After arriving at the place, Chen Yuyue realized that it was not a serious game at all, or a black boxing field.

Black boxing field is the saying in the underground fighting world. The biggest difference between black boxing and professional fighting competition is the rules of the competition and the way to make money.

There are almost no rules in the black boxing field. As long as you can defeat your opponent, you can use any means and there is no position you can't attack. The purpose is to make your opponent can't stand up any more. There are no scores, points or rounds. It's enough to defeat your opponent at the beginning!

The only rule here is "no rules"!

Then there is the means of income. There is no sponsorship, no broadcasting, and no tickets at all.

Just now, the "ticket money" given by Chen Yuyue and ye Xuefu to the Chinese man was completely cheated.

Because the income of black boxing field basically depends on betting! You have to bet if you want to see the game, so the income of black boxing field mainly depends on gamblers.

If two bosses gamble, the black fist ring will also charge a certain "handling fee" as the cost of providing places.

Those black boxers who earn 180000 yuan in a game are inferior, and the strength of black boxers who can earn 70000, 800000 or even millions in a game is quite good.

After all, black boxers earn up to 10% of the income of the black boxing field. Only those who have the ability can earn enough.

The Chinese man took Chen Yuyue to a parking lot and handed them to a man named Argonne.

Argonne directly greeted the two: "let's go. I'll take you in."

On the way to the scene, Argonne told them, "usually I have to charge some fares to pick up people."

Chen Yuyue thought he still wanted money.

But Argonne added, "you are introduced by acquaintances. You are regarded as acquaintances, so you don't need it."

Chen Yuyue knew that gamblers in such places are divided into strangers and acquaintances. Strangers usually come through the local snake head as an intermediary, and acquaintances refer to those who come through their "official channels" under the introduction of friends.

Obviously, although the Chinese man asked them more money, he really gave them convenience.

"In fact, I don't receive strangers very much now. I usually receive them only after being introduced by friends." Argonne said as he walked, wondering whether he deliberately said good words for Chinese men.

Not far away, Argonne took Chen Yuyue and ye Xuefu to the entrance of the black fist ring.

The entrance to the ring is a small door in the corner of the parking lot.

The entrance of the black boxing field needs security inspection and confiscation of mobile phones, which ye Xuefu didn't expect. It was so strict.

There were two Siamese young people with magnetic detectors at the door. Argonne asked Chen Yuyue and ye Xuefu to hand in their mobile phones and asked the two Siamese young people to do a serious security check.

When they determined that Chen Yuyue and ye Xuefu did not carry other contraband, they opened the small door.

The first impression of this place to Ye Xuefu was not as dark, noisy and bloody violence as expected

The three spotlights shine brightly on the whole boxing field, which is not the feeling of miasma at all. The boxing field is about 600 or 700 square meters, and there is a small open space paved with red carpet in the center. There were about 500 people in the audience, men and women. They sat in twos and threes on the already placed chairs and looked very polite.

Ye Xuefu's nervous mood also calmed down a lot.

After that, Argonne took Chen Yuyue and ye Xuefu to find an empty seat and sat down.

"You have to bet when you come here to watch boxing." Argonne said after they sat down: "there is no limit on the amount of bets, tens of thousands can be made, and the top is not capped."

At this time, Chen Yuyue realized what work Argonne was responsible for: "just give you the money?"

"I am here to serve you." Argonne smiled. "You are mainland tourists. We support WeChat payment and Alipay payment."

"Is there any information about boxers for me to understand?" Chen Yuyue also smiled.

Argonne nodded: "one is a boxer in the ring, and the other is a fighter invited by a foreign boss. The odds are one to lose two and one to lose five respectively."

Ye Xuefu was stunned: "so much worse?"

"The boxers in the ring are always victorious generals here." Argonne said, "so..."

"Then I'll buy this winning general." Chen Yuyue smiled.

"I have cash here." Ye Xuefu immediately took out the Siamese coins exchanged in her bag: "let's buy 10000."

Argonne took Ye Xuefu's money and walked towards the door. At this time, Chen Yuyue saw someone put a table there, and most of the people in the field were concentrated in that place.

A middle-aged man with slightly bald hair sat on the table, buried his head and wrote hard on a notebook on the table with a pen. Occasionally, he would raise his head and talk and laugh with the gambler.

Argonne soon came back and told Chen Yuyue that it was done and gave him a bill. By this time, Argonne's service was over. What he earned was the Commission on betting. Now he is going to receive the guests brought by others.

After a while, two black boxers came from the red carpet in the middle of the field.

The two boxers seemed to be almost the same in size and height, one wearing black pants and the other wearing white pants.

With the beautiful master of ceremonies announcing the start of the competition, the two boxers immediately bumped into each other without hesitation.

