Fengfei begged for her husband and went out of the stockade. No one caught up with her. She felt a tingle on her scalp and a cold sweat came out behind her.

Although the lighting inside the stockade also depends on the moonlight, it looks brighter than outside. After all, the moonlight outside is almost covered by trees.

Feng Fei looks back and asks for her husband. No one comes out. Even Ma Bo doesn't mean to come out, let alone Ye Lei. Ye Lei should very much hope that she can die in this mountain.

I don't know why, Feng Fei's feet seemed to be filled with lead. She couldn't move a step. She stood so embarrassed outside the stockade.

The savages of this tribe didn't welcome her very much. After she went out, she closed the simple door. Although the door was made of wood and the gap was large, it couldn't completely isolate the whole stockade, but one door made Fengfei QiuHuang feel isolated.

At the moment, she really had an unspeakable taste in her heart. What a fear it was.

The people in the stockade said what she could still hear without fear that she would really leave here.

"They've closed the gate, and now the woman can't come back if she wants to come back." Zhao Xiaoyao is really speechless. These savages do things very "absolutely".

"If she can't come back, she can only stand outside and wait." Chen Yuyue said, "if you want to go to the border, you must cross a river. I've been to that river with Po Wu... You can survive if you follow me. If she goes by herself, I'm afraid she will be torn apart."

Hearing this, even Chai Badou couldn't help frowning. Seeing Chen Yuyue's lingering fear, he couldn't help asking, "is there something in the river?"

"Yes, although there are not many big beasts in the tropical rain forest, these little things seem to be able to kill people." Chen Yuyue said, "since she wants to go, let her go. No one stops her. If we take one more person, it's equivalent to taking one more burden... If she really dies in this mountain, it's her life."

Chen Yuyue knew that Fengfei was outside the stockade. All these words he said could be heard by Fengfei.

It's just that Fengfei doesn't want to accept her current situation and is in a dilemma.

The elders of this tribe have asked people to bring out the meat, which has been roasted and cooked. Now they can eat it only by heating some wood. It is estimated that it is the stock of people of these tribes.

Chen Yuyue observed that when the meat was taken out, several children who looked only five or six years old still couldn't help swallowing their saliva.

In this primitive tribe, people who can get prey are the most respected, while children are too small to catch large prey, so their status is very low.

Although these children who are only five or six years old can be on their own, the prey they can catch is still too small. It is impossible for them to catch large prey like those adults and let the people of the whole tribe share it with them. Therefore, they often eat at the back.

Meat must be the highest food of their primitive tribe, so these children with lower status may rarely eat it, and even if they can eat it, they will be given a small amount.

Chen Yuyue could see the children's desire for meat.

Chai Badou suddenly waved to a child, then took out a piece of the meat the old man gave him and handed it to the child. The child looked only four years old.

The four year old boy looked at the meat in Chai Badou's hand and looked back at the old man. The old man was obviously an elder in the tribe and had authority to speak, so the old man didn't nod, and the child didn't dare to take it at all.

The old man croaked to the child seriously, and the child bowed his head and left.

"He said you were a guest, so let the guest eat first." Chen Yuyue said faintly.

Chai Badou knew that he could not change the rules of the primitive tribe, so he didn't force anything: "you know, they remind me of the people I met in Ecuador..."

Chen Yuyue didn't go there to perform the task. That time, Chai Badou took people to do the task.

There lived a group of extremely agile primitive savages in the primitive jungle. Like these primitive savages here, they also lived in the form of tribes.

”They have a good body all year round, but they are not afraid of the bites of poisonous mosquitoes in the rainforest. They are also very sensitive. They often climb trees to hunt monkeys. " Chai Badou said faintly, "there are probably thousands of people in that tribe, which is much larger than these small tribes in devil mountain."

"There are too many products in the Amazon rainforest than here," Chen Yuyue said. Perhaps it is because of this that the tribes there can maintain the state of thousands of people.

The products in the devil mountain are far from comparable to those in the Amazon rainforest, so their tribe has only a poor more than 100 people, and it is impossible to grow.

"Yes, the Amazon rainforest is too rich in products, and those people never grow grain." Chai Badou smiled: "At the beginning, I ate the hornbill they caught... Those people caught animals of all sizes every day, but although the people of their tribe were wild all over, they were not fond of killing at that time. Every time they hunted animals, they were full of food and never killed excessively, which was much better than the poachers who call themselves' modern civilized people '."

Hunting for survival is a natural law and an unalterable biological chain.

But the killing for interests is heinous. The more "civilized" people do too many "barbaric" things. It's really ridiculous.

"The soles of their feet have seriously mutated, just like them." Chai Badou looked down at the old man's toes. Due to the long-term need to climb trees to catch prey, he even gave birth to six toes to increase the grip.

This is the powerful place of human evolution, which can evolve according to their own needs. People living in cities with developed science and technology continue to degenerate. The more developed science and technology, the more lazy human beings are. Online shopping takeout has developed human laziness to an extreme in just a few years. I really don't know how lazy human beings will be in the future.

When everything can be solved by artificial intelligence, can people be eliminated?

"Many people rumor that the people of that tribe are cannibals, but in fact they are very enthusiastic and don't kill humans. Men are responsible for hunting, while women are responsible for raising children and cooking food. They just love to eat monkey meat, and monkeys are their daily staple food." Chai Badou sighed: "The children of devil mountain are not so happy. I'm afraid they mainly eat the rice paste just now every day. Their saliva will flow when they see the meat."

At this time, the old man also gave Ye Lei and Ma Bo a barbecue.

Ye Lei and Ma Bo just wanted to eat, but Zhao Xiaoyao took them away: "you still have the face to eat and drink with us? It's good to die outside without you. Don't push an inch."

With that, Zhao Xiaoyao had taken the meat to the children of the tribe, and very strongly distributed the meat to the children who can rarely get meat on weekdays.

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