Half an hour later, Zhao Xiaoyao drove Chen Yuyue and others to the theme bar he said.

Knowing that Chen Yuyue was coming, Zhao Xiaoyao went to a second-hand car store early this morning to buy this almost brand-new platinum Mercedes Benz sprint. Just to make Chen Yuyue more comfortable, Zhao Xiaoyao didn't care how much it cost.

Nowadays, ordinary bars are everywhere, and various creative bars have sprung up. There are many famous theme bars all over the world, such as the special-shaped theme bar in Switzerland, the cave bar in Dominica, the tree hole bar in South Africa, the hospital theme bar in Latvia, and the aurora borealis theme bar in Iceland

The place they went to today is the theme bar, werewolf bar, which has just opened in Shangjiang city.

The light box of "" flickered at the door of the bar. Chen Yuyue couldn't help but stop. Du powu also turned his surprised eyes to Chen Yuyue.

You know, they just met a beard bragging about a werewolf story on the train.

"Why not?" Ye Xuefu was stunned. "Werewolf theme bar. No one will like to come to this place that sounds terrible."

In fact, ye Xuefu's question is very interesting.

Chen Yuyue just thought about why this werewolf themed bar is called instead of.

Although not all werewolves, there is a difference between the two.

According to the legend, it can only maintain the attitude of werewolf to survive, and can not change back to human form. Moreover, it has no humanity and can not use human language. The body only has violent instinct and bloodthirsty temperament, and can not control its own desire to kill.

But it's different. It's a human form, but the human form has the power and speed of werewolves. Of course, it also has the bloodthirsty characteristics of werewolves. It can become a werewolf form under some special circumstances.

Therefore, the name of this bar has a special meaning in it.

At this time, several young men and women also got out of the car and walked to the bar laughing. They talked about who was a werewolf and who was a witch.

Chen Yuyue and his colleagues immediately followed him. When they got to the door of the bar, they knew that if they wanted to enter the bar, they had to choose masks, including werewolf masks, witch masks and vampire masks.

When Chen Yuyue asked them to get masks, they were refused to get werewolf masks. The person in charge of reception said that they were not VIP guests and could only get masks other than werewolves.

Then he handed them two vampires and a witch's mask, looked at Du Po Wu and gave him a bear man's mask.

Zhao Xiaoyao's temper is not easy to provoke. He took out his wallet in his pocket and patted it on the table: "how much does the VIP want? Do it for us right away! I came to the werewolf bar to experience being a werewolf. You let me be a vampire and a bear?"

This rich and powerful look really deserves beating, but it's still very handsome for Chen Yuyue.

"Sorry, the VIP didn't pay for it." the receptionist didn't buy his face at all and reached out and made an inside please gesture.

If Zhao Xiaoyao wasn't busy, he really had the impulse to lift the table and hit people. Isn't this attitude of reception too contemptuous of customers?

"I like witches very much." Ye Xuefu is a girl with high emotional intelligence. Her words can well dissolve the smell of the scene.

Du Po Wu also heartlessly picked up the bear man's mask: "isn't it much more handsome than a werewolf? How big it looks when you take it up."

"You..." Zhao Xiaoyao was angry, but he didn't expect Du powu to be so impulsive. This time he didn't mean to fan the wind and pour oil on him, but gladly accepted the bear man's mask.

"This is OK." Chen Yuyue picked up a vampire mask and pressed it on Zhao Xiaoyao's face, hoping Zhao Xiaoyao wouldn't make trouble.

But Zhao Xiaoyao is still unhappy. After all, the Werewolf in the movie story is the nemesis of the vampire. If the werewolf bites, the vampire will be finished.

After walking into the bar with this unhappy mood, Zhao Xiaoyao felt unhappy when he saw the guy with a werewolf mask!

But because there is still a task for a while, Zhao Xiaoyao can only endure being a vampire for the time being.

Ye Xuefu obviously doesn't adapt to the environment here. Those werewolf masks look too ferocious. If it was her own, even if the bar gave her money, she wouldn't come to drink.

The four found a seat and sat down. Zhao Xiaoyao lit a bottle of expensive Remy Martin with some anger.

Chen Yuyue has been secretly observing the mask situation here. It is obviously a situation of "fewer wolves, more ghosts and more witches", and few people have werewolf masks.

Of course, not only men but also women wear werewolf masks.

And Chen Yuyue also saw a situation, that is, most of the people who came with werewolf masks didn't have werewolf masks, and almost all of them came in and out alone.

This is a little out of line with human design. According to the movie story, werewolves should prefer to live in groups, and vampires are arrogant solitary creatures.

"There are not many distinguished guests here. Don't be angry because of this." Ye Xuefu can see that Zhao Xiaoyao is still unconvinced.

