Once upon a time, an old North American chekiro taught his descendants what he thought was the true meaning of life.

The old man said that in his heart, there has always been a fierce battle.

The battle was fought between two fierce beasts.

A divine beast is evil. It represents fear, anger, sadness, regret, greed, arrogance, self pity, resentment, lies, inferiority, arrogance, selfishness and infidelity. All these are the source of its strength.

A divine beast is kind. It represents joy, peace, responsibility, kindness, contentment, compassion, kindness, tolerance, sincerity, love, humility, generosity and loyalty. All these are its source of strength.

The old man told his children that the same battle took place in their hearts and in the hearts of all people in the world.

After hearing the story, the descendants of the old man were silent. They were all thinking about the same question. Which animal can win?

The old man gives a better answer than the debate over whether man is good or evil at first.

Because he has been through the world, he can see through all this better. When the children asked him who could win?

The old man calmly told his children: the one you fed it food.

Perhaps people have good and evil at the beginning, and when they grow up, whether they become a good person or an evil person depends entirely on what kind of education and influence they were exposed to when they were young.

Of course, no matter what kind of feeding, when people grow up, they will always encounter the choice of "reading heaven and hell", which is inevitable, because this society is so complex.

There is no way to change. All things in the world are like this, but there are causes and results. Good is rewarded with good and evil is rewarded with evil every day. One thought of good will create the cause of heaven, and one thought of evil will bear the fruit of hell.

If a person can read the light all the time, he is living in heaven.

If a person reads darkness all the time, let alone what will happen after death, living is also living in hell.

This is like light and darkness. They will always exist in this world at the same time. Everyone has to make a choice.

Although Chen Yuyue's words were trying to ease the atmosphere, he was finally reminding Chai Badou that Chai Badou would not fall into hell because of that idea.

Chai Badou knows Chen Yuyue too well. How can he not know the meaning of his words.

"If there is no darkness, there will be no light." Chai Badou joked, "if people all over the world abandon darkness and turn to light, there will really be no light."

"Brother Badou, your theory is a little wrong. Even if there is no darkness and no darkness, there will still be light. As long as there is a shadow, it can set off the light, and the shadow is not dark." Ye Xiaoyao couldn't help inserting a sentence when he heard Chai Badou's words.

"But I've heard a saying that the dirt on every evil person falls one after another and condenses into black scabs. That thing is the shadow." Chai Badou smiled.

"I don't dare to bow my head what you said." Ye Xiaoyao looked down at his shadow: "I don't have so many sins. Why do I still have a shadow?"

"Don't listen to brother Badou's nonsense. The shadow is just the shadow. Where there is a shadow means that there is light in front of you, which is a good thing." Zhao Weitong can always say comforting words: "If one day you have no shadow, it will prove that you are completely immersed in the dark. That's the really terrible time. Some people are too hypocritical and say that their shadow is like their own sadness overflowing on the ground. I really don't know what those people think."

Ye Xuefu nodded calmly: "Weitong's words are very reasonable."

"This is a very beautiful existence. Think about the familiar poems we all recite." Zhao Weitong continued: "when will the moon come and ask the blue sky about the wine. I don't know the palace in the sky. What year is this night? I want to go back in the wind. I'm afraid of the Qionglou Yuyu. It's too cold to dance and make a clear shadow. How beautiful it is in the world..."

Chen Yuyue looked at Zhao Weitong with a smile. What a bright girl in her heart.

"Yes, dancing and making clear shadows is like being in the world." Ye Xuefu nodded frequently. She has always appreciated Zhao Weitong. Sometimes, she even thought that it would be great if the goblin could be as perfect as Zhao Weitong.

However, this idea is just an idea. For ye Xuefu, no one is more important than her own sister. No matter what ye Xiaoyao is, it is her family and her only one.

"There is a pot of wine among the flowers. I drink alone and have no blind date. I raise my glass and invite the bright moon to form three people with the shadow. The moon doesn't know how to drink, and the shadow follows me. I accompany the moon to bring the shadow temporarily, and have fun until spring. I sing the moon and wander, and I dance in disorder. When I wake up, I make friends with each other, and when I'm drunk, I disperse separately. I'll never get married and travel ruthlessly, and I'll be like a cloud man." Chen Yuyue chanted one of Li Bai's poems about drinking alone under the moon when he was drunk. At the same time, he picked up his glass and brought wine: "come on, have a drink for the beautiful poetry of the great poet, although we don't drink alone."

Du Po Wu immediately took up his wine glass and responded. A strong man looked at Chen Yuyue with admiration on his face. He was very proud in his heart. The expression on his face said: see? This is my third brother. My third brother is so educated!

Everyone drank a cup with respect for Li Bai. We have to admire it. When drunk, we can write this kind of poetry that has been handed down for thousands of years. Wizards are wizards.

With the poetic beginning of Zhao Weitong and Chen Yuyue, we have completed two poems with artistic conception one by one, which can match today's poems at this time.

Even Du Po Wu, who doesn't talk much on weekdays, held out a song with thick green trees, long summer days, the reflection of the building into the pond, the water curtain moving, the breeze rising, and a yard full of roses.

Finally, there was only one Lin Qi who did not participate.

It's not that Lin Qi doesn't want to participate, but that he has read so many novels from childhood. They are all modern network novels. Where have he read Tang poetry and Song Ci.

As the saying goes, books hate less when they are used.

In the past, Lin Qi thought reading was useless, but now he thinks reading is very useful. At least he won't lose face. People are singing poems one by one. Even Du Po Wu, the "big fool" in his mind, can recite one. Can't he recite the bright moon in front of his bed? That would be a shame.

Lin Qi can only pretend that he has nothing to say. No matter how nice others say, he doesn't hear anything. He squats down in his seat and eats hot pot.

When literati chant to each other, illiterate people really have a headache. Anyway, the poems they say are basically poems that Lin Qi has never heard of.

At this time, Lin Qi secretly made up his mind not to go out to play tomorrow weekend and went straight to the school library. He would memorize all 300 Tang and Song poems in a month.

At this time, Lin Qi can only secretly rejoice that Bi Ying is not here and doesn't see his embarrassing appearance.

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