At the moment, ye Xuefu is really tired. Having Chen Yuyue beside him makes him feel very safe, and his tiredness and sleepiness attack in an instant.

Chen Yuyue closed his eyes slowly after ye Xuefu fell asleep. He was really tired.

On the huge double bed in the suite, they are now half a meter apart.

Ye Xuefu and Chen Yuyue soon fell asleep. Ye Xuefu even forgot that she sent the hotel address to Ye Xiaoyao in the early morning and asked her to pick them up in Shangjiang city today.

Due to time, she was worried that she would wake up her sister. It was early in the morning when ye Xiaoyao received this message.

Ye Xiaoyao called back to ask about the situation, but ye Xuefu's mobile phone was turned off because of no power.

When ye Xiaoyao called Chen Yuyue again, Chen Yuyue's mobile phone had no power. They were tossing about for two days and nights. They still had the energy to remember to charge their mobile phone.

All of a sudden, the two people couldn't get in touch. Ye Xiaoyao was a little worried.

Fortunately, the message sent to her by her sister indicated the address of the hotel. She took a coat and ran to Shangjiang city without stopping.

It is noon when ye Xiaoyao finds the hotel according to the address given to her by her sister.

When she found the room, she found a young man standing at the door of the room, listening to something with his ear close to the door.

"Hello!" Ye Xiaoyao yelled and strode forward: "what are you doing!"

Zhao Xiaoyao, who just came here to eavesdrop, was startled and turned to look at Ye Xiaoyao in surprise.

It doesn't matter if you don't look at it. When did you go out, sister-in-law

When ye Xiaoyao heard the speech, he determined that the guy was not very nervous: "who is your sister-in-law! Are you sick..."

"Ah?" Zhao Xiaoyao raised his head. His impression of Ye Xuefu is very dignified. This is not her speaking style.

"Who are you! Why are you eavesdropping on other people's rooms!" Ye Xiaoyao came forward and accused, "pervert!"

"I'm Xiaoyao." Zhao Xiaoyao looked innocent: "sister-in-law... Sister Xuefu, don't you know me?"

Ah? Ye Xiaoyao was stunned: "do you know my sister?"

Zhao Xiaoyao was also a little confused. He looked at Ye Xiaoyao carefully and realized that he recognized the wrong person.

People who know Zhao Xiaoyao know that he has a problem, that is, face blindness. If he is not a very familiar person, he can hardly remember his appearance. It is not strange that the divine resemblance between Ye Xiaoyao and ye Xuefu will make Zhao Xiaoyao admit his mistake.

Zhao Xiaoyao nodded: "no wonder you look so alike."

"Even if you know my sister, you can't eavesdrop here? It's too abnormal." Ye Xiaoyao looked up and down at Zhao Xiaoyao: "you're not very old. How can you do such a thing."

"Don't get me wrong. I just want to know if my brother is still sleeping." Zhao Xiaoyao said, "if they wake up, have lunch together. If they are still sleeping, I'll wait a while."

"Your brother?"

"Chen Yuyue," said Zhao Xiaoyao immediately.

Ye Xiaoyao was silly at that time: "you said Chen Yuyue was sleeping with my sister?"

Zhao Xiaoyao nodded stupidly. Everyone is not a child. They are interesting to each other. Isn't it strange to sleep together?

I don't know why, ye Xiaoyao's mind suddenly went blank.

Zhao Xiaoyao wants to explain again: "I really don't change..."

"I don't believe it." Ye Xiaoyao interrupted Zhao Xiaoyao and knocked at the door.

Zhao Xiaoyao hurriedly stopped her: "there's no sound inside. They're tired these two days. Let them sleep a little more."

"Don't you care." I don't know why, ye Xiaoyao doesn't want to believe that Chen Yuyue slept with his sister.

"Well, I'll open the door for you. Take a peek. Don't wake them up." Zhao Xiaoyao said again: "they didn't sleep all night last night. They didn't sleep until early this morning."

Ye Xiaoyao's eyes are quite complex. It's also strange that Zhao Xiaoyao's words are not very clear. What is tossing for a night? What is tossing and how to toss are not clear.

Ye Xiaoyao doesn't know what it is!

Zhao Xiaoyao's voice has just fallen, and he has taken out a small blue chip in his pocket.

He is a master in the computer field. This kind of chip door lock is nothing for him.

When the chip is stuck in the unlocking area, the door lock opens with a sound.

At this time, Chen Yuyue also opened his eyes in bed. He just wanted to get up, but he found that ye Xuefu was leaning over him and still sleeping.

Chen Yuyue knew that ye Xuefu had worked too hard these two days, so he didn't want to disturb her, so he didn't make much action.

But when he saw Ye Xiaoyao enter the room, he still couldn't help but open his eyes in surprise: "Why are you here?"

"Haven't you woken up yet?" Ye Xiaoyao frowned: "I slept late last night..."

Hearing the sound, ye Xuefu slowly opened her eyes. When she saw Ye Xiaoyao in front of her, she thought she was dreaming.

