After the video was deleted, the "photographer" suddenly turned back in the car he left. As soon as the car stopped, the people in the car rushed out in a panic.

"My mobile phone!" the guy's eyes were sharp and immediately recognized that the mobile phone in Zhao Xiaoyao's hand was his own.

Zhao Xiaoyao walked forward with a smile: "just picked it up, rest assured, it's intact."

The man reached out and grabbed the mobile phone. He looked flustered and opened the album, but found that everything in it had been emptied.

"What about the things in my mobile phone!" the man turned his face on the spot. Unexpectedly, he grabbed Zhao Xiaoyao's collar and angrily scolded Zhao Xiaoyao: "who asked you to delete all the things in my mobile phone!"

"Oh, what's the matter? Is there something wrong with the mobile phone?" Zhao Xiaoyao was not angry and robbed the mobile phone back in the guy's hand: "by the way, speaking of this, I also want to ask you. I secretly took so many photos of us. What do you want to do?"

While talking, the guy also wanted to grab the mobile phone, but Zhao Xiaoyao directly crushed the mobile phone.

In this way, even the most powerful people don't want to recover the things in their mobile phones.

The guy was stupid on the spot. Before he could speak, Zhao Xiaoyao directly pushed the man out for two meters and went straight to the car. The people in the car turned around and ran away without saying a word. He threw the "photographer" directly and escaped quickly.

"Wait for me!" the photographer's mood fell into the abyss, and his mind was full of dirty words at this moment.

Zhao Xiaoyao came forward and grabbed the guy's collar and threw it back in front of Chen Yuyue. Even if Chen Yuyue looked at him with a smile, he felt a thrill.

"What are you doing!"

Chen Yuyue didn't bother to beat around the bush when he saw this kind of advice: "no matter who I want to frame Zhou Chengxuan, help me tell him not to take him as a chess piece. If you still want to use him, don't blame me."

"You... Aren't you going to hit me now..." the man was worried about it. He was really counselled.

"What's the use of beating you? You're nothing more than being used as a fool." Zhao Xiaoyao said impatiently, "but don't let me see you in the future. I have a special hatred for you. My brother will forgive you for what you did today, but it doesn't mean I will forgive you. If I see you again, I'll never forgive you."

The frightened "photographer" ran away under the threat.

Of course, Chen Yuyue wouldn't let him go so easily. He gave Feng Xun a look, and Feng Xun knew what to do.

Since this guy is responsible for shooting evidence, there must be a master asking him for questions. If he can't get what the master wants, of course, he will explain to the master. Feng Xun can easily find out who is behind the scenes if he keeps up with him. This kind of counsellor certainly doesn't think he may be watched by others. It's estimated that there is an idea in his mind to find the master's shelter.

"All right, as soon as brother Fengyu comes out, we will know who is behind the scenes." Zhao Xiaoyao said, "I really want to know who is so bold that he wants to use us to do things."

"No matter who it is, don't mess about this matter." Chen Yuyue knew very well that even if he found out, it's no big deal. The person who planned all this is definitely not a smart person, but a small fish at most.

Now what Chen Yuyue has to do is to catch big fish for a long time. It's really boring for him to deal with those small fish and shrimp.


Chen Yuyue came home late, but Su Qing and her family were waiting for him in the living room. They wanted to know the situation.

In order to reassure Su Qing, Chen Yuyue didn't hide it. He told Su Qing exactly what had happened just now. Ye Xuefu and ye Xiaoyao were particularly surprised. After all, they didn't know anything about it.

"If you have anything in the future, please don't hide it from us." Ye Xiaoyao said in surprise: "we don't know anything about such a big thing."

Ye Xuefu understood them: "even if you tell us, we can't help in this matter. They don't want us to worry about it."

"Even so, we should know." Ye Xiaoyao said, "I just said. When I had dinner with sister Su Qing yesterday, I thought she was wrong."

"I didn't mean to hide it from you. I wasn't sure whether it was really that serious yesterday. I realized the seriousness of the matter only after I heard that team Zhou was taken to the hotel to restrict personal freedom." Su Qing said shyly, "let you worry."

"You don't have to explain to us." Ye Xuefu comforted Su Qing. "You're under enough pressure. Don't listen to the goblins. She doesn't mean to blame you. She's just worried."

Ye Xiaoyao bowed his head and said, "I'm really worried about you, so I'm particularly afraid you're hiding something from me."

"Well, you know what happened, so you don't have to worry about it." Chen Yuyue smiled and signaled everyone to relax: "now we have changed from passive to active. As long as we determine who the opponent is, we will know how to guard against it."

"But can it be solved just by taking precautions." Ye Xuefu looked at Chen Yuyue: "we should find a way to help team Zhou solve the problem as soon as possible. Those false accusations must have a serious impact on him."

Chen Yuyue didn't deny: "it's done. It's impossible to solve these false accusations now. The current situation of team Zhou is not so easy to deal with. If you want to prove that he was framed, you should let the postmaster admit all this and find out the evidence of these false accusations."

Su Qing cheered up and said, "as long as I determine who is behind the scenes, I will thoroughly investigate the matter."

"Not only will you not solve the problem, but you may be pushed into the pit by others." Chen Yuyue reminded: "you should deliberately avoid suspicion about team Zhou. Although it sounds inappropriate, it's the safest for you to do so now."

"I think you should listen to this suggestion." Ye Xuefu also stared at Su Qing seriously: "now is not a capricious time. Avoiding suspicion is indeed the best choice."

"Although I don't know how to deal with it, I think my sister and Chen Yuyue are rational people, and their suggestions to you must be right." Ye Xiaoyao also expressed his ideas: "sister Su Qing, you must be right to listen to them."

Su Qing finally put down the impulse in her heart under the persuasion of the three people: "you're right. If I'm impulsive, it's too easy to enter their trap."

Seeing Su Qing calm down, Chen Yuyue was relieved. The more passive he was, the more he needed this calm.

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