After Chen Yuyue and Xia Ke came to the restaurant, they quickly ordered two dishes and sat down in a corner.

"Didn't Professor Kangda come all morning?" Chen Yuyue asked casually.

Xia Ke shook his head and looked at a box of Nanjing ninth five year plan and a box of hetianxia in his hand. He thought that he was not a local tyrant. Who could afford to smoke this kind of smoke: "Professor Kangda's car has never appeared."

Chen Yuyue thought about it. The last time the purchasing department sent consumables to Professor Kangda's laboratory was a week ago. It is reasonable to say that the current purchasing material application form should have been submitted to the purchasing department yesterday, but the purchasing department did not receive the purchasing material application form yesterday and did not listen to Jiang Xiaoman this morning.

After all, he needs to sign and review the material purchase application form after it is submitted.

Professor Kangda hasn't come at this time today. Is it because the experiment in the last week didn't go well.

"Brother fish, Professor Kangda doesn't look wrong." Xia Ke said something from his heart: "Professor Kangda's students are also very good. They are very particular about people and things. They shouldn't be bad people... Why do you pay so much attention to them."

Chen Yuyue can neither explain clearly to Xia Ke nor deliberately hide it. After all, he can't hide what he is wary of Professor Kangda.

Simply picking a corner can also make Xiake less confused: "a good man can see that he is a good man in his behavior, and a bad man can also make himself look like a good man in his behavior. Although some bad people like to label themselves as bad people, some bad people like to hide."

Xia Ke was stunned: "brother fish, is Professor Kangda really a hypocrite?"

"I don't know if he is a hypocrite." Chen Yuyue shook his head. "But he is a person with extreme thoughts, which I can be sure of."

"..." shako didn't speak again.

"Professor Kangda, a capable person, is likely to do some amazing things once his thoughts are extreme." Chen Yuyue said faintly: "so I must always pay attention to his every move. In case he makes any extreme move, I can stop it in time."

Xia Ke nodded. Although he didn't understand what extreme things Professor Kangda could do, he knew very well how to do things: "brother fish, what do you need me to do? I promise Xia Ke nothing!"

"OK." Chen Yuyue smiled: "all right, eat quickly. You have a rotation this afternoon. Go home early after dinner."


The two quickly eliminated the delicious stir fry in the canteen, and Xiake patted his stomach with satisfaction.

"I'll go back to the office first." Chen Yu jumped up and said, "I'll call you again."

"OK." Xia Ke also stood up: "I'll give the brothers cigarettes. Hahaha, they certainly didn't expect that even if brother Yu was transferred from the security department, the big guy could still smoke a box of high-grade cigarettes with brother Yu!"

Chen Yuyue smiled and waved his hand to show him where he liked to go. He went straight to the entrance of the canteen and prepared to go back to the office.

But when Chen Yuyue walked out of the canteen, he met several female colleagues in the procurement department, and Jiang Xiaoman was also listed.

"Minister Chen!" several people immediately greeted Chen Yuyue with a smile: "it's finished so soon."

"Ha ha." Chen Yuyue smiled politely, and then pointed to the canteen: "go quickly. If you don't eat again, there will be no delicious food."

After a few words, several people were ready to cook, but Jiang Xiaoman suddenly said to several colleagues, "I'm a little uncomfortable and don't want to eat. You eat. I'll go back to the office and have a rest."

"Xiaoman, are you okay? What's wrong? Tell us... Or go to the infirmary!"

"Yes, I'd better go to the infirmary. We don't understand."

Several people are full of gossip.

"It's all right, but my stomach is a little uncomfortable." Jiang Xiaoman shook his head. "I'll go back and drink some hot water and have a rest. You don't have to worry. Go to dinner."

We are all women. We immediately understand what Jiang Xiaoman is like. She just doesn't need to explain directly because Chen Yuyue is present. There's nothing to worry about.

"Then go back and have a rest. I'll bring you something to eat when I go back. What do you want to eat?"

"No need." Jiang Xiaoman waved his hand. Seeing that Chen Yuyue wanted to leave quietly, he immediately said, "Minister Chen, I'll go back with you."

Chen Yuyue couldn't run away. He smiled calmly as much as possible: "well, let's go back together."

They left the door of the restaurant and went straight back to the office building. Along the way, neither of them spoke. Chen Yuyue didn't know what to say to Jiang Xiaoman. Jiang Xiaoman's performance since the morning was a little strange. Chen Yuyue didn't want to make trouble for herself, so she didn't take the initiative to speak. Jiang Xiaoman's heart was empty. She had a lot to say, But when facing Chen Yuyue, she couldn't speak. She didn't know how to speak so that Chen Yuyue didn't feel abrupt.

In this way, the two returned to the office with their own things in mind. Jiang Xiaoman was never able to say anything.

After coming to the office, Chen Yuyue relaxed a lot, smiled and said, "I still have some work to deal with. Go and have a rest first. If it's really uncomfortable, go home early and have a rest. I'll grant you leave."

Jiang Xiaoman said nothing. She believed that Chen Yuyue must know that she was not physically uncomfortable, but psychologically uncomfortable. She felt that Chen Yuyue should not be so indifferent to herself, which made her unable to adapt.

After brewing all the way, Jiang Xiaoman finally wanted to say something, but he was blocked by Zhu Jiajia who suddenly rushed in front of him!

"Minister Chen!" Zhu Jiajia said with a piece of information, "this matter is particularly urgent. Please look at it and confirm the personnel. If it is confirmed today, you need to sign the document immediately. This matter can't be delayed."

Chen Yuyue took the document and breathed a sigh of relief in his heart. Zhu Jiajia came in time, which could be regarded as saving him. Otherwise, Chen Yuyue really didn't know how to face Jiang Xiaoman's "unpredictable" words to him.

"Zhu Jiajia, can you have the most basic respect for others?" Jiang Xiaoman obviously couldn't bear it. In the face of Zhu Jiajia's sudden appearance, her mood got a little out of control: "I'm talking to Minister Chen. Even if you have something, you should wait a little. Haven't your family taught you what manners are?"

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