Jiang Xiaoman also knows that although he has not been humiliated, his results and situation are no different from being humiliated.

Once the photos held by Professor CONDA were circulated, she could no longer look up and be a man.

No one will believe her explanation. Everyone will only look at the result of this matter. No matter what she says, it is not as impressive as the photos one by one.

Moreover, this kind of thing is the most likely to cause rumors. Soon someone will spread this kind of thing in a mess, and various versions will be staged one by one. Even if she tells people in the world in a loud voice, she is only forced. All this is not her willingness, and no one will hear her voice.

Some people will still say that this thing is that she is indulgent in life and has too many boyfriends, so she met the scum man and put out her photos. Others will say that she is careless in her private life and makes random appointments, which will harm herself.

In a word, all kinds of statements will spread all over the world, but she has no power to change all this.

All this can only be forgotten after other malignant events are exposed, and the heat of any thing is limited.

Those who have talked about and hurt others because of some things will never feel pain, but those who have been hurt may never forget the pain they bear at that time.

This is a very terrible point in human nature. People who have carried out verbal violence never admit that they have hurt others, and they are either guilty and dare not admit it, or they really think that they have not hurt others.

Jiang Xiaoman doesn't want to talk about human nature with anyone. She just doesn't want these photos to be circulated.

So she can only be controlled by Professor Kangda. As long as Professor Kangda doesn't destroy these photos one day, she won't be at peace one day. Jiang Xiaoman doesn't know how long this day will last.

Originally, she thought that the longer she earned 20000 yuan a month, the better, but now she can't think like this anymore. Now she just hopes that such a day will end as soon as possible. Even if she can't get a penny, she also hopes that Professor Kangda will disappear in front of her immediately and forever

But can the potential threat of this kind of thing disappear forever?

Jiang Xiaoman doesn't know... Even if she can delete the photos permanently, I'm afraid she will have some worries in her heart, which will even last a lifetime.

After all, this is an Internet age. What if Professor Kangda backs up on the network? When Professor Kangda transmits the photos to Jiang Xiaoman's mobile phone through the network, will he have left the photos on the Internet cloud forever?

All these are things that Jiang Xiaoman fears in his heart.


Chen Yuyue hung up Jiang Xiaoman's phone before he regained his appetite. He drank and ate crabs with his brothers and returned to the world of happy conversation.

"Are you sure there's nothing wrong with your employees?" Chai Badou drank a cup with Chen Yuyue and asked faintly.

"No problem, the voice is very calm and there is no special emotion." Chen Yuyue smiled: "maybe I'm too sensitive to Professor Kangda's Affairs recently. Think more. It's all right, brother. Let's have another drink."

Chai Badou said lightly, "it's OK. It's not a bad thing for you to be sensitive. After all, Professor Kangda went to Tianya group with a purpose. If you're not sensitive, it's a bad thing."

"I'll keep an eye on him." Chen Yuyue said.

"It's just that I think a normal female employee should be a little nervous after receiving a call from her department leader in the middle of the night." Chai Badou continued: "it's right to be a little nervous, or a little surprise."

Chen Yuyue was stunned.

"I'm just saying that." Chai Badou put down his glass: "If I were your female employee and you called me at this time, I wouldn't be so calm... First of all, your immediate boss is still a little handsome, and I don't need to say more about her personality charm. Wouldn't any girl be disgusted with a little brother who is bold, honest, beautiful and tall?"

"Everyone has the heart to love beauty." Feng Yu nodded.

"Food and sex are also good." Zhao Xiaoyao shook his crab claws.

Du Po Wu pondered for a moment and nodded vigorously, "Hmm!"

"Whether it's out of the idea that leaders will explain their work tasks at night or out of the illusion of an attractive young leader, there should be a certain tension." Chai Badou said: "of course, this girl must be single. If you have a boyfriend, there are still a lot of single-minded girls."

However, Chai Badou immediately added: "the girl is obviously a single girl living alone."

"You know all this?" Zhao Xiaoyao really admires brother's reasoning ability.

"If a girl is not living alone and receives a call from her male boss in the middle of the night, her boyfriend will be very vigilant. Once her boyfriend is vigilant, the girl will have the idea of taking care of her boyfriend's mood, which will also have another aspect of tension." Chai Badou said: "anyway, it won't appear very calm."

Feng Xun was also surprised and admired: "if someone has a boyfriend, but he lives alone."

"That's impossible." Chai Badou shook his head: "Look at these two lovers around you. How many of them live alone? The times are different. The old and conservative ideas in the past have long been out of date. Now the female stars in the entertainment industry and all kinds of rich second generations have played a good role as an 'example' for the young people in the society, making them realize that no matter how chaotic their private life is, in the end You can still get love. After all, even those who are so "abusive" may have love. Even if there is no love, there will also be marriage. Therefore, cohabitation is not a thing worth considering and scruples at all. Trial marriage is very normal. "

Du powu only applauded. Brother, this wave of analysis operation is absolutely full score.

"If you say so, her calmness is deliberately disguised." Chen Yuyue frowned: "brother, if it's like that, can you be sure she's in trouble?"

"I'm not sure about this. I don't know your employees." Chai Badou shook his head. "But according to normal theory, this girl should have encountered something that makes her heart unable to calm tonight, so when she received your call, she pretended to be calm in order to suppress those restless emotions."

Chen Yuyue had to be convinced that the military division would always be a military division.

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