"Don't get me wrong, leader. I don't doubt you." Zhou Chengxuan laughed.

Dong Xingxin couldn't smile: "you have no reason to doubt me, Lao Zhou. I treat you as a friend. Don't do those things that dogs bite LV Dongbin."

Zhou Chengxuan also stopped laughing: "how can I not know the kindness of the leaders? I can feel the concern of the leaders, so please rest assured. I won't talk nonsense or think nonsense. If I don't trust the leaders, I won't call at this time. Yo, it's four o'clock. Didn't disturb Secretary Dong's rest?"

Isn't that nonsense! Can we not disturb this time!

Zhou Chengxuan's words are nonsense, but what can Dong Xingxin say? Is there anything else he can do except bear it?

"Lao Zhou, I welcome you to call me at any time. As long as you need me, I will try my best to help you and cooperate with your work." Dong Xingxin said faintly: "but you should have a good rest at this time. Since you are injured, your body is the most important. Let's put other things aside first."

"I still have a lot of work to deal with. It's really......" Zhou Chengxuan put on a helpless look: "I hope my injury will not have any other impact on my next work."

Dong Xingxin shook his head: "no, no, absolutely not. You should take good care of your injury first. Your body is the most important."

"Then some things will trouble Secretary Dong." Zhou Chengxuan puns.

Dong Xingxin, who has been completely sober, will not be easily led by Zhou Chengxuan: "as long as I can cooperate with your criminal police team, I will fully cooperate. If there is anything I need my help, I will not hesitate."

"Secretary Dong can really talk, so I won't bother you. I'm really sorry to call you at this time. Hehe... Blame me, blame me." Zhou Chengxuan said with a smile: "blame me for mistaking Secretary Dong for knowing who did it to me."

"Lao Zhou, don't think about it." Dong Xingxin's face sank: "we're just joking about these words in private. If people with ulterior motives listen to them, they may make what kind of articles with these words."

Zhou Chengxuan really convinced Dong Xingxin and said, "yes, there are so many people with ulterior motives now. We really need to be careful when we talk."

"Well, have a rest quickly." Dong Xingxin finally hung up the phone in a hurry. Although he slept very late last night, he still couldn't sleep after this call.

At this time, the wife who slept with him gently knocked on his door.

"Xingxin, who is it so early?" his wife asked with concern, "is there anything urgent to go? Do you want me to cook a bowl of noodles for you?"

"It's all right." Dong Xingxin said impatiently, "go to sleep. Don't inquire about my work. Don't worry about it."

The wife didn't say anything when she heard the speech.

In this way, Dong Xingxin sat at the head of the bed until dawn. He wanted to sleep again, but every time he closed his eyes, he would think of Zhou Chengxuan's broken bones and open head.

He couldn't sleep at the thought of Zhou Chengxuan.

Wu Hefei, that bastard, didn't listen to his dissuasion at such a critical time. He made waves against the wind and wanted to toss himself to death!

After dawn, Dong Xingxin's wife knocked on the bedroom door again: "it's seven o'clock, get up for breakfast, it's time to go to work."

"Eat by yourself." after Dong Xingxin said, he picked up his mobile phone and walked onto the balcony. He squinted at the rising sun, silently dialed Wu Hefei's phone number and said to his heart. At this time, he really didn't want to be involved with Wu Hefei, let alone have any contact with Wu Hefei, but he had no way. He had to control Wu Hefei's behavior.

If Wu Hefei is allowed to die like this, what can he do even if he is the head of the 13th Taibao of Tianhai?

"Uncle Wu."

After Dong Xingxin dialed the phone, he still had a good control of his emotions.

"Secretary Dong, is it too early?" Wu Hefei's voice was obviously a little unhappy: "the work and rest time of our flat headed people and leaders is different. We are not blessed to live in the office from nine to five. We have to work hard for a living every night. We can't get up so early in the morning..."

Next, Wu Hefei complained to Dong Xingxin.

But Dong Xingxin didn't listen at all.

"Uncle Wu, I'll treat you to morning tea," Dong Xingxin said when Wu Hefei was tired.

Wu Hefei was stunned for a moment, and then laughed: "I remember when Secretary Dong just got on the top, I called Secretary Dong and said I would invite Secretary Dong to have morning tea. Your reply to me was that your nine to five office workers didn't have the merit of enjoying morning tea, so they turned me down."

"Uncle Wu, don't mention the previous things again. It's no fun to mention the previous things again." Dong Xingxin said: "Zhou Chengxuan is now in hospital. I think I need to talk to you face-to-face about some things."

Wu Hefei didn't answer immediately and thought for a moment.

"Uncle Wu, whether you agree or not, this is the last time I invite you." Dong Xingxin's words obviously have the meaning of three-point threat: "I will contact you at this time when you are a friend. I believe you should be very clear that under this situation, I really don't want to meet you."

"Since you don't want to meet me so much, I promise you." Wu Hefei sneered: "am I a nuisance?"

"Go to the one you asked me to go last time."

Dong Xingxin hung up the phone, quickly washed and dressed, and hurried away under the curious eyes of his wife. However, just a few minutes after Dong Xingxin left home, the opposite door opened and a strong man knocked on the door.

Dong Xingxin's wife opened the door and quickly invited the man into the house. The man was not only her neighbor, but also her fitness coach.

Men often come into contact with women due to work, and many unclear things have happened, resulting in the breakdown of marriage and the separation of wife and children. The marriage between Dong Xingxin's wife and Dong Xingxin also exists in name only, and her husband who hardly lives at home has already discouraged her.

Therefore, two people with marriage problems due to different reasons came together. Although Dong Xingxin's wife obeyed Dong Xingxin every day, she did not hesitate to put on a hat for him, which was more or less vindictive.

However, Dong Xingxin knew nothing about all this, so he had never been emotionally affected by anything at home.

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