In the villa in Dongwan District, ye Yin was furious!

He never expected that the grass Gu lady would poison so many people today, but she didn't succeed in poisoning the target he needed most!

The grass Gu woman knelt in front of Ye Yin and lowered her head without saying a word. She didn't know how to face her master. She knew that everything was because of her carelessness, otherwise things wouldn't be like this.

But what makes Cao Gu Po regret most is not that she didn't succeed in poisoning Chen Yuyue, but that she accidentally fell on the girl who had never met her but was willing to stand up for her.

This is the most wrong thing she felt she had done in her life.

Today, all the guys who offended her in the whole table were poisoned by her! She wants all these people to die tomorrow!

But she didn't want something to happen to the girl, but she knew how powerful the insect was. The girl couldn't carry it

"How many times have I told you! You can't do poison at will without my permission!" Ye Yin roared angrily: "you do it to so many people. Once something happens to those people, they will be investigated! We can't find out. Once it's found out, how do you let me deal with it!"

Without saying a word, Cao Gu continued to kneel in front of Ye Yin.

"And you tell me, why did you miss and make a mistake on that girl!" Ye Yin's voice became higher and higher: "what's the use of raising you! You are a thing that can't accomplish anything but defeat!"

Ye Yin doesn't care whether she can make a job in front of the two second generations.

He's worried about potential trouble!

Who knows who was at that table yesterday? If there is a person who has something to do with power, he will be annoyed.

Ye Yin hates getting into trouble because he knows that trying to solve a troublesome thing may lead to more troublesome things.

Sometimes these things will always be involved, which makes people tired to deal with, but after dealing with it for a long time, they find it meaningless!

So this is why Ye Yin hates getting into trouble.

"And you told me that you found it yourself. Why don't you do it to the boy again? Ye Yin glared.

The grass Gu woman bowed her head and said nothing.

She won't give any explanation for what she did.

This time it seems that her whole world has changed.

The person she wanted to harm was completely unknown to her. She wanted to harm others, but the other party extended a helping hand to her when she was in trouble.

This is something she has never dared to think about in her life, which is simply a luxury for Cao Gu.

It was because of this that she regretted what she had done. She was wrong. She wanted to repent, so she didn't continue.

"I tell you, if you want to find a way to control the insects that enter the girl's body, you must not let the girl have an accident today!" Ye Yin continued angrily: "once the girl has an accident today, he will be aware of it! I want you to make a remedy tomorrow! Solve the bastard's problem for me!"

"I don't want to do it anymore." the grass Gu woman even spoke.

And it's a refusal.

She turned down Ye Yin's request for her!

Ye Yin looked at the grass Gu woman in front of her in shock. She couldn't believe her ears: "what are you talking about?"

The grass Gu woman was silent again, and her low head almost stuck to the ground.

"I'll ask you for the last time. What did you say?" Ye Yin's eyes were full of blood: "do you know that your whole life is in my hands. If I don't give you medicine, no one can help you resolve your heart and bone swallowing pain!"

The grass Gu woman is still silent. Of course she knows all this.

If it weren't for this, she wouldn't be willing to do everything for ye Yin.

"How dare you disobey my orders? Who gave you courage?" Ye Yin's voice trembled slightly. "Who gave you courage? The girl?"

As soon as the voice fell, ye Yin kicked her back heavily!

If he hadn't mastered the prescription that could relieve the bone etching pain of the grass Gu woman, he certainly didn't dare to do such a thing, but only his medicine could make the grass Gu woman relieve the great pain that life is worse than death.

So no matter what he did to the poor old woman in front of him, the old woman dared not say no to him!

"Am I too tolerant of you? Every time I prepare medicine for you before your attack, so you have forgotten that I am your benefactor?" Ye Yin's inner anger can no longer be controlled.

He doesn't know what he can do to calm his anger!

"In that case, tomorrow will be the day when you get sick. Just put up with the pain of swallowing your heart and bones. Don't blame me for not reminding you!" Ye Yin kicked it again.

The grass Gu woman's body trembled slightly.

She is not afraid of Ye Yin's beating and scolding. She is afraid of the pain of swallowing her heart and bones, which she can't bear at all.

Ye Yin is right. Tomorrow is her onset. She needs Ye Yin to decoct medicine for her.

If she can't take the strange medicine fried by Ye Yin tomorrow, she will fall into great pain at sunset.

This pain will be accompanied by darkness all night! It will not subside until the sky is bright again. After sunset, it will continue to suffer, and then wait for sunrise

As long as she is not controlled by Ye Yin's medicine, this pain will repeat every day.

After sunset, her pain will be less than a minute's rest time, her biological clock will be destroyed, and a long time of not sleeping at night will turn his sleep back.

Everything will get worse because the pain can't be solved.

It's no exaggeration to say that life is worse than death. That kind of pain seems to be broken bones bit by bit.

Cao Gu has endured many things in her life, but that pain is the only thing she can't bear.

If she can bear it, she won't live at Ye Yin's feet. She's not as good as a dog.

The pain was harder for her than death.

