At the end of the day's bidding, the result was no surprise. Chengjie group was recognized by the senior management of Tianya biological group with rich experience and advanced design concept.

Although the local construction company in Tianhai city said congratulations, it hated Chengjie group in its heart.

After all, Chengjie group is a company in Shangjiang, and it is natural to be hated.

However, all this is just the beginning. When Chengjie group's bid is successful, Duanteng and other people who eat locally relying on the construction site will naturally post a letter to subcontract.

However, this project is an important project for Chengjie group to go out of Shangjiang and enter Tianhai city. They strive for perfection.

So he Bing decided not to outsource anything, and all Chengjie group did it by themselves.

This is completely angered other peers in Tianhai city. This belongs to eating meat on their territory. They didn't get any soup, so no matter who comes across it, they will be unhappy.

Of course, these are later words.

After today's bidding, everything on the surface is calm.

When everything was settled, the top leaders of Tianya biology who were mainly responsible for the project were also selected, ye Xuefu and Zhen Qian.

Ye Xuefu is the initiator of this scientific research project, so Tianya biology hopes that Chengjie group can meet her requirements as much as possible and communicate with Ye Xuefu at the first time if there is any problem.

Zhen Qian was appointed as their supervisor of Party A, responsible for supervising the project construction of Chengjie group and cooperating with Chengjie group to better complete the work. After all, his extensive interpersonal relationship in Tianhai can better assist Chengjie group to solve certain problems.

Later, he Bing also met Ye Xuefu and Zhen Qian alone at the door of the venue and got to know each other.

Ye Xuefu and he Bing are also happy to become partners, and have expressed their willingness to make friends.

But neither of them knew that Zhen Qian and Duan Teng of Tenglong construction company were cousins... The idea of intercepting Chengjie group on the way was also vacated by Zhen Qian for Duan!

Unfortunately, Duan Teng is too useless. He can't do so well. The sure project was robbed by Chengjie group.

The curious Zhen Qian couldn't help but ask, "Mr. He, you didn't have any trouble coming to Tianhai? If you did, don't be polite to me and tell me directly. I will help you solve it as much as possible."

He Bing felt that there was really no need to hide such things from Party A, so he said bluntly: "there is really some trouble."

"What happened?" Ye Xuefu worried.

"In fact, we were stopped on the way to get off the South Expressway." he Bing said, searching for Chen Yuyue's figure.

"Who's so bold!" Zhen Qian asked clearly, but he could still pretend to be angry.

He Bing smiled: "I believe it must have been arranged by a bidder present today. Fortunately, things have passed. I really should thank you for the security guard of Tianya."

"Security guard?" Ye Xuefu and Zhen Qian asked knowingly.

"Yes, if he hadn't picked us up on Nanya Road, we wouldn't have come." he Bing said lightly, and his eyes finally found Chen Yuyue's figure: "it's him."

Ye Xuefu looked along he Bing's eyes, and the corners of her mouth slowly raised an arc. As expected, it was Chen Yuyue.

"To tell you the truth, I want to dig him into our Chengjie group as the head of security with a high salary." he Bing glanced at Ye Xuefu: "but he failed."

Ye Xuefu smiled faintly: "we are ready to reuse him."

Now only Ye Xuefu needs to convey what Chen Yuyue has done to the high-level meeting. The high-level meeting will certainly arrange a reasonable identity for Chen Yuyue. After all, talents are always available but not required.

After he Bing and his team left, Zhen Qian immediately found Zhao Hai and asked him why he knew Duan Teng was going to set up an ambush on South Asia Road and arranged Chen Yuyue to stir up South Asia road!

Zhao Hai also wants to cry without tears. He doesn't want to pit Duanteng. He just wants to take advantage of this opportunity to let Duanteng's people teach Chen Yuyue a lesson.

But who knows that Chen Yuyue has brought back the people of Chengjie group.

Zhao Hai also regretted that stealing chicken could not eat rice. Chen Yuyue not only didn't get beaten, but also made great achievements.


When all the busy work was over, it was more than seven o'clock in the evening and the sky began to darken.

Zhen Qian asked Ye Xuefu for dinner on the pretext that the scientific research project needed more communication. Ye Xuefu refused without thinking about it. She had to go home to "act" today and had no time to deal with him.

Ye Xuefu packed up and called Chen Yuyue to meet in the parking lot.

Chen Yuyue rushed over at the first time, sat in Ye Xuefu's car under Zhen Qian's eyes, and walked away.


Ye Xuefu and Chen Yuyue rush back to the community. It's almost 8 p.m. now ye Xiaoyao and Su Qing have begun to clean the table.

Ye mu, who looked very young, said she wanted to wash the dishes, but Su Qing directly grabbed the sink: "aunt, you can watch TV and leave it to me."

"Su Qing is a sensible child. If the two girls in my family are half as sensible as you, I'll be relieved." Mrs. Ye has always liked Su Qing. When she heard that she was the deputy director at dinner, she appreciated it even more: "it's lucky that Xuefu can make a good friend like you."

"Sister Su Qing, you are 'someone else's child' in my mother's eyes!" the goblin said angrily. She was also cleaning the table and didn't praise it.

Su Qing smiled: "aunt, you are really lucky to have such two excellent daughters."

