The beard drank the foreign wine in the glass alone, and ignored those who passed by him. He didn't look interested at all, but when everyone with a werewolf mask passed by him, they would deliberately nod each other with a very small gesture.

But these people don't know.

It's strange that all the VIP guests in the same store may not know each other, but they are friends in the same circle with the boss. At least they will be familiar with each other?

But these distinguished guests with werewolf masks only have this subtle nodding communication, which is really strange.

Finally, the beard drank the last glass of wine and stood up satisfied.

When he got up, several guests with werewolf masks looked at him.

His beard stretched and turned to leave. Chen Yuyue gave Zhao Xiaoyao a look in his eyes. They also stood up one after another and followed out.

He walked out of the bar with his beard and took a deep breath of the air full of the smell of car exhaust.

A person with a good sense of smell is definitely hit in this case, and his beard shows a very unhappy look on his face.

Obviously, he is quite disgusted with the smell of tail gas.

Then he closed his eyes and suddenly turned and walked east.

Chen Yuyue and his beard met on the train. Now they all took off their masks. Chen Yuyue didn't want to be recognized, so he motioned Zhao Xiaoyao to follow up on foot, and he drove around in another direction.

On the way, the two opened location sharing. Chen Yuyue can see Zhao Xiaoyao's location at the moment at any time.

Although the beard is not a simple role, Chen Yuyue still believes that Zhao Xiaoyao can track perfectly.

Then, Chen Yuyue dialed Ye Xuefu's number while driving around, but ye Xuefu hung up when she saw that it was Chen Yuyue's call, and didn't listen to Chen Yuyue's explanation at all.

Chen Yuyue is also very helpless. He can only call Du Po Wu and ask Du Po Wu to help him explain.

But Du Po Wu was stupid. Although he understood what Chen Yuyue did, he couldn't explain it for a while.

Ye Xuefu is worried.

Finally, Du Po Wu simply did not explain: "anyway, my brother is not that kind of cold and heartless person. No matter what kind of reaction he has, he must have his intention! Even if I don't know anything, I will believe him unconditionally!"

Ye Xuefu was stunned after hearing this.

She began to calm down. Du powu was right. Chen Yuyue was not that kind of cold and heartless person.

He has his principles.

Maybe what he does can't be understood, but he won't violate his principles.

"What would he do?" yexuefu said curiously.

Du Po Wu simply shook his head: "I don't know. I'm far from the third brother. I can't guess what he thinks and how he plans. I only know that those two people are not ordinary people, and there must be a problem."

The more ignorant Ye Xuefu was, the more worried she was: "but how can we help him?"

"If you don't trouble him, you'll help him." Du Po Wu's answer is still very straightforward.

Ye Xuefu looked blankly. Of course she knew what Du Po Wu meant, that is, no help is the best help. Waiting for the result is the most effective assists.

This makes Ye Xuefu feel very lost. It's really unacceptable that she can't help at all..

"I also want to help now, but since the third brother arranged me to follow you instead of letting Xiao Qi follow you, it must have his intention. Although I'm not willing, I have to obey orders." Du Po Wu is used to it.

Ye Xuefu couldn't understand his obedience.

"Anyway, my task now is to protect you back to the hotel." Du powu's expression is very serious.

Ye Xuefu finally calmed down and nodded.


At this time, Zhao Xiaoyao has followed his beard all the way to the commercial street with the most luxury hotels in the center of Shangjiang city.

His beard was full of disdain. He didn't expect that the guy should despise him so much that he stopped without leaving far.

He could clearly smell the girl in the air full of car exhaust.

Although he and the girl took the train for so long, ate and drank together, he still hasn't remembered the girl's name until now. He just forgot when he asked at the beginning.

However, he can clearly remember the girl's smell. After all, they have been together for more than ten hours. The girl's taste has been clearly printed into his mind and may never disappear.

He desperately wants to taste the taste of a girl tonight. Desire will make him do anything.

At the bottom of her beard, she thought that the girl had made a profit. After all, she could make 100000 yuan overnight. She agreed to play the game with them, and she was ready to face what she had to face.

This society is very realistic. This kind of girl in the eyes of beard is worthless at all.

In his eyes, women who can give up their dignity for money are the least pitiable, but he likes to use money to let girls give up their dignity.

In today's materialistic society, he has never failed.

Man is always proud of himself, but in his eyes, there is no difference between man and animals, but man's desire is more complex and man's desire is more crazy.

If wolves have desire, it is nothing more than and appetite. The desire to kill is also for survival.

