When Chen Yuyue and chakun returned to Ye's house again, Congxiao was sitting in the yard waiting.

It's five o'clock now, and it will dawn soon.

After hearing that Chen Yuyue told Congxiao what had happened, Congxiao said sarcastically, "you've done a lot in such a short time. Are you busy?"

"Don't be sarcastic." Chen Yuyue said with a bitter smile, "if you can't find someone who wants my life one day, you can't stop here one day."

"Don't expect me to protect you all the time." Cong Xiao said seriously, "I have my task. If you think I use me because you are a useful person, I won't promise."

Chen Yuyue waved his hand: "don't talk about our relationship as mutual use. It's too vulgar. I promise you will help you take care of Miss Zhao under special circumstances. I don't use you to help me now. I treat you as friends."

From the owl stared at Chen Yuyue: "what you said is good."

"Big man, I have someone to help me now." Chen Yuyue pointed to chakun: "as long as he quit, I won't be in danger. I don't need your help."

From the beginning to the end, the owl didn't look at chakun. He felt that chakun was not worth believing: "when a drug addict is a brother, I really don't know whether I should say you are righteous enough or you have a brain problem."

Although chakun doesn't like the words from the owl, he has to admit that although the words from the owl are rough, they are really considered for Chen Yuyue from the perspective of Chen Yuyue.

From this point of view, the owl sees Chen Yuyue as a friend.

Therefore, chakun will not hate him because of his words from the owl.

It's normal for others to have no confidence in him.

"I don't bother you with my brain problems." Chen Yuyue smiled, "but I have to thank you for this matter. We both have to thank you."

After hearing that Chen Yuyue was so polite, the owl felt that he was not used to it.

"If it weren't for you, we wouldn't recognize each other." Chen Yuyue patted the owl on the shoulder: "I remember this favor in my heart. I promise you, letting me owe a favor is definitely the most valuable investment in your life."

"Forget it." from the owl's big hand waved: "I don't care so much."

"But I don't care." Chen Yuyue said with a smile.

Chakun extended his hand to the owl: "you can look down on me and doubt me, but I swear that if you need anything, I am willing to help you with my life."

He was stunned from the owl.

Originally, he didn't intend to pay attention to chakun's kindness.

But people have said that. He seems to have gone too far with a look of contempt.

Finally, the slave owl had to stretch out his right hand and shake it with the slave owl.

But that doesn't mean he believes in this person and regards this person as his own. He would shake hands with chakun, mostly because of Chen Yuyue's face.

Chakun fully understood this. If it were him, he would do the same.

"What happened tonight, we'd better pretend it didn't happen." Chen Yuyue smiled.

The owl nodded.

Chakun looked to the East and began to shine a faint white light. He wanted to leave here as soon as possible.

"I'll go first and call you when I find a place to live." chakun said faintly.

Chen Yuyue glanced at him: "you are a foreigner without any identity certificate. Where can you find a place to live? Find those small hotels that don't need any certificates? That's not a long-term way."

Chakun looked at Chen Yuyue. He had no other way to go now.

"Well, come with me and listen to my arrangement." Chen Yuyue can't let chakun stay at Ye's house. Anyway, now he and Bi Ying live here. Bi Ying's rental house is temporarily idle. He will arrange chakun there first, and then make a long-term plan.

Since the owl was too lazy to care how they arranged, he stretched deeply: "I should go to sleep for a while."


When Chen Yuyue settled down and chakun came back, he brought everyone's breakfast back.

Although he didn't sleep all night, his mental state was quite good. Ye Xuefu didn't see that he didn't sleep all night after they got up.

After a quick breakfast, everyone went to do their own things.

Before Chen Yuyue and ye Xuefu went to work, they pulled Bi Ying aside and told her that a friend had been arranged at home and asked her not to go back for the time being.

Bi Ying asks Chen Yuyue what kind of friend he is. Chen Yuyue shakes his head and doesn't explain too much. He just emphasizes that Bi Ying doesn't go back.

For some time in the future, chakun will certainly face the suffering of drug addiction. If Bi Ying comes home and encounters chakun with a drug addiction attack, she will get into trouble and danger.

Now Chen Yuyue is not very convenient to explain chakun.

Bi Ying saw that Chen Yuyue didn't say anything, so she didn't ask any more. Anyway, Chen Yuyue had a reason to do anything.


Today, Tianya Group officially promoted song Liang. Song Liang was promoted to Vice Minister of the security department, and his annual salary has increased a lot.

A group of guys all shouted for Lao song's treat. Song Liang was also very generous. At noon, he ordered a pile of delicious food, such as spicy crab, crayfish, and steamed roast lamb chops and Beef Kebabs. He bought a lot of delicious food to kill the boys.

Chen Yuyue feels happy for Lao song from the bottom of his heart.

Old song and Xia keluyuan are different from these boys. When they are middle-aged, there are really old and young at home. He is the backbone of his parents, wife and children.

Now Lao song was promoted and raised in a big company like Tianya group, and the happiness of the whole family certainly improved by leaps and bounds.

For this reason, Lao song wants to express his gratitude to Chen Yuyue, but he knows Chen Yuyue's personality, so giving gifts and other stereotypes will not be accepted by Chen Yuyue.

So Lao song felt very embarrassed. For a moment, he didn't know how to express it.

He consulted with the two boys, shako and Luyuan, but they both had bad ideas.

When Lao song was worried, Xia Ke reported the situation to Chen Yuyue. Chen Yuyue was also very helpless. In order not to let Lao song be affected by this "trouble", Chen Yuyue simply took the initiative to talk to him.

