Jiang Xiaoman doesn't quite understand the meaning of Chen Yuyue's staying. She is a person who has been in love. She knows what kind of virtue men are, especially in the face of single women like her. The virtue is unprecedented unity. The love objects who know that she lives alone will express their intention to move in and live with her.

Although those men say that the purpose of moving in together is to take care of each other, some even say better than singing. They say it is purely to take care of her, which can let her reduce the fatigue brought by the trivial things of life after work.

But in fact, these people have only one real purpose. Jiang Xiaoman sees it more clearly than anyone else.

But Chen Yuyue made such a choice

She has so actively invited him to live together, which means that she has opened everything to Chen Yuyue. Although it does not mean that Chen Yuyue can treat her in any way, she has put herself in front of Chen Yuyue and agreed to let Chen Yuyue "taste" at any time.

Chen Yuyue said he didn't mind sleeping on the sofa. You know, Jiang Xiaoman didn't mean to let him sleep on the sofa at all.

Even Jiang Xiaoman thought that Chen Yuyue might just have a little conflict with President ye before he planned to move out. In a few days, people might make up again, but she still didn't mind appearing in front of Chen Yuyue in this emotional gap to fill his needs.

Jiang Xiaoman doesn't mind being a substitute for ye Xuefu because ye Xuefu is excellent enough. Jiang Xiaoman knows the gap between herself and ye Xuefu, and she can even promise without hesitation. If she is a man, she will choose Ye Xuefu without hesitation in front of herself and ye Xuefu.

In fact, Jiang Xiaoman is really a very competitive girl, even a girl with strong jealousy, but he also knows that he doesn't even deserve to be jealous of Ye Xuefu.

Ye Xuefu's temperament, appearance, figure, knowledge... And so on are far more than her. She has no qualification to envy Ye Xuefu.

Jealousy normally only appears in "almost" people, just like Jiang Xiaoman and Zhu Jiajia. If the gap between them is too large, there will be a certain degree of jealousy.

Rich people living in a rich community are engaged in the processing and production of daily necessities. One has an asset of 100 million and the other has an asset of 200 million. They will be jealous.

However, the rich man with only 100 million assets will never envy the moat man with 100 billion assets who does Internet business in the moat community next door. Because the gap is too large, jealousy does not exist. He will not be jealous, but will admire him.

This is the same reason that hatred often comes from peers.

Because there is competition, because the level is similar, but because of different experiences and luck, one makes twice as much as the other, which will produce jealousy.

The gap between Jiang Xiaoman and ye Xuefu is like the gap between the billionaire and the billionaire. It is not twice the gap, but thousands of times the gap.

There is no jealousy under this gap.

"Minister Chen, in fact, my sofa is very hard and uncomfortable at all." Jiang Xiaoman explained: "last year, I drank too much at a classmate party. I slept on the sofa because I was worried that I would vomit at night. As a result, I woke up the next day and found my whole body aching."

"That's not because your sofa is too hard, but because you drink too much." Chen Yuyue smiled and shook his head: "sleeping on hard things will make you feel sore the next day, but it won't make you feel sore the next day. Only sleeping on soft things that are particularly soft and have no support will make you feel sore the next day."

If Jiang Xiaoman hadn't faced Chen Yuyue, his eyes would have turned out. It would be a little too

"In fact, I really like to sleep in a hard bed." Chen Yuyue said. This is really the truth. He has been used to sleeping in a hard board bed since childhood, so Chen Yuyue has no feeling about the mattress with all kinds of gimmicks greater than functions.

Many people think that the mattress will affect their sleep quality. They don't sleep well enough because the mattress is uncomfortable. To put it bluntly, there are too few things and they are not tired enough. Real physical and mental fatigue is absolutely enough for people to sleep at any time.

Especially if you hold a mobile phone in bed before going to bed every day, the mobile phone affects your pineal gland to secrete melatonin.

Many people know that light affects our body clock, but they still can't control their desire to play with their mobile phone before going to bed. The short wave blue light emitted from the screens of electronic products such as mobile phones and tablets stimulates the human retina most strongly.

Exposure to this light before going to bed will lead to the inhibition of melatonin secretion, making it very difficult to fall asleep.

Too many young people brush their mobile phones before going to bed every day. How can the quality of sleep be high? If teenagers do this, it will not only affect their sleep, but also affect their eyesight. As for the middle-aged and elderly, if they can't control themselves, it's not as simple as insomnia. Middle-aged and elderly friends who wear reading glasses and brush their mobile phones should pay attention. In the past, presbyopia elderly people can see cataracts when they read newspapers with reading glasses, Now it's not just cataract to look at the mobile phone with reading glasses.

"It's hard for me to sleep on hard things." Jiang Xiaoman replied casually.

Chen Yuyue waved his hand: "that only shows that you like to watch those boring short videos or play a game of eating chicken before you go to bed. However, if you do these two things, none of them can sleep well, even if you lie on the mattress of 100000 yuan, no one can sleep as hard."

Jiang Xiaoman was stunned. What Chen Yuyue said was really right.

She is the kind who likes to brush her circle of friends before going to bed and watch some short videos. She often finds it's one o'clock in the morning.

"What should I do... It would be very boring if I didn't brush a few videos before going to bed." Jiang Xiaoman gently bit his lower lip, suggesting that Chen Yuyue might not brush short videos if she had something else to do at night.

But Chen Yuyue didn't notice Jiang Xiaoman's hint at all, and said solemnly: "then find some novels to read. If you're not afraid of psychological depression, find some serious literature to read. If you really can't read traditional literature, find some online novels to read. Anyway, one kind is deliberately pretending to force, and the other is deliberately watering, which will make you sleep soon."

"I really seldom read." Jiang Xiaoman shook his head: "they all say that Chinese people read too little, really too little..."

"There is a very strange phenomenon in China. Fewer people take one hour to read every day than to write online novels every day." Chen Yuyue shrugged his shoulders sarcastically.

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