But people are different. People also have, people also have appetite, people even have material desire and power desire, and human desire to kill doesn't even need to be based on survival!

Since the day when humans formed tribes, the war has continued until now.

From the year he was born, the war in Afghanistan, the civil war in Somalia, the war in northwest Pakistan, the drug war in Mexico, the conflict between nomadic tribes in Sudan, the civil war in Syria, the civil war in Iraq, the civil war in South Sudan, the Donbas war

The human desire to kill is far more terrible than the wolf!

However, human beings never think of themselves as demons. Instead, they compare wolves to the embodiment of evil.

His beard sneered at human self righteousness, and his footsteps finally stopped at the door of a luxury hotel.

Not far away, Zhao Xiaoyao, who had been here with him, was stunned. He couldn't help scolding in his heart: I wipe, and unexpectedly ran to the hotel where I stayed. Is this going to do something?

It's not that his beard wants to do something, but that he smells the girl.

The girl was taken to the luxury hotel.

At this time, the beard again liked the man named Cheng bu. He thought it was the guy who didn't trust him, but it wasn't so.

Cheng bu not only believed him, but also prepared such a good gift for him, which he must keep in mind.

Maybe what Cheng Bu is doing now is playing human cards.

He has no other way but to buy people's hearts in this way, so that there can be some emotional communication between his beard and him. Only in this way can he have hope.

With his non-human sense of smell, the beard soon found the room with the strongest smell.

Even though the hotel is full of all kinds of perfume and women's taste, he still made the final judgement.

Although the smell in the room was quite mixed, he was confident that his smell would not be wrong.

Bang bang!

The beard knocked on the door of the suite.

Cheng Bu opens the door with a smile. This is what he wants. He doesn't care about the money. A small thing can determine Pang Lang's ability. It's worth buying and selling.

The girl who was brought to the hotel by Cheng bu also rushed to the door excitedly.

The presence of this man in front of her means that she has won 100000 yuan!

"Mr. Pang is really Mr. Pang." Cheng Bu's face showed a gratifying smile: "well, I'll arrange someone to bring the man's clothes to you now. I don't need Mr. pang to help me find people all over the country. I just need Mr. pang to find people in Shangjiang. If I can't find anyone, it's just my bad luck. How about Pang Xian's business?"

"Isn't it too easy for me to earn your money when you talk about a city like this?" the beard laughed.

"I know our opponent is a difficult person. He has strong anti reconnaissance ability. If I were him, when I found that I had completely got rid of tracking, I might want to track my opponent in turn." Cheng Bu said faintly.

This is by no means an ordinary guy with a flexible mind.

At the moment, the person they are looking for, Zhao Xiaoyao, is less than 20 meters away from them.

If Cheng Bu can take Zhao Xiaoyao's dress they found with him at any time, Pang Lang only needs more than ten seconds to determine Zhao Xiaoyao's position.

"You're really a smart man." his beard laughed a few times. "But it's late today. I want to rest early. I'll wait until tomorrow. If the person you're looking for is really going to the river, he won't escape."

Cheng Bu smiles at the corners of his mouth and asks Pang Lang to find someone in Shangjiang first. If not, he will propose to go to Yanjing to find someone. At least he needs this guy to help him find several super first tier cities in China.

"Then I won't disturb Mr. Pang's rest." Cheng Bu smiled, turned and walked out of the room.

Zhao Xiaoyao stared at Cheng Bu and left the hotel. He was relieved. At this time, Chen Yuyue had parked his car downstairs. Zhao Xiaoyao quickly went downstairs to meet him and told Chen Yuyue what had just happened.

Chen Yuyue heard Zhao Xiaoyao say that the room he booked was also this hotel. For a moment, he really didn't know whether it was a blessing or a curse.

No sooner or later, ye Xuefu and Du powu came to the front door of the hotel.

Although Ye Xuefu Ken and Du powu came here, it shows that she has forgiven and understood Chen Yuyue in her heart, but everyone will still feel a little stiff after meeting.

Finally, Zhao Xiaoyao broke the deadlock: "the girl is also in this hotel."

"I know you won't save people." Ye Xuefu looked at Chen Yuyue.

"We have no right to interfere with her choice." Chen Yuyue said faintly: "I can only guarantee that she will not lose her young life because of her money worship. As for others, it is her own choice."

Chen Yuyue won't break in to save a girl who slept with someone for 100000 yuan until he determines his beard identity.

Unless the beard really "changed", he would intervene. Otherwise, he could not be sure whether the beard was a "variant".

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