After several people entered the room, they closed the door and sat down immediately.

Rowling quickly served tea and poured water, and all the services were done very well. Yang Xuyang also indicated that the kitchen could be ready to serve.

"Professor Kangda, I don't know what makes you pay so much attention to, so I put down an invitation." Chen Yuyue was straight to the point: "if it's just a small party of three or five friends, I'm afraid it doesn't need to be so formal. I'm really not used to it."

Professor Kangda took a sip of tea and smiled: "in fact, I want to talk to you about something today, so I think it's necessary to pay attention to it."

Chen Yuyue stood up and said, "let's try not to beat around the bush. Let's say it directly. I'm going to go to Shangjiang to feel the nightlife in a big city."

Yang Xuyang immediately put on a "I know" expression and said with a smile: "no matter what kind of 'entertainment projects' Minister Chen needs, I can arrange them for you to ensure your satisfaction. Ha ha... I have all the projects that can be hi in the urban area, and I also have the projects that are not in the urban area..."

"Boss Yang misunderstood." Chen Yuyue laughed and responded casually.

When Professor Kangda saw that Chen Yuyue really didn't intend to stay long, he stopped beating around the bush. After all, he didn't understand and couldn't control Chen Yuyue's personality.

If Chen Yuyue really wants to leave after a while, he can't keep people directly by tough means, can he? After all, his purpose today is to ease, not to completely tear his face and stink the relationship. If he wants to tear his face, he doesn't need to make today's arrangement at all.

"Minister Chen, before we drink, I'd like to say a few idioms. Natural selection, survival of the fittest. Survival of the fittest, the jungle." Professor Kangda said lightly: "I don't know if Minister Chen has heard of these idioms."

"Of course I have." Chen Yuyue smiled. "Professor Kangda, you are a modern biologist. These idioms seem to be the theories of your modern biologists?"

"It's called the law of the jungle," Professor CONDA said seriously.

Chen Yuyue nodded: "well, the law of the jungle, I understand. I've heard of it. It's Darwin's law of survival."

"The law of the jungle has two attributes. The first attribute is the natural attribute that all creatures must abide by, and the other attribute is what we call social attribute. Natural attribute is objectively affected by nature and is not affected by human and social factors." Professor Kangda said with assurance: "After all, the resources in nature are limited, and only the strong can get the most, which is reflected in the plant world. The social attribute is generally reflected in our animal world, while man, as a higher animal, can change the natural attribute of the jungle law. Of course, human society also has to abide by the survival law. All competition should follow the jungle law. As for the end of competition If that depends on their respective abilities, it is wisdom and means and the ability to adapt to the world. "

Chen Yuyue clapped his palm twice perfunctorily: "OK, that's good."

Professor Kangda was stunned. He said that he didn't want Chen Yuyue to applaud.

"This law is the result of Darwin's study of Paleontology and evolution," Professor CONDA said seriously.

"Yes, of course I know that this is the result of great scientists." Chen Yuyue put away his smile. He knew what Professor Kangda wanted to say next, so he directly blocked his next words: "unfortunately, this great achievement has been used by many people with ulterior motives, and has somehow become a slogan of sociology."

Professor Kangda didn't expect Chen Yuyue to go on. He wanted to interrupt Chen Yuyue, but Chen Yuyue didn't give him a chance to speak.

Chen Yuyue shrugged his shoulders: "And now this has become the consensus of the mainstream society. This trend of thought existed in western countries many years ago. It can be said to be an anti human product. Since the reform and opening up, some people in our country have used this achievement as advanced experience in grass-roots operation and management. Although this consciousness can promote economic development for a while, it has also accelerated the speed of two-level differentiation It has intensified social contradictions that did not exist before and increased social instability... The harm is greater than the benefit. "

Professor Kangda was speechless by Chen Yuyue for a moment.

Yang Xuyang also clapped twice when he learned from Chen Yuyue: "Minister Chen is really forward-looking. This kind of social Darwinism really sounds great."

"In today's material and utilitarian society, people have unconsciously divided the same kind into three, six, nine and so on." Chen Yuyue sneered: "the prevalence of social Darwinism, regardless of the past, never ask the reason, always cover the complex and profound practical problems with the strong logic of survival of the fittest, how terrible?"

Now it is.

Many people who think they have become social elites always look down on people struggling at the lower level of life with a high attitude.

These people have forgotten how they came to this day step by step.

"Professor Kangda, no country or society can eradicate poverty and backwardness," Chen Yuyue suddenly asked.

Professor Kangda was stunned and could only nod. Even in the richest countries, there will still be hungry people on the streets.

"I don't know when the words' upper class' and 'lower class' came into being. In the past, the lower class was a slave, a servant, a rickshaw puller on the beach and an anti sack man on the wharf. Now it has developed into sanitation, sweeping the road, picking up junk and express delivery. All these jobs are classified as the' lower class' without people's awareness "Middle." Chen Yuyue said coldly, "making less money and hard work is equal to the" bottom ". This is the impression that many people have been branded since childhood. From the previous parents intimidated their children to take out dung and sweep the street when they grow up, to today's parents threatened their children to take express delivery in the car compartment when they grow up. What will happen in the future?"

"Minister Chen, you are a little excited." Yang Xuyang motioned Secretary Luo Lin to pour water.

Chen Yuyue waved his hand: "I'm not excited, just chatting."

"Poverty is linked to the bottom, which is an idea that can't be changed." Professor Kangda finally inserted a sentence.

"But is poverty the fault of the poor? Is poverty a sin?" Chen Yuyue asked: "Isn't it more admirable and respectful for poor people to struggle hard, work hard, feed their families and educate their children? But why do people unconsciously label poor people as the 'bottom' and then secretly discriminate with a habitual attitude?"

Professor CONDA was speechless. He was neither a sociologist nor a psychologist. He didn't know that.

"This kind of behavior is the shame of this society." Chen Yuyue sneered: "dividing people into 369 grades, elite and inferior is the most despicable side of human nature."

After Chen Yuyue said these words, he almost blocked all the words Professor Kangda wanted to say today back to Professor Kangda's heart.

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