"Lao song, how are you going to thank me?" Chen Yuyue said half jokingly and half seriously.

Song Liang was stunned as soon as he heard it. If he were someone else, he must believe that he came to him for benefits, but this is Chen Yuyue. Song Liang quickly realized what Chen Yuyue meant: "Yu Yue, i... alas, I am also..."

"You don't think of me as your own?" Chen Yuyue said, "why, are you going to send me some supermarket shopping cards or some gas cards?"

Song Liang was embarrassed to scratch his head: "I really don't mean to see the outside world."

"I don't know if you mean that, but in my Chen Yuyue's eyes, whoever gives me this set is to see me again." Chen Yuyue suddenly put away his smile: "you really want to give me something. OK, put it directly in my desk drawer, and I'll take it."

Song Liang was stunned.

"However, as long as I accept it, it means that I don't treat the giver as my brother." Chen Yuyue continued.

Now Song Liang has no moves at all.

"In a word, I Chen Yuyue just said that if others don't treat me as their own person, I won't treat him as their own person." Chen Yuyue said and smiled in his seriousness just now: "old song, don't blame me for not reminding you."

Song Liang shook his head in tears and laughter: "Chen Yuyue, your brother, I have recognized song Liang."

"Then I can't get a 'gift' in my desk." Chen Yuyue grinned and said, "don't blame me for not giving you a chance. If you really want to thank me, you can't say nothing. I don't want to."

"You are really hard to serve." Song Liang smiled helplessly and took out his cigarette to open. In order to celebrate, he specially prepared a box of soft China today, which hasn't been opened yet.

Chen Yuyue grabbed the cigarette from Lao song: "you really give one. So many brothers are waiting for you to smoke a wedding cigarette."

Old song lost his temper at all by Chen Yuyue: "one box for one tomorrow, one box for one!"

"Wait, I'll record it and you can say it again." Chen Yuyue took out his cell phone solemnly.

Song Liang patted his forehead: "get it, I'll go out and buy it now!"

"It's almost the same." Chen Yuyue took the cigarette and smiled and went out to distribute it to the brothers of the security department. While giving it back, he reminded them to find Lao song for cigarettes later, a box of soft China for each person.

The brothers are quite satisfied with the welfare that Minister Chen "seeks" for them.

Song Liang knew that Chen Yuyue didn't play with him or deliberately want him to lose money. Chen Yuyue helped him win over people at this time.

It is not easy for any department to be a leader and deputy. If you want to do a good job, the people under your hand must have cohesion.

This is the best time to improve cohesion. Everything Chen Yuyue does is to help song Liang.

Song Liang bought the cigarettes back and sent them to the brothers of the security department one by one. While giving them cigarettes, he gave a notice: in the evening, don't see each other!

He won't let Chen Yuyue give him a free order for this meal, and Chen Yuyue won't give him a free order.

In the afternoon, ye Xuefu had a party after work, and Chen Yuyue asked song Liang and his brothers to go to eat in the restaurant first, saying they would go back later if they had something to do.

Then he drove to see chakun.

When Chen Yuyue opened the door and entered the house, he was really surprised by the scene in front of him.

The room was a mess.

Soon, he saw chakun with weak breath by the radiator in the kitchen.

Chakun's right hand and the heating pipe were tied together by a mess of rope. They were all dead knots. There was absolutely no dead knot that could be opened.

And chakun's hand has been purple and blue, which is obviously caused by the lack of blood circulation. If this time is too long, it is likely to waste the whole arm.

The picture is shocking, but Chen Yuyue's performance is very calm.

He knew very well how everything he saw happened.

Chakun heard the footsteps, slowly opened his weak eyes and saw Chen Yuyue. A faint smile appeared at the corner of his mouth.

"How's it going? Can you hold it?" Chen Yuyue said as he found scissors and cut the rope in chakun's hand.

Chakun stood up with the help of Chen Yuyue: "hold on... I'm really sorry for making you so messy."

"Just clean up." Chen Yuyue won't mind this: "you look really bad."

"Few of the guys infected with this thing look good." chakun smiled mockingly, "I still need you to be distracted in this situation. It's really useless."

"Don't think too much. I don't have so much to worry about you." Chen Yuyue said faintly: "as long as you can survive the first time, you can survive the second time. You can bear it."

Chakun nodded: "to tell you the truth, it feels worse than taking off a layer of skin. I'm really afraid I can't help it next time."

"You can only rely on yourself." Chen Yuyue is very firm. He doesn't believe in the drug treatment center, but he believes in chakun's perseverance and his strong spiritual strength.

Chakun took a few deep breaths to calm his mood: "help me buy something."

Chen Yuyue nodded: "I know. I'll bring it to you tomorrow. Can you hold on?"

"I haven't said what to buy..." chakun smiled: "you have guessed it?"

Chen Yuyue nodded.

Chakun smiled bitterly and shook his head. "Now that you have guessed it, don't wait for tomorrow. Send it to me tonight, or I'm afraid you won't see me when you come back tomorrow."

Chen Yuyue was silent for a moment and nodded. He didn't choose blind self-confidence.

Chakun has spoken, which means that this time he is suffering, and the next time he will only suffer more. He needs to be able to control his chains and shackles.

"I'll go now." Chen Yuyue stood up. "I'll bring you what you want to eat."

"Dongyingong soup, curry chicken rice..." chakun smiled.

Chen Yuyue nodded and turned and went out.

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