The voice of several people has seriously disturbed other guests and staff of the hotel. Ye Xuefu, who was sent to the suite on the same floor by Chen Yuyue, naturally can't sit still.

Although Ye Xuefu promised Chen Yuyue that she would stay in the room honestly, she finally broke her promise.

When ye Xuefu rushed to panglang's room door, she was completely shocked by the gray guy in front of her.

Seeing ye Xuefu coming, Chen Yuyue pushed the girl wrapped in quilt out of the room and ordered in a loud voice: "call an ambulance immediately! Don't let anyone open the door without my permission!"

As soon as the voice fell, Chen Yuyue slammed the open door.

Ye Xuefu was shocked by the girl with painful expression and hurriedly dialed the emergency number. At this time, many people gathered around and questioned what happened in the room.

The female manager of the hotel housekeeping department also rushed to the scene at the first time. She took several security guards behind her and was about to enter the guest room as soon as she arrived at the scene.

Ye Xuefu quickly got up and stopped at the door: "no, don't!"

Once these people go in, they will not help the people inside, but will become a burden to them.

Although Ye Xuefu doesn't know what the monster is, she knows it's definitely not something ordinary people can have the courage to face.

"Wolf... Wolf..."

The injured girl whispered.

"Get out of the way!" the female manager of the housekeeping department snapped, "what's going on inside! Get out of the way! I have to go in and deal with it!"

"Are you the person in charge here?" Ye Xuefu confirmed that the other party was the manager of the housekeeping department: "what you need to do now is to arrange someone to take the injured downstairs immediately. The ambulance will arrive soon. It's important to save people!"

"Then I also want to know what happened inside!"

At this time, there was a heavy dull noise in the room again, which was the sound of the body hitting the wall.

Although the sound insulation effect of such star hotels is guaranteed, it can not be blocked from this dull and penetrating sound.

Followed by the sound of the chandelier crashing to the ground and the sound of glass breaking

The female manager of the housekeeping department looked at the guest room door in horror. She seemed to have seen what happened inside. The suite must be completely destroyed!

It's not a big deal that things break down, but the reputation of the hotel is damaged. When such a big thing happened, her mind was blank and she didn't know how to explain to the boss.

She must go in and solve the problem. She can't let the bad influence continue!

There are more and more guests, and things become more and more difficult to clean up.

"Get her away!" the female manager snapped, and the two security guards quickly came forward to drag Ye Xuefu away.

Ye Xuefu insisted on staying at the door. This is the task given to her by Chen Yuyue. She can't let anyone open the door: "if you insist on doing this, you will regret it! Please believe me!"

"Why should I believe you! Who do you think you are!" the female manager didn't have time to listen to Ye Xuefu's explanation: "take her away quickly!"

Bang -!

The loud crash in the door startled everyone at the scene.

Two security guards who tried to take ye Xuefu away also fled the door of the room!

People are born with fear of the unknown.

If they knew what was inside, they might not have the horror they feel now, but now they don't know what was inside. This is the most terrible thing.

The solid door and door pocket almost cracked on the wall, and the female manager swallowed what she had not finished. Such a terrible impact exceeded her imagination. Unless there was a mad cow in the room, how could she bump the door like this?

"Don't... trust me, don't go in!" Ye Xuefu insisted on blocking the door with her body.

At this time, the female manager of the housekeeping department was finally no longer impulsive. She realized that what happened inside might be far beyond her imagination

in truth.

Ordinary people simply can't imagine that a genetic mutant will have such terrible power.

The man who hit the door just now was Du powu. The solid wood door behind him had been broken, the door frame above had fallen, and Du powu's internal organs were shocked.

Pang Lang's explosive power, even Du Po Wu, could not resist. Zhao Xiaoyao, who was originally weak, naturally dared not fight Pang Lang.

Chen Yuyue realized that he had to help, otherwise he might not win at all with the power of Du powu and Zhao Xiaoyao.

Of course, it is not easy for Pang Lang to fight Chen Yuyue on his own.

Chen Yuyue's consciousness and position let panglang fail many times. Although Zhao Xiaoyao has a slight lack of strength, his agility can help him avoid danger many times. As for Du powu, he is a person who can compete with panglang in strength.

This led to Pang Lang's many crazy shocks, all of which were resisted.

Pang Lang knew in his heart that any of the three people in front of him could bring him trouble alone. If they were united together, they would be able to solve him. All he could do now was how long he insisted, and it was impossible to win.

The wolf shaped Pang Lang also understands that his wolf sex gene will make his mind simple, and more often he will be controlled by the desire to kill blood. Moreover, the longer the time, the more blurred his judgment as a human being will be.

Although the wolf race is also a smart race, it is far less intelligent than human beings.

"We don't have any relationship. Why kill me..." Pang Lang was forced to the window.

