At noon the next day, Chen Yuyue went to see chakun.

Chakun Qi, who had already locked himself, sat down on the ground. When he felt that his drug addiction was about to break out, he locked himself and threw the key out of his reach.

Up to now, he has had four attacks, each of which is more painful than the last one.

Chen Yuyue took chakun's favorite Siamese food to his side and put the food box aside.

Chakun opened his eyes, smiled, raised his hand and motioned Chen Yuyue to leave as soon as possible. Don't look at him.

Chen Yuyue didn't say much. He told chakun that he would send another meal tomorrow.

He knows that chakun's first days are the most special. He should try to avoid seeing him and let chakun fight and endure alone, so that he can try to restrain himself when he has a drug addiction in front of outsiders.

When you can survive alone, many things will become much easier.

Chen Yuyue could not bear to close the door and leave. He believed that as long as chakun survived the hell like drug addiction for the first three days, he would be able to survive in the future.

When Chen Yuyue was waiting for the red light on his way back to Tianya group, several police cars of the criminal police team whistled and roared past. It seemed that something important had happened.

Chen Yuyue thought that Su Qing had officially reported to the criminal police team today, so he had to worry.

He couldn't help dialing Su Qing's phone, which indicated that it was turned off.

Chen Yuyue knows that before some important tasks and actions, he will really ask for the machine, but he will still worry about Su Qing.

After all, Su Qing's previous work in the police station was completely different from that of the criminal police team.

The dangers faced by the two units are also completely different. The most task of the police station is to catch a thief or a gangster fight. The task of the criminal police team is to deal with major cases.

Chen Yuyue was a little uneasy because the phone didn't get through, but Lao song called and said that he Zong of Chengjie group came to review the project progress. He asked him.

Chen Yuyue asked Lao song to tell he Bing that he would go back immediately and ask her to wait a little. He would invite he Bing to dinner.

It's just lunch time at noon. Chen Yuyue originally agreed to eat in the canteen with Ye Xuefu, but now he Bing is here. He can only change his plan and invite he Bing.

Chen Yuyue always wanted to thank he Bing, but he Bing's stay in Tianhai city was too short. He never found a chance. Since he happened to be here today, he invited him.

After hanging up the phone, Chen Yuyue rushed back to Tianya group as soon as possible. On the way, he sent a wechat to Ye Xuefu saying that if there was something at noon, he would not have dinner together.

When he returned to the security department, he found Ye Xuefu and he Bing in the security department office.

It turned out that Lao song invited he Bing to the office of the security department. After receiving Chen Yuyue's wechat, ye Xuefu wanted to see what he wanted to do and whether he could help. As a result, they met together.

Before Chen Yuyue came back, ye Xuefu knew that what Chen Yuyue said at noon was to invite he Bing to dinner.

So after Chen Yu jumped into the house, ye Xuefu got up and said goodbye to he Bing: "Mr. He, I'll go first. We'll call again if there's anything."

"Xuefu, here you are." Chen Yuyue stepped forward.

"Treat Mr. He well." Ye Xuefu's voice sounded strange.

"Mr. Ye, since we met together, let's have dinner at noon." although he Bing is young, we can see the subtle relationships between some people by commenting on her reading experience.

Ye Xuefu refused before Chen Yuyue spoke: "no, Mr. He, I won't bother."

"What's the trouble? You all know each other." Chen Yuyue said, "let's go together."

"Since you know that President he and I also know each other, why didn't you say it clearly in wechat." Ye Xuefu glanced at Chen Yuyue and basically had no expression. This "cold" is the unique "cold" of Ye Xuefu. It's not high cold or arrogant, or a very special "cold"

Chen Yuyue suddenly felt a sour smell.

He really didn't expect Ye Xuefu to be jealous, and it was in this kind of thing.

It's good to say that women are sensitive animals. They can keenly capture whether a person is really good to her. If she can feel it, she will redouble it.

If a woman identifies a person, she will not hesitate to treat that person with her heart. Of course, women are also the kind of animals that will take back their sincerity at any time. The smarter women are, the more they understand what is worth paying and what should be given up.

This kind of woman is more sensitive and more vulnerable to injury.

Ye Xuefu is such a woman. Some of her own default things will not bring her any stimulation, but in addition, she will become very, very sensitive.

More simply, if today's he Bing was replaced by Su Qing, or even her sister Ye Xiaoyao, ye Xuefu might not have this reaction.

But it's he Bing.

Although Ye Xuefu knows he Bing and the two are speculative friends who can talk, she can't say she knows he Bing.

In this case, Chen Yuyue "concealed" that she and he Bing went to dinner. Can she be insensitive?

Even Chen Yuyue didn't mean to hide it at all. He just didn't think it was necessary to make it too clear, so he made things like this.

