As soon as wasina heard Chen Yuyue turn his face, he quickly stopped him and explained: "wait a minute! I can prove to you that he has no problem. You have seen yesterday's game. It should be clear that there are almost no better fighters in Siam than him!"

"Then I won't want a loser to punch me." Chen Yuyue said hard to get.

Wasina smiled awkwardly and politely: "hahaha, if Mr. Chen doesn't mind, I'll arrange a game for him in the evening. Anyway, his anesthetic effect will disappear after four or five hours, which will never affect his game!"

That's what Chen Yuyue was waiting for.

He only needs to create chaos when there are many people, and he can take Du powu to escape here.

This is Siam. The strong dragon does not pressure the local snake. Chen Yuyue will try his best to avoid conflict with wasina. Once things get big, it will not be so easy for them to leave.

If Chen Yuyue wants to successfully take Du powu out of Siam, he must use his brain and think of a comprehensive strategy.

Taking advantage of the night's game as an opportunity to create chaos, such a damaging move was presented by wasina's own hands. We can't blame Chen Yuyue for playing Yin.

If ye Xuefu was not in Siam, Chen Yuyue didn't want to have more rights and wrongs. Otherwise, he wouldn't swallow his anger and dare to treat his brother so easily.

Vasina should really thank Ye Xuefu for not being killed by Chen Yuyue.

"If you can guarantee that he can continue to play without losing his level, then everything we said before counts." Chen Yuyue said faintly: "but if he doesn't have the previous level, I won't waste time on you."

Du Po Wu looked at Chen Yuyue blankly: "brother..."

"Shut up and listen to me!" Chen Yuyue glared and interrupted Du powu. "How did I tell you? I said I wanted to cooperate with your boss, not with you. You should find out your identity."

Although Du Po Wu didn't understand what Chen Yuyue was saying, he knew that Chen Yuyue must have his intention to do so.

Wasina smiled but did not speak, and appreciated Chen Yuyue's practice.

Chen Yuyue took the opportunity to step forward, patted Du broken Wu on the shoulder, pretended to check, and secretly gave him a few strength.

"There seems to be no problem, but I don't know if it works." Chen Yuyue shook his head pretending to be worried.

"Don't worry, Mr. Chen. It's just an anesthetic." vasina said faintly, "I'm also a businessman. How can I really waste the machine that makes money for me?"

Chen Yuyue smiled with deep meaning: "yes, you are a smart man. Smart people don't do stupid things."

"Today, since I have the chance to meet Mr. Chen, I must do my best to be the host." vasina smiled brightly: "in this afternoon, I'll arrange it myself and entertain Mr. Chen well."

"Don't be so polite. You'll find someone to solve his problem first." Chen Yuyue pointed to Du powu, who was still tied up. "I need to see his performance as usual in the evening."

"You guys don't let him go soon!" wasina shouted, "a group of waste people who don't know how to do things."

Vasina's bodyguard and the middle-aged man hurried forward to untie Du Po Wu. Du Po Wu was still weak and had to be helped out.

"Find someone to give him a muscle relaxation massage. Don't be stiff during the game at night." Chen Yuyue asked.

"Do as Mr. Chen says!" vassina Li Ma said, and then said to Chen Yuyue, "Mr. Chen, please, let's go over there for tea and leave the things here to them."

Chen Yuyue readily accepted the invitation.


At 4:30 p.m., ye Xuefu finally walked out of the boring venue.

This trip to Siam was really meaningless to her. It was all boring speeches. Ye Xuefu was not interested at all.

She decided to ask Chen Yuyue about his arrangements and book a ticket back home as soon as possible.

When she returned to the hotel, she dialed Chen Yuyue's phone. At this time, Chen Yuyue was preparing for the banquet. Vasina solemnly prepared the reception. Du powu has almost recovered. When someone massages and relaxes, the sense of anesthesia will accelerate to disappear.

Ye Xuefu called to ask, Chen Yuyue pretended to be perfunctory, and then secretly told her to read wechat for a while.

After hanging up the phone, Chen Yuyue sent Chen Yuyue the information about himself and Du powu and asked her to see the ticket around 12 a.m. and buy it directly wherever she flew.

When he sent a message, he was aboveboard. Anyway, the Siamese present couldn't understand Chinese characters.

If it is sneaky, it will arouse suspicion. The more aboveboard and bright it is, the less it will arouse criticism.

Before long, ye Xuefu returned the information. At 12:30 a.m., there was a flight to Guangzhou and Shenzhen in China. She had booked the tickets for the three people, and the flight details were also sent to Chen Yuyue.

Chen Yuyue told ye Xuefu to pack up in advance and wait for them at the airport security office. They will arrive.

Du Po Wu still didn't know Chen Yuyue's plan. Chen Yuyue was afraid that someone in the Bureau could understand Chinese and didn't say much.

In the middle of the banquet, Chen Yuyue asked Du powu to wait for him in the bathroom. He also took the excuse to drink too much and left the banquet for convenience.

