century, was also at a dead end. After reluctantly resisting a few moves due to the glory of their ancestors, they surrendered and waited for the largest massacre in ancient history. The huge body of an empire fell to the ground and the glory cast by the conqueror with iron blood Huang destroyed everything! Butcher city! Only human beings can do such things! "

"The famous battle in Baghdad was indeed a tragedy in human history, but more than a hundred years later, the once strong conquerors were assimilated by the culture of the 'conquered'. Force can destroy life, but can not conquer culture." Chen Yuyue said: "human civilization will not disappear, but will become stronger and stronger."

"Let me ask you, what about the Japanese massacre of Jinling?" Feng Fei asked for his wife.

Chen Yuyue was stunned.

This is a very sensitive topic for a Chinese.

Chen Yuyue, in particular, could not forgive the Japanese for their evil deeds in China.

This is the pain destined to be remembered by hundreds of millions of Chinese people for generations!

Because it was an inhumane massacre!

It also occurred in modern human society with a high degree of civilization.

Of course, this is also destined to be an unavoidable shame for the Japanese!

Because the cause of this incident was only to destroy the Chinese people's belief in the war of resistance against Japan.

However... It is really puzzling that such violent anti civilization acts should come from Japanese people who are deeply infiltrated by Chinese culture and bow to everyone.

"The Japanese are rooted in the undeveloped animal nature of the soul." Chen Yuyue said word by word: "To some extent, those slaughterers are not human at all. They are just a group of animals in human skin. Up to now, there are still a group of animals in human skin in that land. There is no way. The race is so rotten. There are animal habits in its bones, which can not evolve clean in a short time."

Feng Fei asked her mate with a sneer: "you have a prejudice against Japanese people."

"It's normal for any Chinese to have prejudices against the Japanese, or 'should', because they mutilated our ancestors without repentance. They still worship those murderous demons on the land of China. Why don't I have prejudices against them?" Chen Yuyue asked.

To tell the truth, Chen Yuyue not only has prejudice, but also has great prejudice.

In the Jinggui shrine dedicated to war criminals, almost every Japanese is quite devout and religious. Their respect for those war criminals comes from their bones. Few Chinese people take off their hats and bow when facing the monument to the people's heroes, but in the damn Jinggui shrine in Japan, every Japanese regards those war criminals as their national heroes, That is admiration and respect from the bone!

So Chen Yuyue will never change his prejudice against Japan.

Unless one day the Japanese can know their mistakes as sincerely as the Germans!

After the surrender, Germany can put down its arrogant attitude and admit its mistake to the countries afflicted by its own aggression. The eternal kneeling of prime minister Brandt in front of the Jewish monument in Warsaw is enough to see their attitude. The supreme leader can bend his knees on the floor in the cold wind and become the strongest expression of apology in Europe for more than a thousand years!

What about the Japanese?

Every generation of damn prime ministers kneel down in front of those war criminals to protect their promotion and wealth. If they can kneel down and kowtow three times in front of the monument to the people's heroes, Chen Yuyue really dares to throw away their prejudices.

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