Hearing that Zhao Weitong was coming, Chen Yuyue was silent for a moment. Finally, he looked up and fell on Chai Badou.

"Brother, there's something I haven't told you, but now we've returned to Tianhai. I have to tell you about it." Chen Yuyue gently touched Chai Badou with a wine glass and said in a low voice: "the girl who comes in a while is from Yanjing."

"Yanjing people are good." Chai Badou smiled: "Shangjiang girls are sweet, chuandu girls are hot, Qinhuai girls are gentle, Guangshen girls are beautiful and beautiful, and our Yanjing big girls are good everywhere."

Although Chai Badou is not a native of Yanjing, he has lived in Yanjing for a long time. It can be said that he grew up in Yanjing since childhood. In addition, he has little contact with girls, and all of them are Yanjing big girls, so his impression of Yanjing girls is naturally the best.

As for what he said about Shangjiang girl whine, chuandu girl hot, Qinhuai girl Wen youwan, Guangshen girl beautiful and beautiful, it is estimated that they have met outside for more than half a year.

"Brother Badou's evaluation of Yanjing girls is too high? How about our Gusu girls?" Ye Xiaoyao said.

Chen Yuyue can't laugh or cry.

Chai Badou was stunned for a moment: "the girls in Gusu are also good! I say we Yanjing girls are good because they are all very righteous. They have the strength of a boy in their bones. They are open-minded. They are the kind of masters who can help their friends on the festival."

There are still some words Chai Badou didn't say, for fear that ye Xiaoyao will continue to find fault with him.

He just thinks that Yanjing girls know the whole thing. Although they may be capricious sometimes, they can definitely distinguish the occasion and support the scene. They will never do anything like fooling around in front of outsiders.

It's not nonsense when you should say what you say and when you should spread your temper.

This is the influence of childhood environment, understand rules, be reasonable and have face.

"It's like we're not so righteous." Ye Xiaoyao snorted and threw it directly with a big white eye: "do you think we didn't go there to help this time?"

"Goblin, don't talk nonsense." Ye Xuefu saw that she was trying to play a fool and stopped it quickly.

"Originally, I heard brother Badou's meaning that we don't uphold justice." Ye Xiaoyao said, "but it's not that we don't want to go. Chen Yuyue won't let us go at all. When we go, he must turn over again. If he does something wrong with kindness, it's even more thankless."

Chai Badou was stunned: "this character is a bit like our Yanjing big girl."

"Me?" Ye Xiaoyao pointed to himself.

"Yes, it's straightforward, natural and unrestrained. When talking, it's very direct and leaves no room." Chai Badou said: "when you hate a person, you'll throw out all kinds of sarcasm and venomous tongue. Don't tuck it in or hide it."

"I'm not your Yanjing girl. I'm our Gusu girl. Why don't you say your Yanjing girl is like our Gusu girl." Ye Xiaoyao snorted proudly.

Chai Badou really can't laugh or cry. The girl's mouth is too powerful. He can say, but if he explains it again, he won't be hated by her. He'll just bow his head and admit defeat.

"She has always been so unruly and unreasonable. Don't mind brother Badou." Ye Xuefu's character actually has the characteristics of Gusu girls. Ye Xiaoyao is really a special case

"My brother is very generous." Chen Yuyue grinned: "come on, let's have a drink together."

They raised their glasses again and talked about the different personalities of girls all over the country.

Chen Yuyue whispered to Chai Badou, "brother, you didn't understand me just now."

"What do you understand?" Chai Badou was stunned, and realized that he had just understood wrong.

"The girl who will come later is Zhao Weitong and Yanjing." Chen Yuyue lowered his voice again and stressed Zhao Weitong and Yanjing.

Chai Badou suddenly realized that he opened his eyes and looked at Chen Yuyue. It took a long time to spit out two words: "Zhao family?"

Chen Yuyue nodded slowly.

Chai Badou was stunned. He knew that Chen Yuyue would not joke about this kind of thing, but if the girl was from the Zhao family, it had something to do with Zhao Yanpu!

Zhao Yanpu is the only child of their family, and the direct relationship cannot exist. According to the analysis of Zhao Weitong's freshman age, there is only one possibility

"Is it Zhao Yanpu's cousin... Isn't that our Shenjian Army No. 1..." Chai Badou began to doubt again when he thought of this. How can this be possible!

He shook his head hard and didn't leave Chen Yuyue. He hoped Chen Yuyue told him that he was joking with him, but Chen Yuyue didn't say a word. Obviously, this is definitely not a joke.

But how is this possible!

"No?" Chai Badou couldn't figure it out. His voice was at the lowest level: "If the girl you mentioned is the daughter of No. 1, how can she go to Tianhai to go to university? It's too funny. Even though Tianhai university is undeniably a national super first-class university, there is still room for choice in Yanjing. The universities in Yanjing are also super first-class universities. Everyone is Bo Zhongjian. She doesn't have to say she must choose Choose Tianhai University and give up another one? There's no need... "

Chai Badou really doesn't understand. If the girl's identity is true, she will come here to school again.

"Besides, even if she wants to go to Tianhai University, No. 1 can't let her come. No. 1 is such a key figure. She's far from safe to stay in Yanjing." Chai Badou shook his head and cut the nail and cut the railway: "no, it must not be. Yuyue, you must have made a mistake... Did she personally tell you that she is the daughter of No. 1?"

"Can the daughter of No. 1 be so stupid?" Chen Yuyue shook his head. "Of course, she can't say. Can she tell others about her special identity? If someone knows about it, isn't it... Trouble!"

Chai Badou frowned: "Since she didn't tell you personally, your judgment may be wrong. It's really strange. Besides, who doesn't know the situation of No. 1 now? All the secrets of the Institute are on No. 1. How many people want to find a way to control No. 1. No. 1 now sends her daughter out to school... Isn't it a trouble for themselves!"

"At first I didn't understand either." Chen Yuyue smiled, "but now I've determined that the person who betrayed us is Zhao Yanpu. I suddenly understand."

Speaking of this, Chen Yuyue looked at Chai Badou like Pinghu. He believed that the military division could understand what he said. Although there were no outsiders on the scene, some words could not be said too frankly. After all, the things involved were too serious. Chen Yuyue couldn't be careful and had to be careful.

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