When these savages calmed down, Chen Yuyue's heart calmed down a lot.

"Kind, I understand." Chen Yuyue patted himself, and pointed to Chai Badou and Zhao Xiaoyao: "we are all kind, we have no malice, and we don't want to offend you."

The old man raised his head and muttered a lot of words. Then he parroted Chen Yuyue and said the word "offense".

Chen Yuyue immediately bowed his head with his hands together and said, "I'm sorry for offending you."

Some smiles appeared on the old man's face, and then he chatted with Chen Yuyue in the words mixed with Vietnamese language, mountain dialect and English.

Chen Yuyue listened attentively and racked his brains to think about the system. Because the old man also made gestures and some actions, Chen Yuyue slowly "saw" what the old man said.

The old man told Chen Yuyue that they are a tribe living in this place all year round. They live their own life. Because the environment here is bad, no one comes to their place to compete for territory with them.

Chen Yuyue also understood in his gestures that he is 80 years old. He is the oldest person in their tribe and the one they respect most now.

Because most people in their tribe live under the age of 40, and they are old when they are over 40. Because the environment here is bad, once they get sick, their life is likely to end.

The reason is very simple. There are no medical conditions in this place. All people have only one way, that is, to make their bodies strong enough not to get sick and resist the invasion of all viruses and diseases.

Because there is no medical treatment, only those who are not ill can live longer. If they are ill, they must have enough willpower to survive.

The old man gave Chen Yuyue a very difficult explanation. The "outsiders" misunderstood them and thought they were cannibals, but they were not cannibals. They did cannibalize a long time ago, but they only ate the invaders killed by them. Now they haven't cannibalized for a long time.

Chen Yuyue didn't understand the old man's comparison of this kind of food, but he understood the general meaning. He said that their tribe usually eats that food because it has high calories.

Of course, they also hunt, but they hunt large or small game such as wild boars and rabbits. Mountain mice are also a common meat food in their daily life.

Because there are many kinds of meat to choose from, they won't eat people.

The old man tried very hard to explain these, and Chen Yuyue gradually understood that they did not want conflict. From this point, we can see that this tribe must have suffered some disasters after conflict with the invaders, so they also yearn for peace.

As long as a consensus can be reached on this point, there is no problem. Chen Yuyue's heart suddenly eased a lot.

Zhao Xiaoyao suddenly found that since they arrived, there were obviously fewer poisonous mosquitoes around. He smelled carefully and smelled a strange smell. This strange smell was emitted from these savages. It is estimated that they smeared something to drive away the poisonous mosquitoes, so there is this smell.

Then the old man made an invitation.

Chen Yuyue understood, but he refused the invitation.

Zhao Xiaoyao hurriedly reminded: "brother, can you communicate with the old man and ask him what can resist this poisonous mosquito? Let's borrow some, otherwise we'll be in trouble if we're really bitten back."

"OK." Chen Yuyue nodded. He also noticed this problem early. These mosquitoes are not aggressive to these savages.

Then Chen Yuyue exchanged in various languages, Yue and their messy mountain dialect.

Although the old man sounded laborious, due to Chen Yuyue's rich body language, the old man finally understood Chen Yuyue's meaning, made a process of mosquitoes flying by hand, and then took a bite on his arm and flew away.

Chen Yuyue nodded quickly.

The old man croaked a lot, and Chen Yuyue probably understood it: "he said they had something specially for dealing with this poisonous mosquito. Listen to him, it should be smeared. In their tribe, if we need it, we can go with them and take it, and he will help us smear it."

Zhao Xiaoyao admired Chen Yuyue: "brother, I really don't understand how you communicate with him... The cow broke you."

"Come on, let's go and paint something to deal with poisonous mosquitoes, which can ensure that we can leave this place safely and alive." Chen Yuyue said.

Feng Fei looked at Chen Yuyue warily: "did you believe him so easily?"

"That's not right?" Chen Yuyue said with a white look. "What do you want?"

"I... I can't believe a person who I can't understand at all. I don't understand what you're doing." Fengfei begged her husband and wife and didn't know what to do next.

"Those who are willing to believe me will go, and those who are not willing to believe will continue to use torches." Chen Yuyue waved his hand: "just don't light the mountains and forests of others."

Ye Lei immediately approaches Chen Yuyue. Obviously, he believes Chen Yuyue.

Ma Bo also looked at Feng Fei and asked for his wife: "Miss Feng Fei, let's bet... If these people dare to have other ideas, it's not too late for us to start again. After all, there is no conflict..."

"Don't worry." Zhao Xiaoyao frowned. "They won't paint you with thirteen incense and put it on the fire for barbecue... I'm afraid they don't have this kind of material yet."

Feng Fei's courtship glared at Zhao Xiaoyao disgustingly. She was uncomfortable at the thought of what Zhao Xiaoyao said. Although Chen Yuyue seemed to communicate with them very well, the other party was a savage after all. No one knew what would happen.

What if these guys really do something mean to them?

For example, first put them into a coma, and then start on them, stew them directly, roast them and eat them?

Of course, this should be impossible. Fengfei QiuHuang thinks that these people who have not evolved do not know how to coma their opponents. If they had this means, they would have used it long ago. Why now.

Finally, Feng Fei's courtship acquiesced and came to this barbaric tribe of cannibals with Chen Yuyue.

It is said that barbaric tribes are actually very advanced. They can build their houses on towering trees. It is estimated that they are to resist wild animals, and this can also prevent the ground from being wet caused by the environment here, which is more suitable for human survival.

Soon, the old man asked someone to bring them the kind of anti mosquito medicine. Chen Yuyue smelled the smell of those savages, so he applied it to them without hesitation.

When the others saw Chen Yuyue doing this, they didn't hesitate any more. Even Fengfei QiuHuang smeared the medicine on him, but they felt very cool and had no abnormal feeling.

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