Devil mountain is still their nightmare. They haven't come out of it yet.

There is still a long way to go to leave devil mountain and come to the border of the motherland. Although there are no blood sucking giant leeches and will no longer be surrounded by poisonous mosquitoes, there are dangers everywhere.

About an hour later, a swamp appeared in front of them.

"Take off your shoes." Chen Yuyue said faintly.

"Wait a minute, why do we have to cross the swamp?" Feng Fei immediately raised an objection: "can't we make a detour?"

Chen Yuyue took off his shoes and simply replied to her: "if you like to go around, go around, but I tell you, you don't know how far you have to go to find the way. Maybe you don't have the strength to go around. There is still a swamp in front of you."

"You......" Feng Fei asked for her mate, but she was speechless.

After the simple preparation, Chen Yuyue was the first to step into the swamp. The others had no idea at this time. Ye Lei and Ma Bo seemed to be Chen Yuyue's men instead of Fengfei's men.

Now it's what Chen Yuyue asked them to do. They don't refute at all. They are very obedient.

Because these two guys are so obedient, Fengfei has no way to ask for her mate. She can't leave the big army, and it's not unreasonable to cross. She may have no strength to go around, and there is still a swamp in front of her.

It's even possible that she doesn't know if she'll go deeper into the swamp.

Soon the group began to move forward in the greasy and hot mud. The mud in the swamp was delicate and soft. If the environment here didn't make them vigilant all the time, it would be like doing foot therapy. It was very comfortable and even made people feel like they were floating.

Chen Yuyue explored the way with the branches to avoid the danger of falling into as much as possible. The dark bubbles in the swamp whirled like the big eyes of the frog.

It was not easy for them to walk through the swamp. Fortunately, they saw the clear water in a natural boulder. The clear water was clear to the bottom. They also quickly washed the swamp mud below their knees.

Although they looked arrogant on weekdays, they stepped into the swamp for the first time. In this place, their experience is far less experienced than that of Chen Yuyue, so they are more and more afraid to leave Chen Yuyue now.

This is the effect that Chen Yuyue wants. Now Chen Yuyue can lead them to the boundary pillar where he wants to go. Fengfei QiuHuang and his people will never have other opinions.

I don't know how long they walked. Chen Yuyue came to a small river. Seeing this place, Chen Yuyue realized that the destination was coming soon.

The river is not wide, less than 100 meters, and very shallow, very clear.

"If you take a detour, you may have to go a long way. If you cross the river directly, you will be much closer." Chen Yuyue said faintly: "after crossing the river, you will come to our Chinese territory."

A devil mountain, a swamp and a clear looking river form the border between the two countries. Devil mountain and swamp seem to be very dangerous places, but the river is very clear and not annoying at all.

"Be careful." Chen Yuyue reminded Chai Badou and Zhao Xiaoyao.

Several people quickly rolled up their trouser legs and went down the river. They could go back immediately. Now the sky in the East began to turn faint white. I'm afraid it was more than 4 a.m.

The water in this small river is very slow, and the river is very clear. If it is daytime, it is estimated that the river bottom covered with huge orange leaves can be seen clearly.

The cool river immediately gives people a refreshing feeling. The muggy heat in the devil mountain just now disappeared without a trace under the infiltration of the river.

They stepped on the smooth stones and fallen leaves at the bottom of the water and were intoxicated with the wonders of nature. Even Feng Fei's quest for a mate was a little forgotten.

Because the feeling in the water is so wonderful, they really don't want to walk too fast. When Fengfei asks for his wife, the three of them enjoy this wonderful feeling of fantasy, Chen Yuyue reminds Chai Badou and Zhao Xiaoyao to be careful again.

Just when Ma Bo was almost elated, the smooth "stone" he stepped on under his feet suddenly slipped away, very quickly!

Ma Bo immediately realized that the slippery thing he stepped on was not a stone. He had no time to think. The slippery thing he stepped on turned over and swam away quickly.

Then, under the weak wave light, they saw many large orange "leaves" swimming at the bottom of the river, large and small enough to have more than 100... Things that look round!

As like as two peas, "let's get out of the river!" Chen Yu Yue shouted at once, because he knew that those things were not a leaf at all, but a fish. Their patterns were exactly the same as those of the bottom of the river, and they could easily fool people's eyes and make people think they were all leaves.

When Chen Yuyue shouted, Feng Fei asked for his wife, and the three of them ran to the opposite side of the river, but Chen Yuyue stopped Chai Badou and Zhao Xiaoyao and signaled them to calm down and walk slowly.

Walking slowly, they would not disturb the fish, but the three people who ran fast startled the fish and were madly chased by the fish.

The group of fish really lost their mind and went crazy. They opened their mouths and begged Phoenix like flywheels. They rushed over.

Feng Fei even screams out in fear. Ye Lei and Ma Bo run crazy to the bank. No one wants to be bitten to death by these crazy fish.

Fengfei's speed of seeking a mate was very fast, so she survived. Ye Lei was also a smart man. He kept running away from Ma Bo, but Ma Bo was not so lucky. His lower leg was finally hurt because he stepped on the fish. One of the most ferocious fish bit Ma Bo's lower leg until Ma Bo jumped to the shore, and the fish was still biting, It was not until he bit off a bloody calf that he rolled back into the water like a wheel!

At this time, the river was already a piece stained with blood red. The fish that bit Mabo's meat had been torn to pieces by their companions together with the meat!

These fish treat their own kind as a piece of fresh meat dripping with blood and swallow it raw.

Chen Yuyue and his colleagues also took advantage of the chance that the fish were attracted by the blood and ran to the river bank on the other side.

Soon, the scarlet in the river disappeared, the river returned to its original calm and clarity, and the bottom of the river was another orange leaf under the reflection of the wave light, so that people could not see anything that had just happened.

Ma Bo deals with his leg injury in shock. Now his mind is blank and he doesn't know what happened to him.

Chen Yuyue came to him and told him the truth lightly: "this kind of fish is called leaf loach. It is a very fierce color changing fish. Their body will change with the change of environment. The deer and muntjac drinking water by the river are their food. You are lucky not to be torn open, otherwise you have been completely divided now."

Ma Bo was shocked and said, "you already know? Why didn't you remind us earlier?"

No one would have thought that there should be such a fierce thing in such a Xiaoqing River.

Chen Yuyue did not answer Ma Bo's question directly, but said faintly: "now we have returned to China, and the temporary 'Alliance' should be cancelled..."

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