Chakun quickly appeared at the door according to the position provided by the other party. Chakun, who has experienced strong winds and waves, can well control his emotions and won't let anyone see his half nervous look.

This is also the reason why Chen Yuyue trusts him. He believes that chakun will never let him down.

"Bang, bang, Bang --!"

Chakun knocked heavily on the door. For a long time, there was no response in the room.

"Bang, bang, Bang --!"

Chakun knocked on the door three more times, but he still didn't get any response.

This community is an old community for some years. Most local residents have already changed their houses and left this place. Now most of the people living in this place are foreign tenants.

Although the situation of the house is very general, due to the good location, many young people in small foreign cities who want to stay in Tianhai city will choose to rent this location.

These young people who work hard for their dreams are busy and spend very little time in rental houses. Therefore, this community is very quiet during the day, and basically there is no one at all.

"If you play with me, we won't have to do business in the future." chakun couldn't help frowning because he didn't know what the other party's purpose was.

Now he can't understand the other party's next step.

Since this is not the real destination at all, he will not continue to waste time. He will leave immediately and leave before Chen Yuyue appears downstairs, otherwise he will be noticed.

Just as chakun turned to leave, Donghu's door opened.

Ge Wen stood at the door, looked at chakun with a smile and said, "brother, if you are not careful in our business, you may be taken away by the Chinese police every minute. The Chinese police are not vegetarian."

Chakun didn't show much surprise in the face of the sudden emergence of Ge Wen: "I like to cooperate with cautious people."

"Me too, so as to ensure everyone's safety and not be taken away like Sandra." Gewen smiled: "as far as I know, Sandra is a very cautious person. He will have an accident because his trading partner is not cautious enough, which makes him finished."

"I should have been under your surveillance all the way?" chakun smiled. "Do you think I have been watched by the Chinese police?"

"Hahaha, come first, let's talk slowly." Ge Wen invited.

Chakun approached the room with a bag of cash mixed with newspapers. At the first glance, he saw Ge Wenyi's two men, one tall and one thin, followed by Ye Xuefu, whose hands and feet were tied and his mouth sealed in the corner!

Chakun was surprised. Although he had not seen Ye Xuefu, he had just seen Ye Xiaoyao in the store. His sister was indeed a sister. The similarity can be recognized at a glance.

Because chakun and Chen Yuyue's plan is to find these people and lead out the kidnappers through these people. Now it doesn't need to be so troublesome. This guy is the kidnapper Chen Yuyue is looking for.

Chakun's face couldn't help showing a lucky smile.

"Brother, it seems that you are in a good mood." Ge Wen has been paying attention to chakun's every move. He noticed that chakun looked at Ye Xuefu and casually explained: "this is a person from our company who has committed some things and is being punished."

"I'm not interested in how your company deals with your people." chakun immediately turned his eyes.

Ye Xuefu asked for help with begging eyes, trying to struggle to attract chakun's attention.

But she soon gave up. After all, those who had a deal with Gewen and them would never be good people.

"Be honest!" xiao'an approached Ye Xuefu with a dagger and stared at her.

Ye Xuefu is silent again. She must find a way to save herself!

Through the window of the room, ye Xuefu determined that she was near the office building of Tiandu square. She believed that as long as she could run out, these criminals would have no way to take her. After all, it was a densely populated place.

"I brought the money and we agreed on the price." chakun continued to attract the other party with trading: "can we trade in half a month?"

Ge Wen smiled: "half a month... This time is really a little nervous. You want 20 million goods. I need time to prepare. In this way, you give me a month?"

"Three weeks at most." chakun shook his head.

Ge Wen's eyes fell on the handbag: "three weeks. I'll do what I can. I'll take the deposit first. As for the rest, we'll pay the money and deliver the goods."

"Yes," chakun said readily.

As soon as chakun's voice fell, Gewen gave Otsu a look. Otsu immediately came forward to take the handbag in chakun's hand to check the money.

"Wait a minute." chakun stopped Otsu with one hand. Now as long as the other party opens his handbag, he will tear his face.

Dazin was stunned for a moment and looked at chakun in a rough voice: "what do you mean? The money you brought is to be given to us? You say two million is two million? Although I'm not going to count one by one, is at least a few stacks enough?"

Chakun looked at Otsu impatiently: "the amount of money is how much. I won't give you less, but now I need a guarantee."

"What guarantee?" said Gwen.

"The specific time and quantity of the transaction after three weeks." chakun said: "also, what kind of compensation should you give me if you can't deliver the goods on time."

Before Gewen could speak, Otsu was annoyed: "who are you when our boss? Our boss said that if we can trade, we can trade! Don't believe we still do business with us?"

"Yes, if you don't believe me, why do you want to send me money?" Ge Wen felt an inexplicable panic in his heart, which was an ominous foreboding of the sixth sense.

