After finally entering the devil mountain, Chen Yuyue immediately raised their vigilance. For them, the savages with cannibalism tradition in this place are not the most terrible.

The most terrible thing in the primeval forest is often not human. Even savages are not as terrible as many other creatures.

The devil mountain is full of blood sucking giant leeches. Because this place belongs to the tropical rain forest area, those leeches are particularly large. They are generally adsorbed on dark green and green leaves. Due to the darkness and humidity of the tropical rain forest itself, although these leeches adsorbed on the leaves are large, they are difficult to be found in time.

Some leaves even adsorb more than a dozen blood sucking giant leeches. When people pass these leaves, these blood sucking giant leeches will stand upright on the leaves and look for opportunities to jump up on people.

If you are not careful, the body will touch the leaves with leeches, and these leeches will jump on people's legs and other parts of the body.

Because the temperature of the leech is close to the surface temperature of the human body, the leech will secrete anesthetics while sucking blood, so it is often difficult to detect the adsorption of the leech on the body. When people find that the leech is crawling and sucking blood, these guys are basically full, because once people feel the slightly cold and painful pain on the body, The leech was full of blood and fell to the ground.

It's just a leech sucking blood. After all, people are so big. Even if a leech sucks blood, it can't suck up the whole person's blood in one breath.

But what if there are thousands?

The devil mountain is full of such terrible blood sucking giant leeches!

Moreover, when these leeches are full of blood and fall from their bodies, they will secrete an anti blood coagulant on people's wounds. This coagulant will prevent blood coagulation, and the wounds will take a long time to heal. Therefore, after the leeches fall, the blood flowing out of the wounds will be almost as much as the leeches

Originally, Feng Fei, who was most worried about meeting the cannibals, soon realized that the most terrible thing in the devil mountain was not the cannibals, but the blood sucking giant leeches.

The first leech on Feng Fei's body was discovered by Ma Bo. After Ma Bo found it, he suddenly pulled up Feng Fei's sleeve. Just when Feng Fei was ready to get angry, Ma Bo pulled down a big brown black insect as thick as a branch on Feng Fei's arm!

Feng Fei's eyes widened.

"This is the legendary devil mountain blood sucking giant leech." Chen Yuyue frowned when he saw the thing: "it is said that in this devil mountain, there are far more unlucky ghosts sucked by blood sucking giant leeches than those eaten by cannibals."

Feng Fei's request for a mate was so creepy that the hair on his back couldn't help standing up.

Zhao Xiaoyao looked at the big bug and couldn't help feeling sick: "why is it so big?"

"This place is too suitable for leeches to survive, so the leeches here are very big." Chen Yuyue said: "don't underestimate the insects in this area. Since we found one, it means that this is a leech area. There are thousands of such things around us. It's best not to touch the leaves."

With that, Chen Yuyue pointed to a leaf in the distance. If he didn't look carefully, he couldn't see anything at all.

But if you look at it carefully, you will find that there are more than a dozen blood sucking giant leeches on it, each of which is excitedly waiting for the delicious food close to them.

The heart of Feng Fei's courtship was immediately mentioned to her throat.

Although she is a cruel snake and scorpion woman, she is decisive in killing and cutting on weekdays and can do without any emotion at all.

But women are women after all. There is nothing disgusting about such insects. Moreover, the blood sucking giant leech is black and big. It's really disgusting. At the thought of climbing one on her arm just now, Feng Fei's quest for a mate instantly had a feeling of nausea and almost spit out the acid in her stomach.

Feng Fei begged her mate. She couldn't help feeling sick. She turned her head and vomited twice.

As a result, after she vomited, she suddenly felt something hitting her mouth. Feng Fei asked her husband to touch it. It was meat!

I don't know how the leech sucked on Feng Fei's lips. At the moment, she collapsed a little.

Just before the leech moved from Fengfei's lips to her nostrils, and before the leech stabbed the suction cup into Fengfei's skin, she grabbed the leech like crazy. Ma Bo, who protected Fengfei's side, grabbed the leech and pinched it!

When Feng Fei asked her mate to see the leech pinched into mud, she couldn't help vomiting again.

"It seems that we should be more careful." Chai Badou looked back at Chen Yuyue and Zhao Xiaoyao. It seemed that he was looking for whether there were leeches on them.

Chen Yuyue and Zhao Xiaoyao also helped Chai Badou. They are very, very vigilant now. The blood sucking giant leech in devil mountain is an extremely terrible creature here.

If you don't pay attention, you really suck a nest of leeches. If the blood of a powerful person is drained and absorbed, it's also a useless person.

"How to get rid of this kind of thing!" Feng Fei's spirit of courtship was on the verge of collapse. She had just entered the compound of devil mountain. She was attracted by the blood sucking giant leech here. She was so careful between Ma Bo and ye Lei, but the leech still climbed on her!

"It's not easy to get rid of this thing." Chen Yuyue said, "try not to get close to the leaves. Although there is no road in this place, try to go where there are no trees. You are the only one of the six of us. Your blood must be more fragrant and tender than the blood of us men. These leeches have a good chance. They must have a good taste."

Feng Fei looked at her body in disgust for fear of those ghost things again.

Ma Bo's eyes never left Feng Fei's body: "don't worry, Miss Feng Fei, I will help you look at it all the time."

"Find a way not to let those disgusting things touch me again." Feng Fei begged her husband with a deep breath.

They have no way back now. They can only move on.

At the moment, Feng Fei's heart has begun to worry about ranya. She has no ability to act now. If she enters the devil mountain, I'm afraid she will soon be sucked into dry children?

The little leech is so terrible.

But in addition to worry, Fengfei also had a very evil idea. If people can have the blood sucking ability of leeches, wouldn't it become a very terrible weapon?

As long as she can return to the organization safely, she must communicate her idea with the doctor as soon as possible. This may bring better inspiration to the doctor. If the doctor is satisfied with her proposal, zunzhang will naturally be satisfied with her.

In this way, her mistakes may be forgiven.

Several people walked for a while. Fengfei QiuHuang suddenly felt a burst of urine. Maybe it was because of the tension just now, which led to some stimulation. She couldn't hold it any longer and stopped.

"I need convenience," said Feng Fei coldly.

But there's no bathroom in this wilderness.

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