Facing Ye Xuefu's query, Chen Yuyue failed to give an explanation for a long time. He didn't know how to explain or understand how to explain.

"Minister Chen, in fact, I'm in a hurry, otherwise we'll make an appointment another day." he Bing smiled and gave Chen Yuyue a step: "he has cooperated with Tianya for so long and hasn't eaten Tianya's canteen yet. Isn't Ye always willing to take me to have a taste?"

Although Ye Xuefu will be angry with Chen Yuyue for not telling him that he Bing is coming, she will not be angry with he Bing.

Now he Bing made a request, and of course she wouldn't refuse: "no problem. If he doesn't dislike it, I'll invite you to dinner in the canteen."

"OK." he Bing nodded and immediately got up to leave with Ye Xuefu.

Chen Yuyue was directly hung in the office of the security department, with an embarrassed look on his face.

You should know that he is not alone in the security department office. Can he not be embarrassed now.

"Brother Yu, what's the situation?" Xia Ke walked into the office with fried noodles and braised meat packed in the canteen. He just met two goddesses outside: "why didn't you join them?"

He didn't know what had happened just now. Lu Yuan and they couldn't help laughing.

"Don't ask quickly. Be careful that brother Yu is angry and beats you up." Luyuan nuzui said, "you didn't see it just now. Alas, when President Ye opened his mouth, brother Yu didn't dare to say a word."

Xia Ke put the food brought back to them in front of Lao song and Lu Yuan, and said curiously, "what did President ye say?"

Lu Yuan narrowed his voice down and learned from ye Xuefu's expression: "since you know that he and I also know each other, why didn't you make it clear in wechat?"

Chen Yuyue gave him a white look and said in his heart that this boy really owes him.

Xia Ke was amused at that time: "what's the matter with President ye? Are you jealous? I thought brother Yu secretly dated president he behind her back?"

"Yes, yes, that's a tone of catching brother Yu and stealing." Lu Yuan added.

With that, he smiled and opened the bag of fried noodles and braised meat brought back by Xiake, and fanned the aroma with his hand: "Oh, although I don't have a goddess to eat with, at least there are fried noodles and braised meat."

Lao song was also quite speechless to the two boys, but he also felt very funny, so he sulked and began to eat.

Chen Yuyue grabbed Lu Yuan's fried noodles and braised meat and took them to his desk.

Lu Yuan looked blankly at his robbed meal and wanted to cry without tears: "brother fish, are you so hard to rob?"

"What about that?" Chen Yuyue said impolitely, "now if you hurry to the canteen, you may catch up with a hot one."

Xia Ke patted his full stomach: "anyway, the fried noodles are sold out. You know, our canteen is delicious, first come, first served. If you go late, there are only rice and steamed bread. By the way, there are no braised meat and fried chicken with potato chips."

"What I love to eat is gone?" Lu Yuan said with a bitter smile: "come on, luckily I still have instant noodles secretly prepared."

With that, he turned out a box of instant noodles and several ham intestines in the cook. He shook them in front of Chen Yuyue and ran away.

"I'm starving on the night shift at night. I can't find it. You can hide!" Xia Ke glared at Lu Yuan who ran out.

Luyuan proudly went to the next room to find hot water.


Chen Yuyue soon ate up fried noodles and braised meat, and Lao song ate it quickly. When Lu Yuan came back with instant noodles and wanted to rub a few pieces of meat, he found that there was nothing left.

At this time, Chen Yuyue's mobile phone rang. As soon as he picked it up, he heard some anxious voices of team Zhou: "Chen Yuyue! Something's wrong with Su Qing!"

Chen Yuyue stood up with a rub. No wonder he had been feeling a little uncomfortable just now. He had a bad feeling since he heard the police car of the criminal police team passing by.

But he felt that Su Qing had just reported to the criminal police team and would not be on duty so soon.

The more he worries, the more he comes!

The team leader who went to report for duty on the first day was out of work and in danger. This is fucking ridiculous!

"Where can I find you?" Chen Yuyue didn't ask much, but directly cut to the point.

Zhou Chengxuan immediately said an address, and then urged: "come right now. I don't know what happened, but the criminals called to see you. They said that if you don't show up in an hour, you will do something to hurt Su Qing!"

Chen Yuyue rushed out of the office without reply.

Lao song and several of them looked at each other blankly. No one knew what had happened. Chen Yuyue left in such a hurry.

Only heard the roar of the engine outside, the black Passat rushed out in an instant and disappeared at the front door of Tianya group in a twinkling of an eye.

At this time, ye Xuefu and he Bing are eating and chatting in Tianya canteen, which is the most beautiful scenery in Tianya group canteen.

The people who appeared in the canteen today really made a lot of money! Those who don't like to come to dinner and always let others bring food must regret for several days.

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