A person who is willing to send money will not say these words.

Gewen stared straight into chakun's eyes, trying to see something in his eyes.

Unfortunately, chakun's eyes are empty. He can't see anything, but his intuition tells him that this guy is not credible!

"It's always good to be careful in life and work." chakun was calm.

Just then, the door of Xihu was kicked open by Chen Yuyue!

In fact, Ge Wen and others hiding in Donghu immediately noticed that they deliberately said wrong to enter the house, just to prevent this kind of thing from happening!

Chen Yuyue's door breaking made them take precautions immediately.

Without hesitation, OTSU and xiao'an took out their pistols and aimed directly at chakun.

Chakun was a little angry. He and Chen Yuyue didn't expect each other to be so cunning. Now they were fooled and fell into the disadvantage directly.

When Chen Yuyue kicked Xihu and found no one, he realized that he had been deceived and that the dangerous people might be at the opposite door.

But at this time, if Chen Yuyue still breaks through, he can only get more than one bullet.

"This is the sincerity you gave me?" Ge Wen glared at chakun fiercely: "what's your status as a Siamese guy and why do you want to fuck me?"

Because Chen Yuyue hasn't broken the door yet, chakun can only bite hard: "I really came with sincerity. Don't you say I want to fuck you because of a little voice outside?"

Although Ge Wen was stunned for a moment, he still didn't relax his vigilance. He motioned xiao'an to watch ye Xuefu and Otsu to control chakun.

Xiao'an alertly walked to Ye Xuefu and looked at her bound hands and feet. She was relieved that there was no sign of looseness.

Otsu directly put the gun on chakun's head and stared at him angrily, as if he wanted to eat him alive.

Ge Wen saw that chakun was under complete control and walked carefully to the door. He was very cautious at every step, afraid that someone would break in the next second.

Ge Wen walked quietly to the door, held his breath and looked out through the cat's eyes.

The door of the opposite room was closed and nothing seemed to happen.

When GE Wen rented this room, he had already inquired about the person at the door downstairs. Opposite him was a large mechanical equipment salesman who went on business all year round.

Did the salesman get fired?

Just when Gewen was full of doubts, a dark shadow flashed outside the balcony!

Then the glass crashed with a crash!

As soon as Chen Yuyue rolled into the room, he found Ye Xuefu the moment he landed.

However, now is not the time for him to be overjoyed. Xiao'an next to Ye Xuefu has raised his dark pistol to the invaders.

Chen Yuyue caught xiao'an's wrist as fast as thunder, and the pistol crashed to the ground.

At the same time, chakun was not idle. At the moment when Chen Yuyue broke into the window, Otsu's attention was instantly attracted. Chakun grabbed Otsu's wrist, snapped his wrist, grabbed Otsu's pistol and threw it to Chen Yuyue!

Otsu hit him with a painful and crazy punch. Although chakun parried, he still hurt his shoulder because the other party was too strong. It was because the days of detoxification made his body weak to the limit.

But chakun was the top expert of Siam after all. Even if he was weak, he insisted on it with strong willpower. After heavy elbows were sent to the throat of Otsu, Otsu's huge body fell to the ground!

At the moment Chen Yuyue caught the pistol, a whip leg hit xiao'an's head. Xiao'an turned 360 degrees in the air and fell heavily to the ground without a sound.

Chen Yuyue with a gun aimed directly at GE Wen at the door.

And Ge Wen, who came back to his senses, also aimed his gun at chakun!

"Don't move!" Ge Wen angrily scolded, aimed his gun at the back of chakun's head and shouted at Chen Yuyue: "if you dare to mess around, I'll kill him immediately!"

Although Chen Yuyue aimed at GE Wen, he could feel that GE Wen was also an expert. If he shot at this distance, Ge Wen would surely seize the time to pull the trigger and kill Cha Kun.

At such close range, it is impossible for chakun to avoid bullets in his current state.

"Don't worry about me, just shoot him." chakun didn't take Gavin's threat seriously at all.

"If I'm going to die, I'll take a back!" Ge Wen looked at Chen Yuyue, who was "falling from the sky", and began to gradually understand that he was routine.

However, he couldn't understand why a Siamese who used to follow the small characters of Gucheng to buy goods with him would mix with Chen Yuyue!

If he can figure this out, he won't feel wronged in death.

But now he refuses! It is impossible for anyone involved to unite against him! Why is it like this!

"Put down your gun, this is your only chance to go out alive." Chen Yuyue didn't dare to neglect. He knew what his opponent was like.

At the moment, ye Xuefu, who was blocked by Chen Yuyue, has completely lost her voice, and her tears can't stop flowing down.

She, who had been held for so long and remained strong, could no longer control her emotions at this moment. Tears were like a spring, which could not be stopped anyway.

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