When Chen Yuyue carried Bi Ying into Wuling light, a police car that received the alarm roared and stopped directly in front of Chen Yuyue's car. Three men, one woman and four policemen quickly got off.

The graceful little policewoman rushed to Chen Yuyue as soon as she got off the bus, took out the handcuffs with one hand and grabbed Chen Yuyue's shoulder with the other hand!

Chen Yuyue sank her shoulders and turned around. Mysteriously, she grabbed the handcuffs from the policewoman's hands, and with a click, she handcuffed her left hand with the door handle!

"How dare you attack the police!" the little policewoman frowned and her eyes widened.

Before the male police surrounded him, Chen Yuyue quickly raised his hands to show his kindness: "misunderstanding, misunderstanding!"

"Do you still want to sophistry? Where do you want to take this girl?" the little policewoman angrily took out the key, opened the handcuffs, directly got into the car and tried to wake up the unconscious Bi Ying.

Chen Yuyue realized that he had been misunderstood as a hooligan "picking up corpses".

When the little policewoman saw that he didn't answer, she got out of the car in a rage and kicked it up!

Chen Yuyue reacted very quickly. He grabbed the angry little policewoman's ankle and whispered, "beauty, pay attention to the influence."

When the other three male policemen saw that the melon eaters had taken out their mobile phones, they quickly came forward to stop them: "Su Qing, don't mess around until things are clear!"

Chen Yuyue also immediately released the ankle of the policewoman named Su Qing.

Su Qing glared at Chen Yuyue: "on May 14, a girl was' picked up 'at the door of this house. After saying goodbye to her friends, she vaguely called the car home, but she fell asleep because she drank too much. Someone took indecent photos on the car and posted them on the Internet. Did you do it?"

"She's my sister." Chen Yuyue helplessly explained that he didn't hate this serious little policewoman. Although she was impulsive, her original intention was to do her duty, which was more competent than the three "rowing" male policemen.

Su Qing responded quickly and immediately asked, "what's her name?"

"Bi Ying." Chen Yuyue saw through Su Qing's idea at a glance: "her driving license and driver's license are in the glove box. This is her car."

Su Qing quickly turns out her driving license and driver's license. The car is indeed Bi Ying's, which makes Su Qing a little surprised.

Just then, the receptionist suddenly appeared at the door, pointed to Chen Yuyue and complained: "it's him! It's him who makes trouble!"

Several police conditionally surrounded Chen Yuyue.

Chen Yuyue pointed to bi Ying in the car: "how can I make trouble with a drunk girl?"

Su Qingxiu frowned slightly. She thought what Chen Yuyue said was reasonable. No one would be stupid enough to make trouble with a drunken girl.

"Xiao Liu, Su Qing, you two stare at the boy first, and Lao Zhao and I will go in and have a look." Lao Zhang, the police leader, finally spoke, and then walked up with big steps.

At this time, Li Cheng was also running down the stairs. Just when the two policemen were shocked by the full camp of wounded soldiers, Li Cheng pulled the receptionist in front of him, lowered his voice and scolded in his ear: "who the fuck told you to call the police?! pull out the monitoring hard disk and hide it!"

The receptionist was confused, but he immediately went to do things according to Li Cheng's instructions.

Li Cheng shook hands with the two policemen and said hello.

"These people were beaten by the boy outside?" Lao Zhang opened his eyes and said strangely.

Li Cheng looked at him innocently: "listen to me slowly. The thing is like this. A man and a woman came to me to sing. When they left, the girl was unconscious. I was worried that the boy's motive was impure, so I wanted to stop and ask the situation, but he did it directly. Look at my arm..."

Lao Zhang looked up at the surveillance: "copy a surveillance video to us."

Li Cheng sighed helplessly: "bad luck is here. The hard disk monitored today burned! I haven't had time to change it!"

"Then there is no direct evidence?" Lao Zhang was stunned.

"Yes." Li Cheng said helplessly, "but don't worry, director Wu and I are also old friends. We will fully support the work of the police station! All my employees can testify!"

As soon as the two policemen listened to this, they looked at each other. Lao Zhang said, "in this way, let the injured people hurry to the hospital first. You go back to the Institute with us to explain."

"OK!" Li Cheng nodded happily.

Then the three came out. Li Chengxin looked at Chen Yuyue with lingering fear.

Chen Yuyue knew that the grandson must want to play Yin, but due to the police, he couldn't do it in public.

"Boy, you can play." Lao Zhang looked up and down at Chen Yuyue: "come back to the Institute with us and explain."

Chen Yuyue was not surprised by the result. He handed Su Qing the car key of Wuling Zhiguang: "can you take care of her for me?"

"This is my duty." Su Qing took the key and replied responsibly.

"Thanks." Chen Yuyue smiled and was escorted into the police car.

Li chengdui smiled and handed cigarettes to the three male policemen. He proposed to drive with them to the station. After all, he said he was friends with director Wu, and Lao Zhang certainly wanted to give this face.

Half an hour later, a police Changan Star, a Grand Cherokee and a Wuling light drove into the Zhongpu district police station one after another.

Chen Yuyue locked her eyes on Wuling as soon as she got off the bus. Su Qing opened the door and got off the bus and looked at him: "don't worry, I'll take care of her until she wakes up."

