At this moment, Su Hewei is in the state of losing control of the current event. Everyone will have that impulse. Even the calmest people will have radical ideas in the bottom of their hearts.

So Chen Yuyue didn't rush to deny Su Hewei's idea, but listened to him quietly.

"I will never forgive those bastards who engage in conspiracy so easily!" Su Hewei's eyes lit up: "he... He informed me that Su Qing had an accident... I'll ask him what he thinks now!"

At this time, Su Hewei made a mistake in his judgment, but anyone will make a mistake in this case. He is obsessed with the situation, which can never be changed.

"Although I don't know who informed you of Su Qing's accident, I believe this person must be used." Chen Yuyue reminded: "if those people intend to make a game for you, they will pick themselves clean. The person who informed you must also have a better relationship with you in Tianhai city?"

"If you don't say it, I really won't think so much." Su Hewei was stunned and finally realized his impulse.

Chen Yuyue gradually guided Su Hewei to realize his current situation: "if you run to question now, you can imagine the results. Someone will make an article."

Su Hewei calmed down more and more: "but I already said I would come, if not..."

"If you don't show up, they will be helpless." Chen Yuyue said, "only by surprise can we deal with them and let them show the fox's tail bit by bit. Besides, Su Qing is all right now. You don't need to worry. I'm here."

"You mean to let me go back now?" Su Hewei was stunned. Although he realized that Chen Yuyue's words were right, he came all the time. Isn't it wrong to go back like this?

Chen Yuyue nodded: "do you still want to show your authority in front of those people? Now it's meaningless."

"Even if Su Qing's problem is solved, don't you need my help with Zhou Chengxuan's problem?" Su Hewei said, "I know, you also stressed that you don't want me to be involved, but I just run away is not the way to solve the problem."

"Do you have a solution?" Chen Yuyue asked.

"The main problem now is..."

"I'm asking you if you have a solution." Chen Yuyue directly interrupted Su Hewei: "tell me 'yes' or' no '. I just want a clear answer. I don't need you to help me analyze the current situation of the problem."

Su Hewei frowned and met Chen Yuyue's eyes without saying a word.

Chen Yuyue said, "if you don't have a solution to the problem for the time being, I have to advise you to go back and leave now."

No solution means only adding trouble.

"Damn it." Su Hewei finally squeezed out two words between his teeth. Now he is really struggling. He doesn't know how to properly deal with Zhou Chengxuan's problem. He has no way at all.

"If you have a way, I will never stop you." Chen Yuyue said, "I also hope that Zhou Chengxuan can get rid of his trouble as soon as possible. After all, someone has linked him with him now. If he can't get rid of his trouble, it means that he is also in danger."

"I see." Su Hewei nodded.

"If you are involved, Zhou Chengxuan's accusation will soon be taken seriously, so now the farther you are from this rotary nest, the greater the help to Zhou Chengxuan." Chen Yuyue's remark is definitely not a joke, but pointedly breaks through the stakes.

Su Hewei was silent for a moment and finally convinced himself.

"I've learned... We really need to take a long-term view." Su Hewei smiled bitterly: "help me give Su Qing a message and tell her that I am her backing and will always support her. As long as she needs me, no matter what kind of sacrifice I make, I will stand beside her without hesitation."

"You can come to prove everything." Chen Yuyue nodded.

When Su Hewei's driver drove him away, Chen Yuyue silently dialed Su Qing's phone.

Su Qing is sitting in her office. She is still puzzled because Liu Renjian didn't investigate her responsibility. Chen Yuyue called.

"Lao Su has just been persuaded by me to leave." Chen Yuyue said, "someone informed him of your affair at the first time. He came directly because he was worried about you. But don't worry, I've convinced him."

"Who informed him?" Su Qing didn't expect that so many things had happened in a short time. Now she felt a headache: "he must not be implicated."

"As long as he can control his emotions and don't do impulsive things, there will be no problem." Chen Yuyue said, "but now he has known the recent events in Tianhai, which can't be concealed. We can't expect him not to be affected."

"What about that?" Su Qing realized that Chen Yuyue meant that Su Hewei would do impulsive things sooner or later.

Chen Yuyue said faintly: "although he won't appear in Tianhai city today, I believe those people will guess the reason. If they don't succeed this time, it means that they will think of other ways to motivate him."

Su Qing frowned.

"You are the best chess piece to use." Chen Yuyue said without hesitation: "so... If you can, you can ask for sick leave now and say you are not feeling well. Let Xu Yi help you get a fake medical record in the hospital and make up a condition that needs rest."

"You let me avoid?" Su Qing obviously didn't want to do so.

"Only when you are away, they can't use you to find ways to stimulate Lao su. If you are still hanging around under the eyes of those people, they will find new reasons to make you get into trouble and force Lao Su with your business."

Su Qing takes a cold breath. This time Chen Yuyue can stop Su Hewei, but it's hard to say next time. If Su Hewei cares about himself so much, once he has trouble one after another, he will come to Tianhai to help her solve the problem.

So Chen Yuyue is right. In this way, Su Hewei will be involved sooner or later. This is a matter of time.

"I also know it's hard to keep you away at this time." Chen Yuyue comforted: "Zhou Chengxuan's things have not been solved. If you're not here, you'll lose your right to know a lot of things, but now you have to admit that you don't have the ability to maintain Zhou Chengxuan, and you're in danger."

"Then I can't just give up team Zhou." Su Qing shook her head. She really can't do it.

Chen Yuyue pinched the bridge of his nose and made himself more sober: "don't worry... I'll find a way to deal with team Zhou. I've met him and he can hold on."

"But the fight between Charles and big tea focuses all the spearheads on team Zhou. Now as long as we catch Charles and force him to admit that he has a relationship with team Zhou, everything will be powerless!" Su Qing raised her voice in a hurry.

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