When Zhao Xiaoyao returned to the hot pot shop from the municipal hospital, he found that Su Qing was rushing into the shop with anger. Seeing the wind at his feet made Zhao Xiaoyao realize that something was wrong.

Sure enough, as Zhao Xiaoyao expected, Su Qing had called Chen Yuyue aside when he hurried into the store with him.

"What did you do to Liu Renjian?" Su Qing was actually worried about Chen Yuyue because she was worried that Chen Yuyue would touch the bottom line of the law.

Threats and intimidation are against principles. Even if their purpose is very simple, even if she knows that they will not really hurt people, they are just intimidation, but they are still acts of provocation against the law. Such acts can never be encouraged and allowed, and such acts must be stopped in time.

"Don't be so nervous. I didn't do anything to him." Chen Yuyue didn't think it was too much.

For Chen Yuyue, although this kind of thing is a little too much, it is not too much for Liu Renjian. People like Liu Renjian deserve it.

"Do you know that what you do is against the principles and does not respect the law?" Su Qing said, "I really don't want to see you deal with things in this way."

"Don't think so much. In fact, it's not a big deal at all." Chen Yuyue smiled: "Feng has checked the foundation of Liu Renjian. What this bastard did before is not clean. Especially after being promoted by Li Weiquan as deputy director, he didn't do less harm to nature and reason. We've been very polite."

"You're welcome?" Su Qing was stunned. "He's almost scared crazy by you."

Zhao Xiaoyao also came over at this time: "sister Su Qing, don't worry, I have discretion in this matter."

"You asked Xiaoyao to do it?" Su Qing asked directly when she saw Zhao Xiaoyao behind. "If you did it yourself, I might believe you said you had discretion, but I don't know where his discretion is."

"Sister Su Qing, you look down on people a little. I'm also very measured, okay?" Zhao Xiaoyao's flat mouth stuck out his tongue.

"Well, you're measured. You're too measured." Su Qing frowned: "I really don't know what to say about you. If Liu Renjian is really insane, can you be responsible for this?"

"If he is really insane, he deserves it. Sister Su Qing, you don't know the disgusting things he did." Zhao Xiaoyao was a little unhappy.

What he clearly did was the right thing to punish evil and promote good. No one can fix such scum officials. Now that he has the opportunity to do these things, shouldn't he do them well?

This is called retribution, the cycle of cause and effect.

If those good officials and leaders dedicated to the people, how could he do such a thing?

Just like Su Hewei, aren't they always silently helping Su Hewei solve potential crises?

What kind of cause a person planted will get what kind of fruit. This is not how Chen Yuyue and others want to harm Liu Renjian, but let Liu Renjian taste it.

"Now I'm reasoning with you. I hope you can listen." Su Qing looked at Zhao Xiaoyao seriously.

Zhao Xiaoyao didn't dare to retort: "sister Su Qing, I know I'm wrong. I won't dare again in the future. I promise that from now on, I'll never find that bastard again. I won't even enter the gate of the municipal hospital. Is that always OK?"

"Don't do this." Su Qing was helpless. They really made him speechless.

"Su Qing, do you know how many people Liu Renjian has helped to deal with things he shouldn't deal with in just a few days as deputy director?" Chen Yuyue asked: "Do you know that he uses his power to secretly rule those innocent and weak things? Do you know what I want to do to people like him? I have been generous enough to him. If it weren't for the special period, I don't want to cause you trouble. Just an asshole like Liu Renjian, his fate would be much worse than now."

Speaking of this, Zhao Xiaoyao also hardened his face.

"Sister Su Qing, seriously, that kind of person deserves to die. You don't need to speak for him at all." Zhao Xiaoyao said the last sentence and turned away to do other things.

Su Qing was silent for a moment before she said to Chen Yuyue, "do you really think I speak for him? Do you think I don't know what he did? Do you think I will sympathize with such an asshole as him... No, everything I did was not because of Liu Renjian, but because of you."

"I......" Chen Yuyue frowned.

"That's right." Su Qing said, "I don't want you to violate the principle because of this kind of person. I don't want you to dirty your hands because of this kind of person. I don't want you to touch the bottom line you shouldn't touch because of this kind of person. I just don't think this person is worth your risk."

Before Chen Yuyue could speak, Su Qing continued.

"I know everything you do is because of me. If it weren't for me, you wouldn't dirty your hands because of such people." Su Qing said silently again.

"No, you think too much." Chen Yuyue shook his head: "no matter who let me meet this bastard, I don't want to easily spare him. You must not have any psychological pressure and burden because of his things. I promise you now that I won't do such things that make you stressed, I promise."

Su Qing shook her head. She knew she couldn't change Chen Yuyue. No one could change Chen Yuyue.

Because Chen Yuyue is Chen Yuyue. He has his own ideas and will stick to his own ideas.

Su Qing can never change Chen Yuyue's thoughts and behavior for any reason.

"Don't think too much." Chen Yuyue patted Su Qing on the shoulder: "The best shortcut to bring down old Su is you. In the next days, you may encounter more problems. I hope you can have a psychological preparation. No matter what kind of things you encounter, you should remember that we support you behind your back. We won't let you face these problems alone at any time."

"Without you, I really don't know what to do." Su Qing finally smiled on her face: "fortunately, you make me feel that all this is nothing at all."

"It's best for you to have this attitude. In fact, it's not a matter at all." Chen Yuyue pointed to the position of the kitchen behind him: "go there and have something ready for you."

"You knew from the beginning that I would come here to find you?" Su Qing was stunned.

"When you were brought back to the criminal police team for questioning, they saw you." Chen Yuyue said, "otherwise, why do you think we have to go to the hospital to find the grandson's trouble? If he didn't want to make trouble for himself, we wouldn't bother to find his trouble, so no matter what he became today, we all blame ourselves."

"No wonder." Su Qing suddenly realized: "I was thinking on the road just now. How did you know that guy changed his mind again. By the way, Dr. Xu Yi seems to have no idea what you did secretly to the hospital? Didn't she cooperate to help you?"

"We want to go into the water to do things. Of course, we won't wet other people's shoes. Let Xu Yi know if it's bothering her." Chen Yuyue shrugged his shoulders: "so of course we can't let her know."

"Then how can you just......" Su Qing was surprised.

"So it's a technical job." Chen Yuyue said solemnly.

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