Chen Yuyue finally turned his face. When Wu Hefei couldn't figure out his current situation and due positioning, Chen Yuyue's good temper was completely consumed.

"Let him drink first. Maybe he is too thirsty now, so he doesn't know what his situation is." Chen Yuyue's face changed.

Du powu walked around the hot spring pool, grabbed Wu Hefei's head and pressed him into the hot spring pool without saying a word!

Because all this came so suddenly, Wu Hefei was not prepared at all. He didn't even have a chance to adjust his breathing. As soon as Du broke his head and Wu pressed it into the hot spring pool, he drank several salivas.

Now Wu Hefei choked half to death!

Because he didn't adjust his breathing, Wu Hefei was pressed into the water and didn't insist. He couldn't stand it for a long time.

Chen Yuyue didn't want to spare him so easily, but he was a little worried that he would choke directly, so he waved his hand to Du powu not to do it for too long.

Du Po Wu took Wu He Fei's head out of the water! At this time, Wu Hefei has been half full. He can't breathe. He can only keep drinking the hot spring water. Otherwise, he will choke. What can he do?

Wu he flew out of the hot spring and wanted to spit out all the water he drank, but Du Po Wu still grabbed his head and couldn't get rid of it for a moment.

"I'll let you drink as much as you vomit. Hold it back." Chen Yuyue was very serious when he said this. He really didn't joke.

Wu Hefei was stunned. His eyes were aligned with those of Chen Yuyue. Finally, Wu Hefei chose to give up. He believed that the guy in front of him could do it if he could say it.

"OK, now you seem to have calmed down. Have you figured out your position? Have you figured out what's going on now?" Chen Yuyue continued: "if you think you've figured it out, we can start talking about business now."

Wu he feiqiang nodded with humiliation: "I've figured it out."

"Do you still have this attitude?" Chen Yuyue frowned. He was obviously dissatisfied with Wu Hefei's look at him. His eyes were full of anger and murderous spirit. He wanted to stick the words "I'm going to kill you" on his forehead.

Wu Hefei was pressed into the hot spring pool again without having time to respond!

"Let him drink more this time. I saw him take a big breath when he went down." Chai Badou's observation was still very sharp. Although Wu Hefei still didn't have time to respond this time, the vigilant people would still make a subconscious response.

This time, Wu Hefei drank more than last time. When he came out, the corners of his mouth began to overflow.

Who could have thought that he was the most arrogant guy in the 13th Taibao of Tianhai City, the guy who dared to arrange someone to attack Zhou Chengxuan in the middle of the night, and the guy who had countless younger brothers?

But no matter how arrogant he is on weekdays, he is also a counsellor under the control of absolute power. In fact, he is not so powerful, just like many hooligans of black and evil forces. They are just cowards who bully the soft and fear the hard.

No matter how arrogant they are on weekdays, they are no different from their grandchildren in the face of absolute power, and they dare not be arrogant at all.

"I have... Cooperated with you very much now... If you want to kill me... Then... Give me a happy..." Wu Hefei kept his last strictest as the boss.

Chen Yuyue nodded dissatisfied: "it seems that you are still not aware of your situation. Let me remind you that you are not qualified to put forward any conditions for me. Including whether to give you a happy way to die. If I like, I can let you drink hot springs to die. Do you understand?"

Wu Hefei's eyes finally showed fear.

Chen Yuyue didn't mean to be soft hearted. He nodded again to show Du Po Wu to start.

Du Po Wu pressed Wu He Fei's head into the hot spring pool for the third time. For this kind of person, it is necessary to make him completely yield in this way. This means is not too much to deal with this kind of person, because this kind of person bullies honest people with this means.

"I'm wrong... I know I'm wrong, I beg you... Please forgive me... Let me go, cough... Cough... Vomit!" Wu Hefei finally learned to beg for mercy, but his violent cough made him vomit out the hot spring water he had drunk all over with his dinner, and vomited in the hot spring pool he was soaking.

Du Po Wu finally released Wu He Fei's head disgustingly.

Wu Hefei was relieved, but he knew that this was just the beginning. These people could not let him go so easily. They had not started to enter the formal topic. What they did now was to make him give in.

"OK, it seems that Uncle Wu is not a particularly stupid person. He can figure out his situation two or three times." Chen Yuyue nodded and said he was very satisfied: "he knows he is not qualified to talk to me now, and our next dialogue can be carried out very easily."

Wu Hefei is still coughing.

"It's said that the elimination of underworld and evil has brought you a lot of losses, so you are very dissatisfied with the action of eliminating underworld and evil. Maybe you've been too comfortable in Tianhai recently, which leads to you being too floating." Chen Yuyue can spit no matter whether he will vomit again: "being too floating is easy to fall. The higher you float, the heavier you fall."

"..." Wu Hefei finally controlled his cough, but now he didn't understand who sent these young people to do him!

Chen Yuyue looked at the dirty hot spring pool with disgust: "do you know how floating you are now?"

"Yes," Wu Hefei replied carefully.

"I thought you didn't know. You dare to stop the anti underworld and anti evil activities. You want to use some means to stop them. You're really floating!" Chen Yuyue said: "in this case, you dare to start with Zhou Chengxuan. I think you really don't want to live? If you're tired of living, just say, I'll let you choke to death in your own vomit now."

Wu Hefei looked at Chen Yuyue nervously. He was really afraid that this guy would do it!

And he believes this guy can do such a thing!

"I'll make it clear to you today. Don't move Zhou Chengxuan." Chen Yuyue said, "remember what we look like and come to us directly if there is anything. If you dare to move Zhou Chengxuan or his family again, I promise to take you back to this hot spring pool and let you choke to death in your own vomit."

Although Wu Hefei tried his best to control his fear, he still couldn't help feeling guilty.

"I always do what I say." Chen Yuyue finally said, "remember?"

"Remember." Wu Hefei nodded.

No one will believe this matter even if it comes out. Wu Hefei, the great thirteen Taibao, is as good as a kitten in front of several young people. He can say whatever he wants to say.

"Bastard is also a little less harmful to girls. Now the university is in a flood of diseases because of your group of bastards." Chen Yu Yue said coldly, "inhumanity is the absolute end of your inhumanity."

Wu Hefei lowered his head and dared not say anything.

"Elder brother, won't you just let him go?" Du Po Wu was a little unwilling. He seemed to stop listening to Chen Yuyue.

Chen Yuyue shook his head: "of course it won't be so simple. He must suffer the sins Zhou Chengxuan suffered."


"On the left, don't make a mistake." Chen Yuyue turned and left.

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