Professor Kangda spent these days safely in Tianya group. He stopped, and Chen Yuyue naturally stopped.

However, the day of this pause will end sooner or later. Professor Kangda has been waiting for the opportunity. Although Chen Yuyue has never shown interest in his laboratory these days, Professor Kangda still has a vague uneasiness in his heart.

The busy day was finally over. After returning Professor Kangda to the villa, the assistant left under the sign of Professor Kangda.

Professor Kangda is a quiet person, so he will choose to stay alone as long as he has a chance. Unfortunately, there are few opportunities to let him stay alone.

After the assistant left, the whole room suddenly quieted down. Professor Kangda went to the wine cabinet and took out a bottle of red wine to pour himself a glass.

He sat on the sofa tasting wine and had a rest, so that he could quickly sweep away the fatigue of the day.

"Professor Kangda is so elegant. Does it really feel so good to drink alone?"

Before the sound came out, Professor Kangda's mood was always soothing, but the moment when the strange woman's voice suddenly sounded behind him, Professor Kangda's heart immediately mentioned to his throat.

He almost stood up on the sofa in a way of ejection, quickly turned back, pointed the wine glass in his hand at the strange woman, and the wine almost spilled out.

"Who are you?" Professor Kangda looked nervously at the beautiful woman who was very charming and attractive, and his mind was in a mess.

He really can't understand how this woman entered his house quietly. He needs to know that the security measures here are very perfect, and the security measures of his house are needless to say.

"It doesn't matter who I am, but since professor Kangda asked, it's still necessary for me to introduce myself." the woman smiled: "my name is Fengfei to ask for a mate. If Professor Kangda is troublesome, you can call me Fengfei directly."

Professor Kangda watched Fengfei courtship warily: "who are you and what are you doing in my house."

"Ha ha..." Feng Fei asked her husband with a smile: "this villa should belong to me in the real sense, so this place should be my home, and Professor Kangda, you just rented my house for a temporary stay."

"Are you the homeowner?" Professor Kangda looked at Feng Fei in surprise.

"Why, don't Professor Kangda believe it?" Feng Fei asked her husband with a smile: "shall I get you the real estate certificate?"

"No... No." Professor Kangda's vigilance dropped a little, but this does not mean that he can completely put down his vigilance: "even if the property belongs to you, now I have paid the rent. During my rental period, the house belongs to me. Even if you are the owner, you should not enter without my consent?"

Feng Fei begged her husband with a smile: "Professor Kangda, you rented my house. To some extent, it's fate with me. Since we are so destined, we don't need to worry about this."

"It's a matter of principle," Professor CONDA said rigidly.

At this time, Professor Kangda suddenly thought of another question.

The assistant rented the house according to his requirements. He said in advance that all information about him needs to be concealed. This is a matter of privacy, so all the information left when the house was rented must be the information of his assistant.

Since all the tenant information is the information of his assistant, how does this woman know his identity? Why do you call him Professor Kanda directly!?

Thinking of this, Professor Kangda became vigilant again: "why do you know my identity? I'm afraid I didn't introduce myself just now?"

"Professor Kangda, don't be kidding. In our biology circle, who doesn't know you." Fengfei QiuHuang made a surprised expression: "if I still need Professor Kangda to introduce myself, I've been in biology for so many years."

"You are also engaged in biology?" Professor CONDA showed surprise again.

People who do biological research have local tyrants of this level? He doesn't know at all? How is this possible

"People of my level dare not claim to be engaged in biology in front of Professor Kangda." Feng Fei asked her husband with a smile: "I'm just a person who makes money through this industry."

Professor Kangda looked up and down carefully for the first time.

This woman is really perfect. There are no defects in her face, figure and temperament. Such a woman can definitely be called a goddess in a man's heart.

Even a man of Professor Kangda's age, a man who has seen so many women, will have an inexplicable Bang after looking carefully.

To be honest, it's really rare for a woman who can impress an experienced old man. After all, Professor Kangda is not that kind of old goat, not that kind of master who can't pull out his legs when he sees a woman.

"Those who can make money in the biological field are intelligent people. Those who can do so much business and make so much money are naturally the dragon and Phoenix among people." Professor Kangda said faintly. He doesn't believe that a woman can make so much money in a field.

Rather than believe that the beautiful woman in front of him is a successful businessman, Professor Kangda is more willing to believe that there is a wonderful man behind the beautiful woman.

"Thank you for Professor Kangda's praise." Fengfei QiuHuang readily accepted Professor Kangda's praise, which surprised Professor Kangda. He thought Fengfei QiuHuang would introduce the successful man behind her at this time.

If there were no men behind her, Professor CONDA would be really surprised.

"In fact, all this is just a kind of life training for me." Fengfei QiuHuang continued: "it's the same in any industry. There are people who make a living."

"Miss Fengfei, your success is not a small achievement. Your success is quite a success." Professor Kangda looked around the villa: "for this real estate, it is rare that you can afford it in China."

Feng Fei waved her hand indifferently: "these things are just external things. People's greatest wealth is connotation and knowledge in their mind. That is the unique existence and wealth that no one can share."

"Hehe... Miss Fengfei is really good at talking." Professor Kangda gradually relaxed his vigilance against Fengfei's courtship again.

Unknowingly, he even forgot that Feng Fei's quest for a mate was an uninvited "dangerous person" who somehow appeared behind him.

Feng Fei asked her husband to point to the bottle of red wine opened by Professor Kangda and said, "we've been talking for so long. Isn't Professor Kangda going to buy me a drink?"

Professor Kangda immediately put the wine cup in his hand aside: "this year's red wine doesn't deserve the identity of miss Fengfei. Fortunately, I have several bottles of 1990 Raffi here. Although it's not the best, at least it won't lose face in front of miss Fengfei."

"Professor Kangda is joking. I would feel honored to have a drink with someone like you, even white water." Fengfei QiuHuang still kept his smile.

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