"Tomorrow is my last chance for you." Ye Yin gave an ultimatum to Cao Gu: "if you can't solve that guy, you don't want to spend any night comfortably in the future."

The grass Gu woman can't help but fear when she thinks about it. It's an endless night, endless pain and endless torture.

Ye Yin threw away her sleeve and reminded again at the moment of closing the door: "think about what I said. Otherwise, tonight is the last night without pain in your life. Enjoy it!"

Bang -!

The door was slammed shut.

In the dark, there was only Cao Gu Po alone. The air was quiet and terrible.


The morning sunshine is always pleasant.

But what Bi Ying has done is puzzling.

When she woke up, no one paid any attention. She went straight to the attic on the roof, pushed open the window, and half of her body came out.

When she appeared by the window, she happened to be seen by Chen Yuyue who came back from breakfast.

"Hey --! What do you think! How can you do such a dangerous thing!" Chen Yuyue roared, shaking Bi Yingjing's whole body, and obediently retracted his body.

Chen Yuyue hurried back to the house to find Bi Ying and asked her what she wanted to do.

But Bi Ying couldn't say anything. She didn't know why she went to the attic and why she did such a dangerous thing.

There was no reason at all, which surprised Bi Ying herself.

However, she soon fell into that self-consciousness and ignored other people's ideas.

Chen Yuyue was full of doubts, and then asked her to wash her hands and face for dinner.

After Biying went to wash, Chen Yuyue woke up the other girls and went to divide the breakfast.

Just as Chen Yuyue was making breakfast, Su Qing's surprised voice came from the bathroom: "Bi Ying! What are you going to do!"

Then came Bi Ying's crazy cough.

Chen Yuyue put down his things and ran to ask about the situation. He only saw that the basin was full of water, and Bi Ying's hair and collar were wet. Su Qing was holding a towel to wipe her face.

"What's the matter with you?" Su Qing asked incredulously as she wiped her face. "Aren't you sleepy enough to wash your face and sleep?"

Bi Ying also has a frightened expression. She really doesn't know what's wrong with herself!

"What happened?" Chen Yuyue didn't understand.

Su Qing pointed to the basin full of water: "when I came in, she soaked her head in the water. It scared me to death. She couldn't hold her breath when I pulled her up."

Chen Yuyue has some hair on his back. This kind of thing is really weird: "tell me, why did you do this just now?"

"I... I don't know..." Bi Ying shook her head awkwardly: "brother, I don't know what's wrong. I woke up in a trance this morning, and then I..."

At this point, Bi Ying didn't know what to say. It seemed that she began to fall into that kind of self-consciousness again.

"Look at me!" Chen Yuyue suddenly hugged Bi Ying's shoulder and shook it fiercely: "pay attention and don't be distracted!"

Bi Ying came to her senses again, but she had forgotten what she had just said.

"There must be something wrong with your state." Chen Yuyue firmly believes in this.

Ye Xuefu and ye Xiaoyao also came out to ask questions. Bi Ying was embarrassed. She thought she was all right. She might just wash her face.

Later, Chen Yuyue decided not to let Bi Ying go out today, and arranged for the goblin to stare at her at any time. We must not be careless.

Ye Xiaoyao patted his chest and promised that if he couldn't do it, he would become a cup.

This guarantee is really poisonous. Chen Yuyue has no reason not to trust her.

Then all the people who should go to work went to work. Ye Xiaoyao didn't live up to Chen Yuyue's trust. Sure enough, after everyone left, he followed closely behind Bi Ying.

Bi Ying was embarrassed by her. She said she was really all right. She must have been sleepy just now, but ye Xiaoyao still insisted on following her. She took her body as a guarantee. This can't be joked.


As soon as Su Qing arrived at the unit, she heard the report from her colleague on duty last night. She said that eight people in Tianhai jumped from a building at home last night!

And this morning, another man jumped out of a building to commit suicide! Now we are preparing to arrange people to go to the scene.

It's terrible. Su Qing really feels sorry for those people's family and friends. I don't know what's so hard to think about that she should choose suicide.

The report of this matter also followed up very quickly. Before long, there was new news. It is said that these nine people are friends.

Now things suddenly become strange. If these people are pure suicide, it is impossible for everyone to have the same idea.

Although it is said that making friends is fish looking for fish and shrimp, what kind of people play with what kind of people.

I haven't heard that a group of people with suicidal thoughts will play together. People with suicidal thoughts are slightly autistic and won't make so many friends.

But these nine people can't be so close that one person jumps off a building and the others are buried with him. That's why it's strange.

This strange thing spread very quickly and soon spread all over Tianhai city.

Some people also made up a story that these nine people must have done something shady. Maybe it was the lonely ghosts who were killed by them.

: it's hard to calm down because of some worries during this period. I don't update much. Please forgive me. I'll adjust as soon as possible. After all, life won't be all right in the world. On the one hand, it will always be bad on the other hand. When you are happy, you may suffer from the pressure of your career, When your career is going well, you may experience unhappiness in life. Originally, there was no plain sailing.

There is a good saying: there are more difficulties than methods

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