Although the next day was Sunday, the purchasing department informed Chen Yuyue by telephone that Professor Kangda asked all test equipment to enter the site today, so Chen Yuyue rushed to Tianya group again without hesitation.

Ye Xuefu's weekend, which was hard won, was completely destroyed. She came to the company yesterday and came with Chen Yuyue again today.

Of course, ye Xuefu was not idle after she came to the company. Something was handed over to her immediately.

Ye Xuefu opened it to see some requirements put forward by Professor Kangda on the regulation and management of the scientific research building.

The first point emphasized by Professor Kangda is that all personnel irrelevant to scientific research are absolutely not allowed to enter the scientific research building. Anyone and anyone of Tianya group should abide by this provision. No one can be an exception. As long as it has nothing to do with his work and scientific research, he has no right to enter the scientific research building.

It seems that this regulation is not targeted. It can even be said that this regulation is the gospel of researchers. They don't need to be disturbed by any outside world.

But ye Xuefu saw another meaning in her heart.

Professor Kangda's regulation is obviously aimed at Chen Yuyue, because Chen Yuyue is not a scientific researcher, so he has no right to enter.

Following the following supplement, ye Xuefu determined the purpose of Professor Kangda. Professor Kangda added that even the security personnel of Tianya group can't go in and out for security inspection without his scientific research personnel in the scientific research building.

Everyone in Tianya group knows that all the people in the Security Department of Tianya group listen to Chen Yuyue.

Although Chen Yuyue is no longer a member of the security department, the security department, from ministers to small security guards, all follow Chen Yuyue's lead.

It's no exaggeration to say that Chen Yuyue's words in the security department are definitely better than those of any senior manager of Tianya group in the security department. They will do what Chen Yuyue asks them to do. If the senior manager asks these security guards to do what they don't want to do, they may resign and don't want to do it.

Chen Yuyue is different.

The whole security department and Chen Yuyue are one heart. They will never refuse what Chen Yuyue needs them to do. Ye Xuefu can firmly believe that anyone in Tianya Group believes in this.

Professor Kangda's purpose of such a provision for the security department is too obvious and direct. He doesn't want to target the security department, but Chen Yuyue, who can control the whole security department.

In all, Professor Kangda has only one purpose, which is to completely limit Chen Yuyue and keep Chen Yuyue away from the scientific research building.

As for Professor Kangda's management requirements for his laboratory, it is more direct and simpler. If you want to get close to his laboratory, you must get his consent. Without his consent, no one can get close, including all personnel working in the scientific research building. No one can get close to his laboratory without his consent.

There are so many requirements for connection, not to mention entering his laboratory.

Professor Kangda didn't mention the requirement to enter his laboratory. Obviously, he and his people can't think of "entering" anything except him.

"Professor Kangda's requirements are really many." after sending Professor Kangda's documents to Ye Xuefu with a smile, he stood behind Ye Xuefu and looked at it: "this is clearly a scientific research building invested and built by our company, but now it's like he's alone, and the access of employees in our own company is restricted."

Ye Xuefu said faintly, "it's a good thing to have certain management, which can make the scientific research building safer."

"But the management is too harsh." Han smiled: "President ye, for example, if you want to go to the scientific research building, you can enter. After all, what you are in charge of in the company is scientific research, but I can't enter as your assistant. After all, my work has nothing to do with scientific research."

"So you want to go in and have a look?" said Ye Xuefu.

"Please, Mr. Ye, it's a scientific research building built by the company with a lot of money. Who can't be curious." smiled: "the management from building construction to decoration has always been so strict that there's no chance to visit."

"Don't go if you don't have a chance. It's not fun." Ye Xuefu said, "you're not interested in scientific research. What's your interest in the scientific research building?"

"Mr. Ye, you don't understand. People are always curious about places they can't get to. If the scientific research building is directly open to the outside world, I'm really not interested in going. Maybe I won't look inside when I pass by." he said solemnly with a smile.

Ye Xuefu frowned. In fact, what she said with a smile was reasonable.

Before Tianya group had so many scientific research buildings and laboratories, people in other departments would not be interested in reading them. After all, they couldn't understand them when they went to see them.

But now if the new scientific research building is managed so strictly, it may really arouse everyone's curiosity. Curiosity will expand and infect.

Absolutely mysterious places will spread stories, even some groundless stories. After all, human imagination is very terrible. Human beings can form today's society entirely by making up stories and people's trust in such made up stories.

This is human nature and cannot be changed.

"You're right. If the management and research building is completely isolated, people will become more curious." Ye Xuefu said, "so I won't agree with Professor Kangda's management regulations. You can directly inform Professor Kangda that the management regulations are not passed."

"I'll go?" he was stunned with a smile. "Mr. Ye, Professor Kangda is a very serious person. I'm afraid he will be angry after I tell him that you refuse him."

"If he gets angry, you'll let him come to the office to find me." Ye Xuefu said, "anyway, I won't leave the office today. He is welcome to come to the office to find me at any time."

Seeing ye Xuefu's resolute attitude with a smile, she didn't say much. She obediently went to convey general Ye's meaning to Professor Kangda. Even before she came to Professor Kangda, she could imagine Professor Kangda's smelly face.

In this way, the smiling heart is even more uneasy. I just hope Professor Kangda won't be angry with her because of this matter. She is just a small assistant. If the big professor is really angry, she can only bear it.

Life is not easy, and work is not easy. Things that have nothing to do with yourself often have to endure a lot of grievances. If you don't want to face them with a smile, you can only go to Professor Kangda.

No matter how hard it was for president ye to say no, she still wanted to bring this to Professor Kangda with a smile. She watched Professor Kangda's face change color and his veins get angry, and then waited for Professor Kangda to roar angrily at he

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