After sorting out the information, ye Xuefu called Chen Yuyue and asked him to go home by himself in the afternoon. She was going to see the person in charge of loan business in Tianhai bank.

But this morning, ye Xuefu came by Chen Yuyue's car. Her car was driven to school by the goblin.

Chen Yuyue didn't trust her to take a taxi at night, so she proposed to send Ye Xuefu to the restaurant, and then he waited for her nearby.

It wouldn't matter at ordinary times, but now Du powu and Zhao Xiaoyao have introduced Cheng Bu's people into Tianhai city. In case Pang Lang has come, ye Xuefu's safety is what Chen Yuyue must consider.

Even if Chen Yu Yue had secretly used Ye Xuefu's handbag to give him a little perfume, he had seen yishenfu's appearance. Even if he could not smell it, it would be irreparable if he was caught.

Ye Xuefu has experienced a danger. Chen Yuyue doesn't want her to have that bad experience again.

Although Ye Xuefu thought it was too troublesome, Chen Yuyue still insisted on his own decision.

Finally, ye Xuefu happily agreed to Chen Yuyue's decision. This sense of security brought to her by Chen Yuyue is always so unique and always makes her have an unspeakable tenderness. She likes this feeling and the feeling of being cared for and protected.

Before 6:30, Chen Yuyue drove with Ye Xuefu to the parking lot under the Wangjiang attic.

"The other party's appointment here is to ensure privacy. You can only wrongly wait for me downstairs." Ye Xuefu said helplessly.

"I understand." Chen Yuyue smiled: "go, call me whenever you have something."

"OK." Ye Xuefu nodded, "then find a place to eat. I estimate it will be 8 o'clock at the earliest to finish the discussion. If it doesn't go well, it may be later."

Chen yueen said, let her rest assured. Don't worry about him.

Soon, ye Xuefu took the elevator to wangjiangge restaurant.

After the reception at the door asked about her, he personally took her to the reserved room.

Ye Xuefu was stunned as soon as she opened the door.

The room in the restaurant is actually Luo Nanyun.

At the moment, Luo Nanyun is holding a handful of flowers, smiling at Ye Xuefu and solemnly said, "Xuefu, do you like it?"

"Sorry, I may have gone to the wrong room." Ye Xuefu has realized that she has been given the routine by Luo Nanyun.

"You didn't go to the wrong room. I'm the one who asked you to come here." Luo Nanyun said, "don't you forget that I work in Tianhai bank. I'm the one who called your secretary back this afternoon."

Ye Xuefu still kept her vigilance: "shall we talk about work or something else today?"

"Of course it's about work." Luo Nanyun said, "but talking about work doesn't delay me. Can I send you a bunch of flowers? You won't even give me so little face?"

Out of politeness, ye Xuefu took Luo Nanyun's flowers and said, "thank you."

"I didn't expect that we had communication at work." Luo Nanyun was very excited at the moment: "I said there must be fate between us."

Ye Xuefu smiled and directly cut into the theme: "do you think our new product R & D project loan can be passed?"

Luo Nanyun helped Ye Xuefu take away her chair: "sit down first. Let's sit down and talk while eating. I'm ready for everything. I don't know if it's right for your appetite."

"This should be arranged by me," Ye Xuefu said immediately.

"Let's not divide this between us. Work is work and dinner is dinner. We don't know each other. I won't refuse to cooperate with you in work just because you don't invite me to dinner." Luo Nanyun deliberately said: "If you are so clear and only from the perspective of work, we won't eat today. You go to the line to find me tomorrow. I will do it step by step with you."

Ye Xuefu knew Luo Nanyun's idea, and she could only stop talking according to his meaning.

"What to drink?" Luo Nanyun saw that ye Xuefu didn't say anything, so he quickly changed the topic: "red wine or brandy?"

"I can't drink." Ye Xuefu shook her head. She really doesn't want to drink with Luo Nanyun on this occasion.

"How can we do that? In this way, we'll drink red wine. Red wine is good for women." Luo Nanyun had already prepared. He rang the bell to call the waiter and told the waiter to bring up the red wine he had asked to wake up an hour ago.

Luo Nanyun insisted: "if we are talking about work today, we should drink more wine."

Ye Xuefu could hear what he meant. If she didn't drink, she wouldn't talk about work. If she didn't talk about work, wouldn't Ye Xuefu come in vain?

I have to drink this wine today. I have to drink it if I don't drink it.

Because Luo Nanyun determined that ye Xuefu would come, he made all the preparations early. The efficiency of the restaurant was also very high. Soon, wine and dishes began to be sent one by one.

"Come on, let's drink to our cooperation." Luo Nanyun raised his glass.

Ye Xuefu had to cooperate.

After drinking the first sip of wine, Luo Nanyun's mood became very flying: "in fact, I've been thinking about when we will cooperate at work, but I didn't expect all this to come so fast. We're going to do something together so soon."