"Brother..." Zhao Xiaoyao walked into the room with his back a little helpless. He didn't know if there was anything on the bed that he shouldn't see, so he didn't dare to turn around: "she must come in. I thought she wouldn't wake you up."

Zhao Xiaoyao's voice finally woke Ye Xuefu up in her confused sleep.

At this time, she realized that she was lying in Chen Yuyue's arms.

Ye Xuefu suddenly thought of something and quickly sat up in bed. Fortunately, her clothes were complete

"Goblin, why are you here?" Ye Xuefu finally determined that she was not dreaming.

Ye Xiaoyao was absent-minded and said, "sister, did you forget that you asked me to pick you up here..."

Ye Xuefu remembered what happened yesterday. She picked up her mobile phone and found that it was dead.

"If you haven't woken up yet, take a rest." Ye Xiaoyao said and turned to the door.

Ye Xuefu wants to explain something, but she doesn't know how to speak, whether she should explain, or whether there is any need to explain.

Ye Xuefu had never felt this way before.

But now, she has an inexplicable feeling in her heart, and the woman's sixth sense also tells herself that her sister seems to be

Thinking of this, ye Xuefu dared not think more.

Since Chen Yuyue saved her last time, there has been a seed of thought in the bottom of her heart, and now this seed has begun to sprout in the bottom of her heart.

She knew that once the seed began to germinate, it was no longer under her control.

The figure of the goblin leaving the room made Ye Xuefu feel distressed, but she selfishly didn't think about how to comfort her for the first time.

Ye Xuefu really doesn't know what she's doing now.

"Brother, I'll go out first." Zhao Xiaoyao followed Ye Xiaoyao out of the room and quickly closed the door for them.

The room was silent.

Ye Xuefu bowed her head and said nothing. The atmosphere seemed very dull. The more so, Chen Yuyue was more and more at a loss.

At first, ye Xuefu did have a good impression when she met Chen Yuyue, but she wasn't sure whether it was a kind of love.

However, at that time, ye Xuefu could also feel that her sister also liked Chen Yuyue, but like her, her sister only liked Chen Yuyue and could not be called like him.

Even Su Qing has this feeling for Chen Yuyue, which ye Xuefu can feel.

This is also a very normal human emotion. Anyone will have a good impression of the person they appreciate. It's normal and nothing.

But with the passage of time, ye Xuefu began to realize that her feelings for Chen Yuyue were not just good.

Sometimes she would secretly ask herself if she had unknowingly fallen in love with Chen Yuyue.

But every time she vetoed her own ideas.

Yes, she can't be sure, she can't be sure. Because she never knew what it would be like to like someone.

Therefore, ye Xuefu is never sure what her feelings for Chen Yuyue are.

It was not until that day that Chen Yuyue risked her life to save her that she realized how important this man was to her.

No one can bring her a sense of security.

Perhaps there was no father's love since childhood. Ye Xuefu never felt protected, although many people wanted to give her a sense of security.

But the sense of security is just a feeling, and the thing of nothingness is the most difficult to get.

Before she knew Chen Yuyue, no one could bring her this sense of security.

And she felt that Chen Yuyue brought him a sense of security because he was kidnapped that time.

At that time, she didn't have much fear, because in her heart, she always believed that Chen Yuyue would find her and save her.

And Chen Yuyue really didn't let her down.

A man appears when a woman needs him most. Is there anything more exciting for this woman?

Ye Xuefu knew that her kiss at that time was by no means impulsive. Even if it was her first kiss, even if it was something she thought she was very precious, she didn't hesitate.

After all, people are emotional animals. At some time, under certain emotions, their behavior is uncontrolled.

Although Ye Xuefu's original behavior was impulsive, she knew what she would do again.

Since that day, ye Xuefu's feelings for Chen Yuyue have completely changed.

It was only in those days when Chen Yuyue was admitted to the hospital that she found a problem she was unwilling to face with a new emotional investment.

That is the feelings of sister Ye Xiaoyao and her best friend Su Qing for Chen Yuyue.

Before that, ye Xuefu thought that everyone liked Chen Yuyue only because of his character, his integrity and his help to them.

When ye Xuefu determined her feelings for Chen Yuyue, she realized that what she thought might be too simple.

Su Qing, like her, was rescued by Chen Yuyue.

So ye Xuefu can clearly feel Su Qing's feelings for Chen Yuyue.

If ye Xuefu could feel Su Qing's feelings for Chen Yuyue before Chen Yuyue saved her, ye Xuefu might give up her special feelings for Chen Yuyue early.

But when she felt Su Qing's feelings for Chen Yuyue, she was already trapped in it.

In those days when Chen Yuyue was hospitalized, ye Xuefu also found the change of goblins.

Over the years, ye Xiaoyao has never been so interested in anyone. This is what her sister knows best.

Ye Xiaoyao has always been heartless, but in those days when Chen Yuyue was injured and hospitalized, the heartless goblin disappeared. Every time she saw Ye Xiaoyao who took good care of Chen Yuyue carefully and patiently.

Is that goblin still the goblin she knows?

Ye Xuefu didn't dare to think more.

But today she had to think about it. Just now she read out the extreme loss on her sister's face.

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