Ma Bo thought he had been forgotten. If he could be forgotten, it would be a good thing.

"It's enough to have this man in my hand. I'm not interested in him." Chen Yuyue looked at Ma Bo.

"If not, throw it directly into the river to feed the fish?" Zhao Xiaoyao looked at the calm river: "you see, there are no careless animals around. It is estimated that the fish in the river have been hungry for a long time, and I don't know whether this meat is enough to eat."

Ma Bo panicked: "I also know a lot of things, okay? I also know a lot of things he doesn't know! He doesn't know where the doctor's super lab is! But I know! Because I came out in that super Lab!"

"In this way, you are still useful." Zhao Xiaoyao wants this effect: "However, if we can get the location of your nest in Ye Lei's mouth, it doesn't matter what laboratory. Although those doctors have made great achievements in experiments, they don't know how to make money. It's useless if no one gives him economic supply. As long as we solve your problem, your doctor may have to starve to death."

"No, no, no, I'm very important to you. Really, you believe me. I'm useful. I can at least help you judge whether he's telling the truth or falsehood!" Ma Bo didn't want to be torn by the fish. He died beautiful.

Lin Lei glared at Ma Bo angrily: "how can Feng Fei beg for his wife take a fancy to a waste like you?"

"Am I a waste? You can't talk. You're not the one who was pulled to feed the fish. You don't have the right to say me." Mabo is unwilling to be weak.

"I tell you, you don't need to believe them at all. They are all people who have been expelled from the divine sword army. They are all people who have violated their discipline, so they can't return to the divine sword army. Don't listen to them frighten you here." Lin Lei snorted softly.

"I don't care about the divine sword army. All I know is that I can't go back to the river!" Ma Bo said: "miss Fengfei jumped down just now. There's no movement at all. You don't have no idea how fierce those fish were just now!"

"A person who is afraid of death will be chosen." Ye Lei disdains.

"I'm not afraid of death. I don't want to die so cowardly and die in the belly of a fish. What a shame... Aren't you afraid? Why don't you jump in directly? If you jump directly into the river, they won't chase after you." Mabo said, "you're so kind, you jump."

Of course, ye Lei won't jump into the river. A fool will do that.

Of course, he doesn't want to pay attention to Ma Bo. They are not people in the same world. Their ideas are different. There's no need to waste their words.

"Counter scale, to tell you the truth, I don't believe you dare to bring me back to the divine sword army." Ye Lei said, "after all, you have left the divine sword army and you have lost your trust there. What's the use of letting you take me back now?"

"You should understand the main purpose of taking you back." Chen Yuyue said.

Ye Lei smiled: "Yes, of course I understand what you think. You take me back to the divine sword army, and then spread a rumor that I have recruited everything. In this way, the ghost of the divine sword army will tell zunzhang these things. Once zunzhang knows these things, he will hate me to the bone. At this time, you will let me out... I will be chased and killed, and the final result I get must be life or death Like death. "

"Since you know so well, you have to talk so much." Chen Yuyue asked back.

"Because I don't believe you have the ability to bring me back to the divine sword army." Ye Lei said.

"If I have that ability, you will soon know." Chen Yuyue said: "I will not only take you back, but also this bear man, who will be locked up with the human wolf."

Ye Lei frowned: "is Pang Lang in your hand?"

"What do you think?" Chen Yuyue said: "I'll tell you the truth today. Pang Lang is in the divine sword army. There are special people to guard him. He can't leave that place all his life."

"So, you want to take me back and study me?" Ma Bo suddenly became nervous. If he was taken to the divine sword army, he would lose his freedom all his life, then he must find a way to escape: "doesn't it mean that you can let me go if I recruit everything?"

Chen Yuyue didn't even look at Ma Bo. This guy whose gene is different from ordinary people can't be let go.

Chen Yuyue must bring Ma Bo back to the divine sword army for control. If such people can't control, they can only be killed. For the safety of ordinary people, Chen Yuyue doesn't care if his hands are stained with more innocent blood.

"Go back with us or feed fish in the river by yourself? You have only two choices." Chai Badou said, "while we are in a good mood, you'd better say less."

Mabo's face trembled. What the fuck is this?

"You're really dignified. While preventing us from doing research, you're also doing research privately. Dare you say you're not interested in genetic experiments? If you're not interested, why do you want to control the human wolf and why are you interested in this bear man?" Ye Lei's face is full of contempt: "in fact, you're a group of dignified garbage."

Mabo's mouth trembled and his heart was full of fear.

If he enters a laboratory to be studied, he might as well choose to die. Even if he is torn by a fish, it is better than being studied back and forth as an object.

"There are you dark beings in this world, and people who have to deal with you dark ones." Chen Yuyue said faintly: "if it weren't for you, no one would touch this restricted area."

"Don't tell me these great principles. Your official experiments are for human progress, and our private experiments are inhumane. Do you know what this is?" Ye Lei disdained: "it's called that only state officials are allowed to set fire and people are not allowed to light lights."

Chen Yuyue disagreed: "you may have misunderstood these ancient allusions. Being illiterate is actually a terrible thing. Learn Chinese well and give me examples."

Ye Lei looked at Ma Bo: "you will soon understand who said the right thing today."

"I don't want to go back with you and be treated as an experiment." Ma Bo's eyes suddenly became firm.

"No one will treat you as an experiment," Chen Yuyue said. "You treat yourself as an experiment, so you become what you are today."

"It's my choice to become what I am today, but then I want to change me back, which is absolutely impossible." Ma Bo said and suddenly burst out all his accumulated strength.

He broke out like crazy, directly ran into Zhao Xiaoyao and Du powu in front of him, and jumped into the river without hesitation.

With a scream, the crazy fish at the bottom of the water began to dance on the water again, and the clear river became scarlet in an instant.

Mabo's action was completely beyond their imagination. No one believed that he would jump into the river, so he didn't take precautions at all!

In a blink of an eye, a living man was torn into blood, completely integrated into the river and disappeared without a trace.

More than ten minutes later, the water calmed down again, as if nothing had happened just now. It was still so clear and moving, and it was a beautiful mess, which made anyone who saw the river want to roll up their trouser legs and feel the cool rive

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