Ten minutes later, he returned to Chen Yuyue by himself.

Seeing that Chen Yuyue's situation was very bad, he said with concern, "are you all right?"

"OK." Chen Yuyue nodded: "where is he?"

"Run away." Cong Xiao is very helpless. His biggest disadvantage is his speed. No wonder he is so big. Even if he is at the same speed as others, the wind resistance will be greater and make him slower.

At least among the big men Chen Yuyue knew, the speed from the owl was not slow.

"Why are you here?" Chen Yuyue smiled faintly: "investigate me?"

The owl was stunned for a moment, didn't answer directly, but tried to change the topic: "do you know the Siamese just now?"

"I didn't take the initiative to approach your eldest lady." Chen Yuyue didn't follow the topic of the owl and continued his words: "I don't want to guess the identity of Miss Zhao, and I don't want to guess your identity, but you believe that if I want to guess, I can guess."

The owl never spoke.

Chen Yuyue continued: "if you think I'm dangerous, just tell Miss Zhao directly. Don't let her close to me or my barbecue shop."

"You think we will bring you trouble." Cong Xiao's words are very direct and sharp.

Chen Yuyue nodded: "I'm happy to make you two friends, but if you can't treat me as a friend, there's no need to pretend. If it's a friend, I don't care if there's any trouble, but if not, I certainly don't want the people around me to be involved."

"Then can you tell me what 'inverse scale' means?" Cong Xiao looked at Chen Yuyue seriously.

"You know," Chen Yuyue said directly, "I don't need to say more."

"There are two kinds of people with code names." Cong Xiao still stared at Chen Yuyue: "in my eyes, these two kinds of people, one is their own, and the other..."

At this point, the owl never went on.

Chen Yuyue helped him add: "the other is the people you will kill."

"What kind are you?" although Congxiao has his own judgment, he is not sure. In fact, he won't directly believe when he asks Chen Yuyue now, but he just wants to ask and listen to what Chen Yuyue will say.

"You don't intend to believe me, so I don't need to answer you." Chen Yuyue said faintly: "thank you for today's thing. I must pay back this favor."

From the owl is still the serious poker face: "how can you return it?"

"Now I don't know." Chen Yuyue shook his head: "but I know that if Zhao Weitong goes to school in Tianhai City, you will always protect her closely, which means that there will be danger around her. Otherwise, it's not worth your time to protect her."

From the owl frowned, Chen Yuyue was very smart, smarter than he thought.

"I believe I have a chance to repay your favor, and I'm afraid I'll have more than one chance." Chen Yuyue smiled: "unless we're all so unlucky and hang up the first time we get into trouble."

"It's not impossible." Cong Xiao's voice was very calm: "Chen Yuyue, although I don't know who you are, I hope Zhao Weitong and I don't read your character wrong. I don't need you to return my favor today. I just hope you can promise me one thing."

"You say." Chen Yuyue slowly took out the cigarette from his pocket and lit it, and then handed the cigarette and lighter to the owl.

From the owl waved his hand and said, "I just hope you can promise me that if something happens to me in Tianhai, you can help me take care of her for the time being."

"If you don't tell me, I will." Chen Yuyue replied quite simply: "although you don't regard me as a friend, I can see that Miss Zhao sincerely makes me a friend."

Bow your head from the owl.

"That's why you follow me." Chen Yuyue smiled and continued, "because you have to make sure whether the friend Miss Zhao wants to make is someone she can make."

"Yes. That's right." the owl no longer denied it.

Chen Yuyue looked at the slave owl and uttered a slightly disdainful hum: "she is much smarter than you. Even if you can read the wrong person, she won't read the wrong person."

"Are you sticking gold on your face?" the owl looked at Chen Yuyue disdainfully.

Chen Yuyue laughed a few times: "I said you're not smart enough to be obedient and can't hear the point."

"Then you'd better understand what I'm going to say. Do you need me to send you back." Congxiao doesn't want to talk to Chen Yuyue anymore. He has some pharyngitis. Smelling the smoke will make him feel very uncomfortable.

Chen Yuyue waved his hand: "then you can drive. You can't play with me, can you hold the princess?"

The owl shook his head angrily: "then you'll find a way to go back by yourself."

"You can't even drive the car?" Chen Yuyue said nothing. He took out his mobile phone and called a didi: "it's better to beg yourself than to beg others."

Seeing that he can still call a car from the owl, his mouth is also very hard. He thinks he has no problem and is too lazy to worry: "Chen Yuyue, I know you must have something to do with the man who escaped, but I will check him. When I find out him, I can guess your identity."

