Ye Xuefu waved to them to continue their practice, and she immediately walked into the study.

As soon as she entered the study, ye Xuefu couldn't wait to say, "Professor Kangda asked me to take him to Xicheng Garden community just now, but the residence arranged by Tianhai University for him is near Tianhai University, which is more than ten kilometers away from Xicheng garden."

"Maybe it's just that Professor Kangda likes cleanliness. Many people must know the accommodation arranged for him by the school. If these people visit one by one, Professor Kangda will consume a considerable part of his energy to entertain them." Chen Yuyue said.

This is one of the possibilities. Chen Yuyue doesn't want to rule out any possibilities.

"If it weren't for this reason, Professor Kangda would have a big problem." Chen Yuyue didn't alarmist: "I don't want Professor Kangda to have a problem."

Ye Xuefu nodded, and she felt the same way: "I don't want it, not at all!"

Seeing that ye Xuefu was not in a good mood, Chen Yuyue immediately comforted her: "if the person with the problem is really him, it may not be a bad thing for us. At least we can better control it."

Ye Xuefu looked at Chen Yuyue puzzled: "why do you say so? Can Professor Kangda be better mastered?"

"Yes, if it's Professor Kangda, we can clearly control him at the first time. If it's someone else, we don't have the right to stop Professor Kangda." Chen Yuyue said, "so I don't think it's a bad thing for us."

"I hope so." Ye Xuefu frowned, but she was very disappointed with Professor Kangda.

If Professor Kangda really let her down, ye Xuefu would even have that kind of grief.

After all, Professor Kangda is like a guide in her career in the field of biotechnology. She is a great professor she respected in her student days.

"Even if Professor Kangda has a problem, you don't need any psychological burden and pressure." Chen Yuyue patted Ye Xuefu on the shoulder: "everyone in the world will have weaknesses and desires, which is normal, so everyone will have something to change their original intention."

Ye Xuefu looked at Chen Yuyue and nodded silently.

"Don't eavesdrop. Come in." Chen Yuyue said to the door of the study.

Ye Xiaoyao first opened the door and rushed in: "what's the situation? What's the matter with Professor Kang?"

Ye Xuefu glared at Ye Xiaoyao: "don't talk nonsense, especially when you are in school, let alone talk about Professor Kangda."

"Professor Kangda has project cooperation with you Tianya group?" Zhao Weitong said strangely: "is there something wrong with your cooperation?"

"Nothing. I can't explain it to you for a while, so don't ask." Chen Yuyue said, "it's not too late to explain it to you when things are clearer."

Zhao Weitong nodded: "I see. Professor Kangda must be using your Tianya group?"

Chen Yuyue and ye Xuefu looked at each other and thought Zhao Weitong was too smart. Can you see this kind of thing?

"Why do you think so?" Ye Xuefu couldn't help asking.

Zhao Weitong shook his mobile phone: "it has been reported in the news that Professor Kangda and your Tianya group have reached a new research project, and the project will start soon."

"That's right."

"I just think that if you think about this project more deeply, it may not be worth Professor Kangda's personal appearance. Several of his favorite students should be enough to deal with this kind of research. At least in my opinion, this kind of research has no challenge to Professor Kangda and is sure to succeed," Zhao Weitong continued.

Chen Yuyue was very interested in Zhao Weitong's words: "of course, if his research can't guarantee success, the bank can't lend money to Tianya group. The bank will lend money for this research because it believes in his personal ability."

Zhao Weitong smiled: "for a project that many people can believe he can succeed, is it necessary for him to cooperate with such a powerful company as Tianya group?"

Chen Yuyue and ye Xuefu looked at each other and had an answer in their hearts.

It's really not necessary.

"As Professor Kangda, find a big company like Tianya and study a project with his ability? Don't you think it's unnecessary at the beginning?" Zhao Weitong's words are entirely from the perspective of an outsider.

Ye Xuefu felt like waking up from a dream.

No wonder the other four researchers involved in the core research of the company do not have the "excitement" of studying new projects in the past.

In fact, in the past, the "excitement" of company researchers when studying new projects was more a tension about the unknown.

People only have a sense of excitement when facing challenges. If a thing is not challenging enough, it is difficult to stimulate excitement.

In this way, it is not difficult to explain why the other four researchers are not very excited.

"If I were Professor Kangda and supported by a strong company, I would certainly do a very challenging thing," Zhao Weitong said.

Chen Yuyue clapped his hands in admiration. Indeed, he was a fan of the situation and a bystander.

"Wei Tong, what you said today really made us enlightened." Chen Yuyue praised without stinginess: "listening to your words is better than reading books for ten years."

Zhao Weitong smiled and accepted Chen Yuyue's praise.

"Nine words advised to wake up the lost official and awakened the dreamer." Ye Xuefu also looked at Zhao Weitong with emotion: "if only I could talk to you earlier."

"Professor Kang and your project are imperative. We can't change the facts if we talk about this topic earlier or don't talk about it." Zhao Weitong saw it clearly: "sister Xuefu, I know you are a smart man, and you can control the situation. You should also know when you are out of control..."

Ye Xuefu nodded and said confidently, "I will."

Zhao Weitong once again showed his signature smile: "it's getting late. Let's all rest early. There will be professor Kangda's open class in the school tomorrow. I don't want to go too late."

"Yes, go early to get a better position." Lin Yanbai nodded immediately.

Several girls chirped and cheered to wash and rest. Chen Yuyue went to the refrigerator and took out a bottle of beer to return to the room.

A bottle of iced beer quickly cleared Chen Yuyue's brain.

He has a feeling that Zhao Weitong knows more things than they do, and Zhao Weitong knows more about Professor Kangda than they do.

They are all obsessed with biological science. Is it believable that they came to Tianhai University in order to become Professor Kangda's students?

Chen Yuyue is a little uncertain. Lin Yanbai may be, but a smart girl like Zhao Weitong obviously won't choose a school because of a professor. With her intelligence, she can become a God by self-study.

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