When the two had a chance to get along alone, Du Po Wu couldn't wait to ask, "brother, what are you doing? How do you want to talk about cooperation with him? What does it mean to arrange my game?"

"It's all fooling him." Chen Yuyue said quickly: "in this way, you can listen clearly. When playing at night, try to annoy the other party and guide him to the grandstand of the audience, causing confusion among the audience."

Du Po Wu was stunned: "then?"

"Then find a chance to go with me. Go directly to the airport. The ticket has been booked." Chen Yuyue continued: "remember, make a decision. Don't entangle with wasina's people for too long. This is their territory. We shouldn't be long."

"I know, brother." Du Po Wu nodded immediately.

Chen Yuyue added: "find an excuse to leave later. Go and prepare your ID cards in advance and give them to me secretly before the game in the evening."

Du Po Wu did it right away.

By 9 p.m., the audience in the black boxing ring began to pour in one after another.

Vasina arranged Du powu and the Moyi boxing master called "angry cow" by Siam this evening. He is also a guy who wins more and loses less in Muay Thai. He is called angry cow because of his bad temper.

This guy has killed his opponent eight times. He is definitely a terrible opponent.

Of course, wasina will find Nu Niu as Du Po Wu's opponent, which is also Chen Yuyue's requirement. Chen Yuyue said that he must see Du Po Wu's real state, so he should find an angry, irritable and powerful opponent.

Wasina doesn't know what Chen Yuyue thinks, but he will soon regret arranging the angry cattle game.

At ten o'clock in the evening, the match between Du Po Wu and nu Niu finally began.

The audience cheered the players they supported.

Nu Niu is two meters tall and as strong as an ox. he roared at Du Po Wu as soon as he entered the ring. In his opinion, this Chinese doesn't deserve the title of "God of death"!

Because Du Po Wu only killed one opponent in yesterday's game!

And he killed eight people! He has not been called the God of death. Why can such a Chinese be called the God of death!

Du Po Wu calmly faced Nu Niu. He had heard of this guy's title. If Chen Yuyue hadn't arranged what to do for him today, he really wanted to have a good fight with this guy.

As soon as the gong sounded at the beginning of the game, the angry cow rushed frantically to Du powu. It was really like a mad cow angered by red. The audience on the stand could feel the soul stirring impact!

Du Po Wu didn't retreat either. He waved his fist against the impact of angry cattle!

Bang -!

The symphony between fists soon sounded in the ring! The banging sound quickly brought the audience to the boxing ground!

While the audience cheered, Du powu hit the angry cow with a move of four or two kilos, and the angry cow's body was heavily thrown out!

In an instant, the audience heard the cheers of the "God of death".

Nu Niu quickly got up. Du Po Wu's move angered him. It's always hard in the black fist field, so in Nu Niu's eyes, Du Po Wu's move belongs to Yin move! It's more yin than attacking him directly!

With a howl, nu Niu rushed to Du Po Wu again. This time, Du Po Wu gave full play to his skill of pulling a thousand kilograms in four or two. He took advantage of the situation and sent Nu Niu directly to the audience!

Such a huge object fell into the audience, which naturally triggered a scream!

The angry cow who was angered didn't care whether it was the audience or not. He waved his fist and hit it!

After an audience was injured, vasina immediately ordered the boxing field personnel to stop it, but at this time, Du Po Wu still didn't give up his provocation to the angry cow!

Nu Niu rushed up again, and Du Po Wu again threw him to the audience at the other end!

This time, all the audience in the ring blew up! No one wants their lives to be threatened!

Nu Niu, an asshole, couldn't control his emotions at all. Obviously, he was thrown and hit, and he had to vent his anger on the audience he hit.

For a moment, the whole ring was in chaos! All the audience tried their best to hide behind.

Vasina finally couldn't sit still. He ordered Nu Niu to stop and ordered his men to control Nu Niu. Du powu took the opportunity to blend into the audience. Chen Yuyue immediately met him and motioned Du powu to go with him!

When Nu Niu saw Du powu escape, he had to worry about it. He rushed directly into the crowd and wanted to catch people!

The more he messed up the scene!

When vasina finally ordered someone to control the angry cow, he found that Du powu had disappeared, and Chen Yuyue, who had been sitting in the VIP seat just now, also disappeared.

An amazing idea burst into wasina's mind!

He realized he had been fooled!

Chen Yuyue has escaped, and Du powu has escaped with him! Everything today is the lie woven by Chen Yuyue!

When wasina wanted to understand everything, it was too late. Chen Yuyue and Du powu had already taken a taxi to the airport.

Vasina can only blame himself for being too greedy. If he wasn't greedy for money, today's things wouldn't happen at all. He wouldn't be used by Chen Yuyue, let alone fooled by Chen Yuyue.

Being cheated is nothing more than because of the word "money"!

But how can there be pie falling in the sky?

Vasina became angry with shame and clapped the case. He roared hysterically, "chase me! Everyone go out and chase me! Who can find those two bastards, I'll reward you a lot!"

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