"Excellent is excellent, but not obedient!" Ye mother said helplessly, "just say Xuefu. People in their twenties don't put such an important thing as marriage on the agenda. Women have such a good time for a few years."

Su Qing said awkwardly, "aunt, I'm not the same. We're all in the early stage of our career. We must delay getting married for two years."

"You are one year younger than Xuefu." mother Ye shook her head and said, "I forced her to be so tight a year ago. It's because she doesn't care. At least talk about a boyfriend first. Let me look forward to it."

Hearing this, ye Xiaoyao and Su Qing's eyes finally met. They have been waiting for her since dinner.

"She's talking." Su Qing tried her best to calm herself.

Ye Mu was stunned on the spot and looked at the goblin strangely: "your sister talked about boyfriend? Why didn't you tell me?"

Ye Xiaoyao replied solemnly, "my sister is still testing him. If she doesn't succeed, she didn't tell you."

"You two children are really annoying!" mother Ye angrily said, "you are hiding such a big thing from me."

Just then, the door opened and ye Xuefu came in with Chen Yuyue.

"Mom, you're here." Ye Xuefu rushed forward and hugged her mother: "the company has a particularly important thing today, so it's delayed."

Although Ye's mother holds Xuefu, her eyes fall on Chen Yuyue. The young man looks very energetic. His head, body, appearance, appearance and so on... All look pretty good.

"Good aunt." Chen Yuyue was stared at by Ye mother very unnaturally, and there were some vertical hairs on his back.

"Hello." Ye Mu then took back her impolite eyes and immediately questioned her daughter: "Xuefu, what's this... What's the situation? Goblin, come here and explain it to me."

"Still need to explain, my brother-in-law." Ye Xiaoyao looked at the embarrassing face of Chen Yuyue and his sister and walked forward with a smile.

Chen Yuyue swallowed his saliva nervously and forgot those words he had prepared.

"His name is Chen Yuyue." Ye Xuefu summoned up her courage.

Ye's mother's first impression of Chen Yuyue was quite good. She warmly asked him to come in and sit down.

When Chen Yuyue took his seat, Ye's mother turned her attention to his clothes and asked tentatively, "Yuyue, are you a special police officer?"

To tell you the truth, if it is, Ye's mother will certainly let Ye Xuefu break up with him in private.

No mother wants her daughter to marry a special police officer, because a conscientious special police officer can't care about the family. Mrs. ye will despise those who care about the family but ignore their work.

However, Ye's mother hopes that ye Xuefu can have more friends in the police profession in Tianhai. This is also a mother's selfishness.

"I'm not." Chen Yuyue shook his head. This dress looks really "special police".

As soon as ye Mu heard this, she relaxed a little: "what are you doing..."

"I'm a security guard in Tianya biological group." Chen Yuyue told the truth. They didn't have time to discuss these details, and Chen Yuyue didn't dare to make them up.

Ye Mu was stunned. She was the security guard of her daughter's company.

She is not the kind of person with professional discrimination, but her own daughter is a senior leader of Tianya biological group and a high-end management talent with technology shares

Chen Yuyue is just a security guard.

Is this appropriate?

Ye Mu believes that no mother can agree with the combination under this difference!

Such a big difference, any mother will feel that her daughter has been cheated!

"Xuefu, are you kidding me?" Ye Mu still maintained her elegance and politeness.

Ye Xuefu knew her mother. The calmer her mother was at this time, the more intense the fluctuation in her heart was: "Mom, listen to me slowly..."

"No, don't say it slowly." Mrs. Ye smiled and said to Chen Yuyue, "love is not such a simple thing, not just your love and my wish. And marriage is more serious. People from two different classes won't be happy together. So aunt hopes you can think about Xuefu and let her go."

Ye mother's voice fell, the whole room was silent, and the needle fell!

"Love doesn't mean having." Yemu continued: "I believe your feelings for Xuefu are true, so I believe you can let go for her. I know my words today will hurt you, but for my daughter, I have to hurt you selfishly. I respect your career, but you don't deserve my daughter, which is a fact you have to admit... Sorry, aunt, I hope you can forgive me for being a selfish mother."

Such "selfish" maternal love is moving. Here is the so-called deep love. This "selfishness" is great and deeply touched the chord at the bottom of Chen Yuyue's heart... At this moment, Chen Yuyue thought of his mother, the woman who could even gladly accept death for him, although his mother left the world on the day he was born, But he can still clearly feel the deep maternal love on his birthday every year.

What ye Mu shows at the moment is this selfless and selfish great maternal love, and her morality is dwarfed by it!

Chen Yuyue took a look at Ye Xuefu. Knowing that ye Xuefu couldn't bear to continue, he got up and bowed and said, "aunt, I'm sorry to disturb you today. If there's nothing wrong, I'll go first."

"Chen Yuyue..." Ye Xuefu was very sorry, but she wanted to stop talking.

She didn't know that Chen Yuyue also thought of his own mother. She thought that her mother's words hurt Chen Yuyue's self-esteem. She wanted to express her apology, but she didn't know how to speak.

"I haven't had dinner yet. I'll make you something to eat and then go." Ye Mu is not that kind of unkind elder. As long as Chen Yuyue can leave his daughter, she will never look down on him because his career is too ordinary.

"No, auntie, thank you." Chen Yuyue politely refused the kindness of Ye mother, said goodbye to the three girls and went out to take a taxi.

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