"Hum, you just refuse to admit the mistake of your point of view." Professor CONDA sneered, "well, since you don't want to admit it, I won't force you to embarrass you."

"Professor Kangda, in fact, you came here today just to make me a social Darwinian." Chen Yuyue said: "let me see how these weak little things become our Chinese food, but I want to ask, since you are an expert in biology, you should know that the strategies adopted by organisms in the process of evolution are different?"

"Of course I know," said Professor CONDA.

"Then you must know that these two different survival strategies represent two different biological modes of coping with the environment?" Chen Yuyue continued.

His eyes were fixed on the plates of insects.

"I know what you want to say." Professor Kangda saw the fried plate of shiny insects along Chen Yuyue's eyes: "The survival strategies chosen by these little things are characterized by short life cycle, small size, fast reproduction and a large number of offspring left each time. Therefore, even if the survival rate is low, they can ensure that they will not be destroyed. Most of these insects are like this. They reproduce in large numbers. When the environment changes, they will not take any positive strategies, but rely on mass reproduction to produce offspring Variation. "

Chen Yuyue smiled: "yes, when the temperature becomes cold, they will not keep out the cold in a high-end way, but give birth to many offspring. Those who are not resistant to the cold will die. Very few who produce cold resistance will survive and give birth to a large number of offspring who are also resistant to the cold through extremely high breeding speed. In this way, the population has successfully responded to the crisis of climate cooling.

Professor Kangda said, "that's right. There is another kind of creature that has exactly the opposite strategy."

"Hum." Chen Yuyue nodded.

"The creatures that choose the second strategy will have a longer life cycle and larger size. Only in this way can the individual's ability be stronger than insects, but the sacrifice is that they reproduce slowly and produce fewer offspring. We humans are creatures of this strategy. When environmental changes occur, we humans will actively respond, and we will not choose to die. Days When the air gets cold, we will build houses to keep out the cold, peel animal fur to make clothes to keep out the cold, be able to live and warm, and live in groups to reduce the cost of living. "Professor Kangda said.

Chen Yuyue clapped and said, "I thought Professor Kangda didn't know."

"I'm engaged in biology. How can I not know," said Professor Kangda.

"As you know, we humans use this strategy. In the long process of evolution, we use our brain and wisdom to play this strategy to the level of the glorious king of all species on the earth. Therefore, we have established a human society, a scientific system and a cultural system. Then, through medicine, social security and education, it is absolutely difficult for other species to reach Super strategy, deal with the dangers we may face, and open up our living space... That's why there is a great human civilization! "Chen Yuyue said.

Professor CONDA frowned. "Of course I know."

"Will you still have the idea of social Darwinism?" Chen Yuyue said: "The idea of social Darwinism is totally contrary to the strategy of human beings to establish civilization and survive! Social Darwinism makes people die when they are sick and when they have no culture, and directly eliminate the so-called low-level human beings! Only elite human beings are left. Isn't this the strategy of insect survival? Is this still human?"

Professor CONDA was speechless.

Chen Yuyue took up his glass: "I know that there are too many people on earth and too few resources. Some people with inferior character really deserve to die, but after all, they are very few people, and most people are still innocent. If we want to eliminate them in an extreme way, we may not eliminate those inferior people, but sacrifice a large number of innocent people."

Professor CONDA took a sip from his glass.

"The environment is always changing, and the suffering in a certain period of time may not be equal to the overall trouble in the future." Chen Yuyue also had a drink with him.

Rowling quickly got up and poured wine for them.

When Yang Xuyang saw that both of them had drunk, he also had a drink with them.

The wine in the glass was full again. Chen Yuyue shook the glass and looked at the red wine hanging on the wall.

"Giant pandas like to eat bamboo. When the whole world is a bamboo forest, of course, they live happily. There is plenty of food. They can reproduce carefree all their life. But once the bamboo forest is gone, the living place of giant pandas who only eat bamboo will become more and more narrow." Chen Yuyue said: "this truth is the same for people."

"People are different from animals," Rowling said after putting down the wine.

"What's the difference? People are also animals." Chen Yuyue looked at Luo Lin: "I ask you, what was the status of women in ancient times?"

Rowling was stunned: "no status?"

"In ancient times, women were basically used as fertility tools. This view was deeply rooted in China, and it was only gradually improved after the founding of the people's Republic of China." Chen Yuyue said: "so women with breast and fat buttocks were good in the past. If they chose women according to the standard suitable for fertility, no one wanted them at all."

Rowling was stunned and didn't deny it: "at the beginning, women with large pelvis were more likely to give birth to children, with higher survival rate, and those with plump breasts had the advantage of breastfeeding, I admit."

"But today, women's productivity is liberated, and having children is not so dangerous. Different women need to engage in a variety of jobs with different abilities. Women who eat fat all their life and only have children are not welcome," Chen Yuyue said.

Rowling shrugged her shoulders. She admitted that the criteria for mate selection are really different now, and women are slowly having career requirements. Unlike before, they just need to stay at home to watch their children, cook and clean up the housework.

"When the environment changes significantly, the population with genetic diversity is more likely to survive!" Chen Yuyue raised his voice: "the so-called social Darwinism is self righteous to eliminate the inferior species. He thinks that this alleviates the pressure on the use of the earth's resources, but he didn't expect that this process also eliminated a large number of neutral genes!"

Professor CONDA opened his mouth in amazement.

"Professor, I ask you, what does it mean to reduce the genetic richness?" Chen Yuyue calmed down slowly.

"I..." Professor Kangda stopped talking.

"It means that it will be more difficult for mankind to adapt to the changing environment in the future!" Chen Yuyue answered for him. He believed that Professor Kangda knew the result.

So Professor CONDA didn't deny it.

"In the diversified environment of our human society, how to define which individuals are inferior? Money? Skin color? It's bullshit!" Chen Yuyue angrily scolded: "even if there are many standards to measure, intelligence, sports, EQ, art and skills, we still can't judge who is inferior race!"

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