"We have a great relationship." Zhao Xiaoyao sneered, "who do you think Cheng Bu asked you to find?"

Pang Lang suddenly turned his head. His face was terrible: "is it you?"

"You're quite clever." Zhao Xiaoyao snorted, "yes, I'm chaos. He won't even tell you what I look like?"

Because Pang Lang looked for people by smell, he really didn't care about Zhao Xiaoyao's appearance. At this time, he finally calmed down and felt the smell of several people in front of him. It turned out that they were also in the bar just now.

"You have arranged for good people to start with me on the train?" Pang Lang looked at Chen Yuyue and Du powu reluctantly.

"If I knew you were such a thing at that time, I would flush you out of the toilet on the car!" Du Po Wu bah.

Zhao Xiaoyao said proudly, "your luck is so good that you met my two brothers at the beginning."

Pang Lang bared his teeth and stared at Chen Yuyue. He could tell that this man was the leader of the three. Only by controlling this man could he have a chance to escape here.

Through the fight just now, Pang Lang also felt that although the other two had to listen to Chen Yuyue's orders, Chen Yuyue's strength was the weakest.

He's looking for flaws.

And this flaw really made him wait!

Just when the four faced off, a figure suddenly appeared on the windowsill of the French window of the suite!

A boy who was only 17 or 8 years old actually climbed over in the next room along the window sill which was only one foot wide on the outer wall of the hotel because of curiosity.

When he saw the scene in the room, he was completely stunned.

Especially when Pang Lang turned his head and looked out of the window, the boy didn't come up at that time. His head was dizzy and scared!

His feet were only a foot wide windowsill, and he would fall in a coma!

This is the tenth floor! Go down and die!

In an instant, Du Po Wu, who was closest to the window, rushed forward and grabbed the boy's ankle when his shoulder smashed the explosion-proof glass!

That is, at this moment, Pang Lang attacked Chen Yuyue. Distracted Chen Yuyue had nowhere to hide. He could only accept the fact that he was controlled by Pang Lang!

Pang Lang's sharp claws and teeth can cut Chen Yuyue's throat at any time, but he didn't. with the sound of the police car getting closer and closer, Pang Lang clearly told himself that if you want to escape, you must use the life in your hand.

When Du Po Wu rescued the boy who fainted and almost fell from the building, Chen Yuyue was controlled by Pang Lang.

Even if Zhao Xiaoyao didn't dare to act rashly, he didn't dare to use his most lethal dagger for fear of accidentally hurting Chen Yuyue.

In this way, Zhao Xiaoyao's combat effectiveness will be greatly reduced.

Du powu angrily threw the boy who almost fell off the building to the wall. The boy was directly awakened, but he opened his eyes to see the scene in front of him and fainted again.

After Pang Lang controlled Chen Yuyue, his body began to gradually return to human shape. He didn't want to die, so he could never choose to die with them.

"If you give me a way to live, I'll give him a way to live!" Pang Lang said coldly. Now the police have surrounded the hotel. If he wants to escape, he must have hostages in his hand.

Chen Yuyue also realized that there were more and more onlookers, and panglang's wolf like state was also seen by ordinary people. Once things get bigger, it will lead to social panic and unrest.

Although Pang Lang is not a legendary werewolf, but an experiment of some crazy person, he does exist in this society.

Once it causes social panic, the consequences will become unimaginable.

Even bad people will deliberately pretend to be werewolves to create chaos and commit crimes.

Chen Yuyue can't lose big things for small things, so even if panglang is released today, he can't make things big.

The secret of this genetic variation is better not to let ordinary people know. The more people know, the more difficult it is to explain.

Now there are only three ordinary people who see Pang Langgang in that state.

One is Ye Xuefu. Chen Yuyue believes that he can explain it clearly to Ye Xuefu, and ye Xuefu has professional knowledge about genetic variation, which is not as completely incomprehensible as ordinary people.

The other two are the injured girl and the boy who fainted. The boy who fainted can be handled well. As long as Chen Yuyue and his three bite him to death, he is frightened and talks nonsense.

The injured girl is the most difficult to solve, because the injury she suffered was caused by a large beast. It is impossible for humans to bite such a big wound.

"Do as he says." Chen Yuyue finally made a decision.

Du powu and Zhao Xiaoyao are somewhat puzzled. Now Pang Lang has been completely humanoid. Although Chen Yuyue is injured, with his rich experience, he will certainly find a chance to get rid of control.

Chen Yuyue can really do it. He also has this confidence.

However, he is worried that if he gets rid of panglang and annoys him, he will burst into the crowd after wolves, which will cause great casualties and social panic. Once this happens, the gains outweigh the losses. Even if panglang can be solved, the impact will be extremely bad.

Therefore, Chen Yuyue must consider the overall situation.

Sometimes, some things have to give up.

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