"Please, I'll invite you to dinner another day." Chen Yuyue is absolutely not kidding.

"No." Su Qing refused.

Just then, a black car drove into the police station. Lao Zhang recognized the Camry of director Wu Li at a glance and quickly met him. As soon as Wu Li stopped and opened the door, Lao Zhang immediately cared and said, "director Wu, if you have any instructions, just call."

"Lao Zhang, Li Cheng is my friend. He has called me and told me that this matter is beyond the scope of our rights." Wu Li said: "I have informed the criminal police brigade to come and mention people. If many people are seriously injured in public, they should bear criminal responsibility!"

Lao Zhang nodded: "yes, we will fully cooperate with the handover of the Criminal Police Brigade."

"Leader." Chen Yuyue suddenly asked, "said that I beat people for evidence, and my monitoring has been transferred out?"

Wu Li's face turned black: "you have no right to speak here."

"If the monitoring records are transferred out and the evidence is conclusive, I will admit it." Chen Yuyue sneered, "but I dare say that Li Cheng didn't dare to hand over the monitoring at all, because the monitoring must also record the dirty things he did!"

Li Cheng is guilty and is afraid to say more because of Chen Yuyue's remaining power.

Chen Yuyue is right. Although there are records of him beating people in the surveillance video, there are also records of Li Cheng taking Bi Ying into the private room. Once Bi Ying is asked to go to the hospital for examination and find out that she has been drugged, Li Cheng is finished.

Just now, Wu Li made it very clear to Li Cheng on the phone. If you want to solve this problem, there must be no picture to prove that he has a relationship with the girl, so that the dirty water can be spilled on Chen Yuyue.

"Go and tell the interrogator of the criminal police team these words." Wu Li stared at Chen Yuyue impatiently.

Police Lao Zhang helped Wu Li out and said, "boss Li said that the monitoring hard disk burned and didn't leave a record. You're lucky!"

"Burned? Really?" Chen Yuyue smiled.

"Director Wu, I don't think it's that simple." Su Qing couldn't help but say.

Wu Li finally couldn't help getting angry: "this case is a criminal crime. We have no right to intervene! From now on, no one needs to say more!"

While talking, the car of the second criminal police squadron drove into the police station yard.

Chen Yuyue feels that this kind of high efficiency is a little outrageous, which can only show that Wu Li has a wide range of face. At the moment, he did not know that the squadron leader of the second criminal police squadron in charge of Zhongpu district was Wu Yan, Wu Li's brother.

After getting off the bus, the people of the second squadron were polite to Wu Li. Li Cheng hurried forward and handed over a cigarette. They talked happily. They also promised Li Cheng to drive to the criminal police team to cooperate with the inquiry work. After smoking a cigarette, they dragged Chen Yuyue into the car.

Before the car started, Chen Yuyue looked at Su Qing through the window. Su Qing nodded solemnly to him. Chen Yuyue restrained the anger that was about to erupt. Without this little policewoman who he thought was trustworthy to take care of Bi Ying, he really didn't care about carrying another crime of attacking the police.


The police car directly returned to the Criminal Police Brigade. The two criminal police quickly escorted Chen Yuyue to the pre-trial room and handcuffed him on a chair.

Then, the two interrogators came in with documents and record sheets, sat in chairs talking and laughing, and directly raised the strong light on the table to shine on Chen Yuyue's face: "tell me about your name, native place, unit and address."

Chen Yuyue cooperated very well, said what he asked, and soon explained the basic situation clearly.

"Tell me about your beating at the banquet. Frankly, don't play tricks." the policeman asked while taking notes.

"I'll pick up my sister..." Chen Yuyue confessed.

The policeman glared: "what I asked was the beating!"

Chen Yuyue was silent for a moment and finally opened his mouth. He roughly described the warning: "Li Cheng cheated my sister away to fill wine. I went to find someone and was besieged as soon as I went in..."

While listening, the policeman recorded, "do you know you are armed?"

"They start first, isn't it self-defense?" Chen Yuyue explained.

"Say whatever you ask! Do you know you belong to armed wounding?"

"I know!"

"Admit that those people in the were wounded!"

"Admit it." Chen Yuyue was a little angry. The two grandsons gave him a routine: "you belong to seduction, I don't admit it."

"This is not your has the final say!" the police rose to the scene: "you are suspected of causing trouble and deliberately wounding people! It has been held in criminal custody!"


Half an hour later, Chen Yuyue was pressed into a police van and escorted to the detention center overnight.

The northern suburb of the detention center is deserted, and the high wall pulling the power grid looks particularly gloomy in the dark. The armed police on the guard tower are vigilant about everything in the hospital. The small prison guard in charge of receiving the detainees opened the small door, took the documents and escorted Chen Yuyue in.

Soon, Chen Yuyue was taken into a long passage. He came to a cell and opened the door. When he opened the door, he pushed Chen Yuyue in.

"Big dog, get up and take care of it." the little prison guard gave a special instruction, locked the prison door and turned to leave. It turned out that Wu Li called him half an hour ago and asked him to make good arrangements, so he threw Chen Yuyue directly into the violent prisoner's cell.

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