The competition between the two began. Their fists and feet did not have the gorgeous moves in movies and TV dramas, but they both kept attacking each other's head, abdomen, lower body and other key parts

It's all the key parts! No mercy at all, just work to death!

The boxers didn't wear gloves. The dull sound of their fists hitting the meat was enough to make ye Xuefu nervous.

But the men at the scene were excited. They seemed to prefer the direct sound of fist flesh collision to the sound of boxing gloves hitting the headgear. Some people had begun to roar excitedly.

Before long, the boxer in the boxing field couldn't hold on. His body fell down with the heavy blow of the other party, and his mouth kept panting.

"So it's over?" Ye Xuefu was shocked.

Chen Yuyue shook his head: "not yet."

Sure enough, ye Xuefu couldn't believe that the Challenger still rushed up after the other party fell to the ground, pulled him up by pulling the fallen opponent's hair, grabbed the opponent's head and hit his knee without hesitation!

When the knee was knocked over, the life of the black boxer known as the winning general was basically lost.

However, the boxing ground did not stop this situation. This violent and bloody behavior immediately made the people on the scene scream. Many people shouted loudly. What they came here for is this kind of stimulation.

Whether he wins or loses, I hope he will be killed at the moment!

The winner loses because he makes money when he loses! Those who win the challenge lose five. They are rich!

However, he hated the winner even more. This guy made them lose money. Of course, they hope he will be killed directly!

After three violent and continuous impacts, the competitor finally let go of his dying opponent.

Then he raised his hands excitedly and jumped up fiercely. A howl like a trapped animal came out of his throat, announcing the end of the game.

It was not until this time that the staff in the ring finally moved. The two quickly carried the knocked down boxer on the prepared stretcher and sent him out directly.

Ye Xuefu didn't care that she lost 10000 Siamese coins. She looked at Chen Yuyue nervously and asked, "will that man be all right?"

"No." Chen Yuyue shook his head: "in this place, this situation will appear in every game. They have already had countermeasures and believe they can be rescued. The fighting ability of these boxers is by no means ordinary people."

Ye Xuefu still sighed: "is it really worth taking your life to make money?"

"Everyone's destiny is different. Some people are born with a golden life. You see the royal family and nobles of John. They are princes at birth. Look at the children born in poor people in Siam..." Chen Yuyue said faintly: "it's different."

Ye Xuefu was stunned.

Indeed, the prince of John, who knows the most about luxury and enjoyment, lived in a large bedroom with hundreds of square meters when he was born. He stepped on a palm thick carpet, and the curtains in the bedroom are velvet. A crystal lamp above the restaurant is enough to buy a big three bedroom in the Fifth Ring Road.

And what about the children of the poor in Siam?

They may sleep on a wooden board when they were born. They feel very happy when they can eat a mouthful of rice every day. What is a crystal lamp? They have only seen the most primitive tungsten bulb!

"Some people take their lives to play is not worth it, but some people are worth it." Chen Yuyue smiled: "don't think too much, this is something you and I can't control."

Ye Xuefu nodded thoughtfully.

This is really a meaningless thing for her to think more.

I don't know how many games there are in Siam every night. What can she change? She can't change anything.

After leaving the ring, ye Xuefu's mood was not high. She had hoped to take Chen Yu out to relax, but she didn't expect her heart to be blocked.

Chen Yuyue could see it and wanted to change the topic to comfort her.

However, at this time, a figure flashed behind Chen Yuyue.

Even if Chen Yuyue noticed, he turned around quickly, but he didn't see anything!

But Chen Yuyue clearly felt someone.

"What's the matter with you?" Ye Xuefu saw Chen Yuyue suddenly turn around and looked at him in some confusion.

Chen Yuyue looked around nervously: "close to me, be careful around, there are people."

Ye Xuefu was immediately nervous by Chen Yuyue's reaction, and quickly snuggled up on Chen Yuyue's back: "what's the matter... I... don't feel anyone?"

Chen Yuyue did not speak and remained vigilant.

If ye Xuefu could feel that the people who appeared would follow him, he would have kicked him away!

It is because the tracker is something that ordinary people like Ye Xuefu can't feel. Chen Yuyue is nervous. After all, only experts have this ability.

"Don't joke with me like this. I don't have the courage to be abroad now." Ye Xuefu clenched her lower lip.

Chen Yuyue can't laugh or cry. He doesn't have the mind to joke now.

Suddenly, Chen Yuyue felt a chill behind him, and suddenly turned and punched out!

"Brother fish."

Chen Yuyue stopped in the middle of his fist and hit the man in front of him in the face.

"I didn't think it was you." the man narrowed his eyes and smiled like a sunflower!

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