But because ye Xuefu spoke, this face had to be given: "I listen to my sister-in-law."

"It seems that there are not many distinguished guests here." Chen Yuyue always feels that this atmosphere is strange. The distinguished guests obviously have some sharp contrast with the ordinary guests here.

The ordinary guests who come to this theme bar seem very excited, because the wine list here is also very bloody and shocking, while the VIPs don't feel excited.

Ordinary guests pay attention to the environment and beverage list, while VIP guests pay attention to ordinary guests.

Most ordinary male guests are vampire masks, female guests are witch masks, and some strong ordinary male guests are wearing Bear Man masks.

This makes Chen Yuyue feel vaguely uneasy. It seems that the distinguished guests wearing werewolf masks are really wolves, and they are lambs trapped in a wolf's nest.

The wolf waited quietly in the dark to catch its prey, but the prey knew nothing.

With this idea, Chen Yuyue couldn't calm down and motioned them not to drink the water here.

Because the bottle of wine was opened by Zhao Xiaoyao himself, it didn't make him worry that someone could put something in the bottle.

Zhao Xiaoyao is too familiar with the night scene. During his time in society, he will linger in the major nightclubs and bars in his city almost every night.

So any night is like his own home.

Zhao Xiaoyao is different from others. He has enough money to live in five-star hotels every year. He has no problem going to all kinds of nightclubs and clubs every day.

And if you want to invite those goddess anchors out to play these days, you should not only brush enough gifts, but also find enough fun places to attract the goddess.

In this way, we can let those goddess anchors revolve around us.

In addition to dealing with those pursuers every day, Zhao Xiaoyao also has time to pick up girls and play the game of catching butterflies in the flowers. His life level is very different from that of several others. Du powu is the best example.

But all this is based on his money.

"Everything I say tomorrow will make us VIP here." Zhao Xiaoyao took Chen Yuyue's words while drinking: "even if there are not many VIP here, we must also be VIP!"

"It's not necessary. We won't come for the second time in the future." Ye Xuefu expressed some confusion to the extravagant guy: "it's meaningless to spend money in such a place."

Zhao Xiaoyao was stunned.

If other women had told him this on weekdays, he would have turned his face long ago.

But ye Xuefu said this. Even if Zhao Xiaoyao had two more courage, Zhao Xiaoyao didn't dare to turn his face against Ye Xuefu. In his eyes, ye Xuefu was the woman of his third brother, and he didn't dare to disrespect him.

"It's no use telling him this." Chen Yuyue knew him too well: "he is a man without the concept of money."

Zhao Xiaoyao really has no concept of money, but he is willing to listen: "I'm not serious anymore. I won't come to this store in the future."

"You're really good. There aren't many people who can make this boy do it in a word." Chen Yuyue smiled bitterly. Chen Yuyue knew why Zhao Xiaoyao was so obedient.

Just then, two men and a woman walked into the bar.

Two men, one with a vampire mask, the other with a werewolf mask, and the woman with a witch mask.

The two men and a woman walked into the bar and sat at the table next to Chen Yuyue.

When the man with the werewolf mask spoke, Chen Yuyue and they recognized the accent, which was the accent of the beard on the train!

"The place I chose is not bad. I recommend more friends to drink here in the future. It has a good atmosphere and more privacy." the beard laughter came out under the werewolf mask.

"Do you recommend it with all your strength? Does it have shares?" the man wearing a vampire mask asked with a smile.

"The shares have not arrived, but the relationship with the boss is good." the beard still smiles.

The girl also opened her mouth: "I see. Otherwise, why do the door reception only give you werewolf masks? By the way, why can werewolf masks only be worn by distinguished guests? We can't wear them. We are also brought in by you. Don't we count as distinguished guests?"

"This is the rule here. A person is a person. It's no use coming together." his beard said.

"Then let me become a VIP. I'll bring my friends and wear a werewolf mask. Isn't it very face?" the girl asked. At this time, Chen Yuyue and they can be sure that the girl is the girl met on the train.

It seems that she is really familiar with her beard. She must have had dinner together, and then she came here with her beard to drink with her friends. It seems that she is ready to be a gun rack in the evening.

"This is not my has the final say." the beard shook his head. "The distinguished guests here are not to be given to anyone."

The girl was a little unhappy: "do you want to pay more?"

"If it's a matter of paying money, it's not a matter." his beard disdained: "this is the rule, this is the principle. Don't talk if you don't understand."

Seeing that her beard meant to be angry, the girl stopped talking and picked up the wine list.

"Drink whatever you want." his beard was big.

The man with a vampire mask sitting opposite his beard added: "I will treat you well today. In this way, first open a bottle of 1999 Martell and let's have a few drinks."

"OK!" the beard said happily.

The girl also looked forward to saying, "I haven't drunk the foreign wine of 1999..."

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