"Professor Kangda, do you know what kind of man is the most attractive?" Feng Fei's smile made Professor Kangda feel a burst of uncontrollable numbness.

Facing the woman, he could hardly speak, leaving only a dull shake of his head.

"Men with ideas and aspirations are the most attractive." Feng Fei asked her husband gently: "Professor Kangda, your ideas and aspirations are so different, so your charm is so different that people can't indulge in them and extricate themselves."

Originally, Feng Fei thought that Professor Kangda had no resistance, but he didn't expect that Professor Kangda once again raised his only remaining spirit when he heard this topic.

"There's nothing wrong with human evolution step by step," Professor CONDA said. "Why rush for success."

"This is not a hurry for success, it is a problem that the survival of the fittest will face." Fengfei asked her husband: "What is the population that the world can accommodate? When mankind began to make up stories to maintain the world, the world fell into disaster. More and more advanced medical treatment has improved the success rate of human birth to the extreme, and the age of human death is getting older. What does this mean?"

Professor Kangda didn't answer. Needless to say, it certainly means that the population in the world will grow rapidly.

"Professor Kangda, I'm sure you've thought about what our world will look like when the world's population increases sharply to 10 billion or even 20 billion?" Feng Fei continued.

These are the questions that Professor Kangda has thought about, and also the questions that Professor Kangda has given his own answers.

When one day the world's population is really calculated by 10 billion, the competition for resources will be white hot.

At that time, what mankind must do is the survival of the fittest. If the survival of the fittest cannot be achieved, the excellent people in the world will perish together with those who are inferior relative to the excellent people.

Although the American Empire's declaration of independence said that all men are created equal, it also said that the creator gave all people some inalienable rights, the right to life, the right to freedom, and the right to pursue happiness.

This declaration looks so wonderful, but it is nothing more than a wonderful story woven by the people of the American Empire.

In the eyes of Professor Kangda and his biological researchers, there is no creator in the world. What would the declaration of independence look like from the perspective of biology and science?

It should be said that everyone has different evolution, and there are some variable characteristics at birth, including life and the pursuit of pleasure.

That's the real science.

The concept of equality in the American Empire comes from Christianity, which believes that every soul is created by their God, so they are equal before God.

As a biologist, of course, I don't believe in the existence of God, so the so-called equality of all people has no meaning.

Professor Kangda's view of human equality from the perspective of biology is a very rational view, because the basis of human evolution is different, so it will never be equal.

Each person carries a little different genetic code, and has to accept different environmental impacts since birth. This different environmental impact will develop different traits, and this different trait will lead to different survival probability.

Therefore, the so-called "all men are created equal" is simply an untenable sentence.

The reason why this became the most famous fragment of the declaration of independence of the United States empire was that people were willing to believe it, but people believed in the existence of a creator.

In fact, people are not born equal. The correct way to say it is that everyone is born with different evolution.

Birds can fly because they have wings, not because they have the privilege of flying, and these natural things can be deprived. Any species will constantly mutate, just like ostriches lose the ability to fly.

The so-called equality, rights and freedom are all concepts invented by human beings and imagined by human brain.

The reason why the world can be built in order is that human beings believe the stories made up by human beings themselves.

"Professor Kangda, I believe you are a rational person and you must have your own views on the world." Feng Fei's hand has unconsciously touched Professor Kangda's chest: "The world has become what it is today. Human beings have woven it bit by bit. The person who first made up the story has become the master of the world. Now the world has changed and needs a new master to change the current story."

"What on earth do you want..." Professor Kangda said vaguely.

"I hope you can become one of the fabricators of the new story." Feng Fei asked her husband, "as long as people believe our newly fabricated story, believe that the world needs us to use this means to evolve, believe that the new world needs the survival of the fittest and the elimination of the vast majority of useless people“

Professor Kangda was stunned. Although he was rational, he also knew that the so-called human rights was just a privilege and word made up by human beings themselves. It was just a story that everyone was willing to believe. In fact, there was no such thing.

However, he is still unable to ignore the existence of human rights.

"No, it's terrible... This will lead to war and disaster." Professor Kangda shook his head desperately: "things have not developed to that point, and mankind has not competed for resources..."

"Professor, most of the wars in history were not caused by the shortage of resources. Rome reached the peak of power in the first century BC, but it was at the most beautiful time of their empire that it continued to collapse." Feng Fei asked his wife with a smile: "you know better than me that all these problems have occurred in the evolution of mankind over millions of years!"

Professor CONDA's eyes widened in shock.

"Because in the process of millions of years of evolution, human beings have always been just a small tribe of dozens of people, but cities and countries that only appeared in a few thousand years are not enough time for human beings to develop the instinct of large-scale cooperation!" Fengfei begged her husband suddenly hoarse.

Professor Kangda was silent because everything the woman said deeply stimulated his heart.

Yes, mankind has been a small tribe of dozens of people for most of the time in history, which is a kind of "thought" in the bones.

Even today, although the powerful Internet makes the whole world as "close" as a village, is there really no selfish thoughts in the depths of human heart? No, of course, anyone will believe that they live in a global village, but they will never regard people living in another country thousands of miles away as their own villagers.

Many concepts are just beautiful fairy tales woven by human beings, and human beings can survive happily in this wonderful world as long as they are willing to believe this fairy tale.

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