"Then you just check me directly." Chen Yuyue said, "if you insist on checking him, I can't stop it, but I remind you, I'm not sure if I know him."

"Then why do you call him 'Naga'?" seeing from the owl that didi express hasn't come yet, he asked again.

Chen Yuyue pretended to be a fool and said, "did I call him? I just asked him if he knew 'Naga', I didn't call him that."

"Why do you ask?"

"Just want to make sure if he is Siamese." Chen Yuyue almost choked the owl to death. Fools can see that he is Siamese! Do you need to ask?

"I don't have time to talk to you." Cong Xiao shook his head: "I will find out."

Siamese people must not be ordinary people who use "Naga" as their code. You know, "Naga" is the patron saint of Siam, just like the Chinese dragon.

Moreover, from the fact that the owl has fought with each other, we know how extraordinary his skill is. Even if this guy seems to have something wrong in his mind, his shot is terrible in terms of speed and power.

This Siamese master is by no means an ordinary person. For the owl who is sensitive to everything now, it is definitely a dangerous person.

At this time, Didi express finally came. Chen Yuyue said goodbye and got on the bus directly.

The owl watched the car leave, and then disappeared into the darkness.


Chen Yuyue returned home again, and several girls slept quietly.

But he couldn't sleep after lying in bed. If the chakun appeared today is really Naga, who he once met on Vancouver Island, why did he become like this?

In terms of Naga's position in the Siamese team at that time and his skill and strength, he was definitely the sharp edge of the Siamese country. How could he be reduced to being a killer in China?

This is what Chen Yuyue can't figure out.

Does he think too much? Chakun can't be the Naga he knows?

This problem made Chen Yuyue unable to sleep over and over, and he was also worried that he would be attacked after the owl found chakun.

Now Chen Yuyue can basically determine Miss Zhao's extraordinary identity and what kind of identity the owl is.

Therefore, if the owl thinks that chakun has threatened Miss Zhao's security or China's land security, he has the right to do what he thinks is right.

In order to determine whether chakun is Naga, Chen Yuyue desperately recalls what happened on Vancouver Island.

There are too many memories on that ravine and wooded island.

Of course, they are not going to Victoria City in British Columbia on the island. They are going to the no man's land on the west coast. There are deep mountains and forests everywhere. All kinds of black bears and gray wolves can be seen everywhere.

It's good to say in the face of black bears. After all, they are not social animals. It's easy to deal with more people, and black bears will be easier to scare away.

But the gray wolves on that island are really not annoying social predators.

Chen Yuyue clearly remembered that the biggest wolf group they met had more than 30 gray wolves!

After thinking for a long time, Chen Yuyue failed to connect chakun's face with Naga's face.

In fact, he wants chakun to be Naga, but he doesn't want chakun to be Naga, which is very tangled.

Perhaps Chen Yuyue was too tired to fall asleep.


Chen Yuyue is asleep, but chakun who escaped from the owl is still wandering in the street.

From the owl's heavy fist, chakun's whole ears are still ringing. Many pictures that he seems to remember and have no impression continue to flash in his originally empty mind!

Sometimes he doesn't even know who he is, and sometimes he doesn't know where he is!

He doesn't know why he came to China, why he stood on the streets of Tianhai City, and why he just attacked the Chinese man named Chen Yuyue.

Chakun wanted to know all this, but he didn't know who to ask.

Unconsciously, he walked back to a folk house. He had no impression of it, but he had the key here. He could open the door and go in.

The room was full of familiar things, but I don't know why, he felt that these familiar things were strange.

He doesn't know why he knows he lives here. His head hurts. Whenever he wants to think of something, his mind will become blank!

In this way, chakun struggled until it was almost dawn before he finally fell asleep.

He has even forgotten to make an appointment with his boss. He will report immediately after the work is done, and then the boss will arrange for him to leave here.

However, after this sleep, chakun didn't remember anything.

Until the next morning, the boss Gucheng came to the door. Chakun also looked at a loss. He actually forgot everything about yesterday.

Gucheng frowned. He knew why this happened.

Although chakun disappointed him, he could understand it when he knew the reason. Moreover, if chakun was really a master without problems, how could he get him at such a low price?

Finally, Gucheng motioned chakun to have some breakfast, have a good rest and work again tonight.

Then he drove to the hospital to explain to song Tianming. Song Tianming had been waiting for news. Gucheng would get up so early this morning and was awakened by song Tianming's phone.

At the moment, song Tianming can't wait for a moment. I just hope Chen Yuyue can die a minute earlier! He is eager to get the answer.

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