"Sorry, this is the business of Tianya group, not my personal business." Ye Xuefu explained to the end: "and you only represent Tianhai bank. We are just a loan relationship."

"That's also our work together," Luo Nanyun insisted.

Now he wants to make use of what Tianya group needs to borrow from Tianhai bank to make capital.

Ye Xuefu must cooperate with him if she wants to complete her work. Luo Nanyun knows that ye Xuefu has no way to refuse, so he adheres to all his views.

Ye Xuefu can only respond with silence and silence.

Although Ye Xuefu also knows that her performance is really unprofessional, it is difficult for her to have her own professionalism in the face of Luo Nanyun.

"Xuefu, you know, I always believe that if we can work together in our career, we will soon create a beautiful world that belongs to us." Luo Nanyun fantasized.

"Manager Luo." Ye Xuefu couldn't help interrupting him. Luo Nanyun has completely deviated from the theme: "I think you should first look at the information I brought, and then judge the loan risk. I can explain anything you don't know."

"Xuefu, don't you understand what I mean?" Luo Nanyun was stunned.

Ye Xuefu shook her head. "I don't think what manager Luo said has anything to do with what we're going to talk about today."

"It's you, Xuefu. I'm here because of you." Luo Nanyun took the information handed to her by Ye Xuefu and put it aside: "as long as it's your request, I can bear any risk. If it's for someone else, I can't see this kind of project! Everything is because of you!"

"Sorry, I think manager Luo should have his own professional ethics and assess the risks." Ye Xuefu said: "if you decide a loan project without even the most basic risk assessment, it's too unprofessional."

Luo Nanyun looked at Ye Xuefu when he saw the monster: "Xuefu, what you said is meaningless."

Ye Xuefu frowned. She didn't want to talk with a person with a completely different world outlook and outlook on life.

"One billion, I can do my best to help you apply, and I believe I have the ability to get the money." Luo Nanyun said: "The fund for the research project is a bottomless pit, and money is like running water. If you can take out one tenth, it is also a figure enough for a person to live a lifetime. Moreover, according to my family situation, we can live a good life, but if we take advantage of this opportunity to get the money, we will live a more nourishing life. We can go wherever we want and whatever we want How about... "

"Enough!" Ye Xuefu finally couldn't bear it. "Manager Luo, I don't think it's necessary to continue our meeting today."

Luo Nanyun realized that he was too anxious. He quickly got up and stopped Ye Xuefu: "sorry, Xuefu, I know I'm a little excited. I won't say it. You say, tell me what you think. I'll listen to you."

"It's not necessary."

"Why is it unnecessary! Isn't your job to let you get the loan?" Luo Nanyun raised his voice: "I admit that I was talking nonsense just now. Now I know I'm wrong. I can't cooperate with you as you say?"

"I just need to do business, and I believe our project can be successful, and the loan of Tianhai bank will not be wasted." Ye Xuefu said: "I have sorted out all the information, and I hope you can take your work seriously."

"OK, I take it seriously!" Luo Nanyun put all the information in front of him: "but I hope you can believe me."

"What I believe in is our project." Ye Xuefu looked at Luo Nanyun seriously: "I also hope manager Luo lent to us because he believes in our project, not for other reasons."

Luo Nanyun is in a state of confusion.

"Of course, there's one more thing I want to make clear." Ye Xuefu said: "I don't know some hidden rules in the industry. I can accept them within a reasonable range, but manager Luo has some lions talking. 10%? 100 million? Can you say it?"

Luo Nanyun waved his hand and explained, "I was just a metaphor. No, it's my fault. I shouldn't say such words. Xuefu, how can I charge any rebate for your business? I want to say that you can take all the benefits you can strive for. I listen to you."

Ye Xuefu sighed in her heart that people with different values really can't become friends.

"Manager Luo, you'd better finish reading the information I gave you first and we'll talk about it another day. Today is really inappropriate." Ye Xuefu stood up and said, "I have something else to do. Take your time."

"Xuefu, don't you want this loan?" Luo Nanyun raised his voice again: "I don't need to read your information at all. It's very difficult for banks to take risks for such research projects. Now only I can help you. Why don't you give me more trust? I won't let you down. Believe me, I can help you solve your difficulties. Even if you treat me like this, I'm willing!"

Ye Xuefu was helpless. She couldn't understand what Luo Nanyun's heart was like.

"Sorry, I don't think I need it anymore." Ye Xuefu refused.

"Well, let's drink another glass of wine, and then you eat. I'll read these materials slowly. When I finish reading the materials, we'll talk again! Can you give me a chance?" Luo Nanyun sincerely raised his glass.

Ye Xuefu was silent for a moment, and finally gave him this opportunity because of his kindness: "OK, I hope you can have a good look."

"Come!" Luo Nanyun took Ye Xuefu's glass and handed it over: "this glass of wine, thank you for giving me the opportunity."

Ye Xuefu silently took the glass and took a sip.

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