As soon as Lin Qi left Tianhai University, Du powu called Chen Yuyue about what he saw.

Du powu didn't have much favor with the Lin family who didn't seem so "righteous", but Chen Yuyue didn't show much disgust.

Chen Yuyue listened to Lin Qi, which was obviously a child's temper, and didn't bother to pay attention: "it's enough for you to stare at Tianhai University. You've seen the suspicious people at the station. Once they appear again, don't act rashly. Remember to contact us at the first time, make plans first, and then do it. Don't be blind."

Du Po Wu nodded and promised Chen Yuyue.

Chen Yuyue knew this boy yesterday. If he knew that they didn't take him with them yesterday, he would be angry.

In fact, it won't be a big deal for him to go there. He just ran to bi Ying. Just go and give him another enthusiastic and energetic labor force by the way.

Now Chen Yuyue actually has nothing to worry about. Everything in the company has become orderly because of the return of Lao song. He is no longer needed to waste energy.

Now that Lao song has gone to the hospital, his relationship with shako and Lu Yuan will certainly be completely eased.

In the future, the Security Department of Tianya group is still a harmonious department.

The only thing that will worry Chen Yuyue is the "tail" whose identity is not clear up to now.

Fortunately, Chen Yuyue is also very clear that solving those "tails" is not a moment. They need to calm down and face all this. Only in that way can we better solve the problem.

When Chen Yuyue put down his mobile phone, a report from the security department at the door came from his desk, saying that there was an express, saying that it was the items needed for scientific research. However, the security department asked the courier, but the courier did not know who the recipient was, and the recipient's phone was not reserved. The only thing he knew was that the express was going to be sent to Tianya group.

A few days ago, something so serious happened. Of course, this inexplicable express will not be put in. Chen Yuyue immediately got up and rushed to the door.

When Chen Yuyue came to the gate, several security guards were looking around the express curiously.

"Where's the courier? Has he left yet?" Chen Yuyue asked.

When several security guards saw Chen Yuyue, they immediately said hello. One of them explained, "we tried to stop him, but he didn't wait. We said that if we couldn't find someone, we wouldn't sign for it. He ignored us and threw down his things and ran away."

Chen Yuyue nodded and motioned them to show him the express.

A security guard handed the express to Chen Yuyue and said curiously, "brother, who did you say bought it? Did it belong to those people in the scientific research department?"

"These little things won't be done by those people in the scientific research department." Chen Yuyue shook his head. Those guys only know scientific research and have no other life.

A few days ago, Chen Yuyue also heard that a Nokia mobile phone, the eldest brother of the scientific research department, was broken. It was recommended that he go to Jingdong to pick up a late Rita. He doesn't need to waste time shopping. He can get the mobile phone the next day. It may even be delivered on the same day, like taking out.

But the eldest brother of the scientific research department asked what Jingdong was.

Young people can't understand them. They devote their whole life to scientific research and biotechnology. They don't even know what online shopping is or the money has come out

"But the express brother said it was needed for scientific research, and other departments didn't need it."

"This is absolutely impossible for the people of the scientific research department. The scientific research department has unified procurement." Chen Yuyue was very sure.

Several security guards were helpless: "what shall we do? Now there is no way to return the express."

"The simplest way is to throw it here. People who buy express can't wait for express. When they find that their things have been signed in, they will naturally find the courier. At that time, the courier will tell him that the things have been thrown at our security office." Chen Yuyue said.

"Yes, let's leave it here. If he doesn't write his name, he can't use it even if he's in a hurry."

"Yes, yes, brother Yu is smart."

Just when a few people were talking.

"But I don't believe that someone will forget to write his name and phone number and buy things. Even if he can forget it, the seller of the shipment will remind him?" Chen Yuyue added.

Several security guards were stunned again. They didn't understand Chen Yuyue and wanted to know what Chen Yuyue meant.

So the shipper of this thing is intentional. Maybe there's no buyer at all!

Chen Yuyue soon straightened out his ideas.

"What's inside may not be a good thing." Chen Yuyue reminded them, "fortunately, you don't have such strong curiosity. Maybe it is."

Several security guards were stunned and numb.

Chen Yuyue nodded: "have you forgotten what happened a few days ago?"

Several security guards shook their heads like rattles.

"Don't you think it's strange that we have been so annoying and destroyed other people's big plans without any revenge?" Chen Yuyue asked.

Several security guards couldn't help taking a step back.

Is this package express revenge on them?

Mail one?

"Brother Yu, is it not as serious as you said? If so, is there no security check in the transportation process?" someone asked.

Chen Yuyue nodded: "you're right. Now the inspection is very strict. This kind of thing shouldn't happen."

"No, I'd rather believe it than believe it. What means do they have? Besides, we can't determine the identity of the courier just now. What if this thing didn't go through transportation at all? What if the courier just wanted to revenge our people?"

This is also a possibility worth discussing.

"Say so much, it's better to open it and have a look." Chen Yuyue smiled.

Several security guards blinked and quickly stopped: "brother fish, let's not take risks. What if it's really what you said? If there's any mechanism that will explode at the touch of it?"

"Yes, yes, it's the kind of mechanism that will explode as soon as it is opened."

"Do you watch too many movies, or do you have too much imagination? If there is such an exquisite switch controlled explosion, it may explode if it encounters any small bump on the way." Chen Yuyue said: "even if it is, it won't explode so easily."

Although Chen Yuyue's reply was very positive, beads of sweat still appeared on the forehead of several young security guards.

"All of you go out and leave it to me." Chen Yuyue could see their fear.

But how ungrateful they are to go out now! But if they are allowed to say stay, they really can't say it. So we can only persuade Chen Yuyue not to take risks.

However, no one can change what Chen Yuyue has decided. Several security guards were finally pushed out of the security office at the door by Chen Yuyue.

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