The man in black wrapped himself very tightly, let alone couldn't see his face clearly. Even his figure and height could not be judged. He curled up under his black robe.

"I know you must be observing. I can give you time to observe slowly. If you can find where I am in this video, I can wait for you here and catch you."

The man in black continued confidently.

With that, the man was indeed silent.

"Brother Yu, who the fuck is this..." Xia Ke couldn't help scolding: "is this provoking us? Or threatening me."

"Don't talk." old song motioned Xiake to be quiet and don't disturb Chen Yuyue to look for clues in the video picture.

Chen Yuyue is really looking for it. He believes that if he is more careful, he can find clues. But he just stared at the picture for three minutes and didn't get any feedback.

"I'm sure you've seen the same. If you can find any clues, you must have found them. Then I congratulate you."

The man in black continued.

"But if you don't find any clues, I can only be embarrassed. Don't look any more. Even if you look for an hour, you won't see where I am."

Chen Yuyue was a little angry, but he knew that what the other party said was the truth. He had observed every inch of the picture carefully. He really couldn't see anything. Don't say for an hour, even if it was a day, there would be no clue.

"Do you really want to scold now? Sorry, now you can only hear me, but I can't hear you. Who said? Even if you want to scold me, I won't be affected." the man in black provoked again.

Xia Ke slapped the table: "fuck, grandson, don't let me catch you! If I catch you, I'll peel you off."

Old song pulled Xiake again and motioned him not to disturb Chen Yuyue's thinking.

Chen Yuyue's mood at the moment is very complex. His opponents are dark and they are bright, which means that all the dangers are concentrated on them.

At this time, they are completely passive. It can be said that they have no initiative at all. If the opponent asks him to do anything, he must do it. If you don't go, the next one to send is definitely not the plate, but the.

Chen Yuyue is now anxious that there is no way to have a direct dialogue with the other party.

It's bad for them.

"I know you're angry, just like I was angry when you stopped Christian outside the door that day." the man in black was silent for a moment and then said, "what's this called? The causal cycle? No, it's not the causal cycle, it's called giving back the other way. I arranged it on purpose. I don't know if you'll like it."

Shako was really a loser. He got up and went outside to smoke.

At this time, several young security guards also came, and Xia Ke stopped them outside the door when they wanted to enter the house.

Although Xia Ke is young and impulsive, he knows that this kind of thing should not be known to too many people. In case of a big mouth, the whole Tianya group will follow.

These young guys, in particular, have no hair on their lips and can't handle affairs well. They are likely to say it as a capital to boast and show off.

In the room, Chen Yuyue continued to watch the video.

"If you can destroy my plan, it means you are not ordinary people. I appreciate you very much. For the people I admire, I can't help but want to recruit my men." the man in Black said again: "I don't know if you are interested. If you are interested, my work here is 10000 times more interesting than your security work there."

Chen Yuyue frowned and constantly calculated the person's identity in his heart.

"Of course, I know very well that with your ability, you can't willingly be an ordinary security guard in Tianya group." the other party continued: "You must have your purpose and your true identity. I admit that I know nothing about you now, but I hope you don't treat everyone as a fool. I'm not them. I really think you're just an ordinary person.

The man in black in the video said these words and sent out a burst of Yin Jie laughter.

Lao song opened his mouth in surprise.

"When I say these words, won't there be others around you? If so, I'm really sorry." the man in Black said again: "you can digest these words first and I'll give you time to understand them."

With that, the man in black really stopped talking.

Old song looked at Chen Yuyue: "Yuyue, what the hell is this guy talking about? Otherwise we'll call the police. At least we can find clues from the courier."

Chen Yuyue shook his head. He didn't even have a clue about it. What's the use of calling the police?

"If I guess right, this guy is the courier just now." Chen Yuyue said faintly, "but he will definitely use Yirong."

"Whether he is Yi Rong or not, we will call the police immediately. The police can immediately investigate and monitor, and we should be able to track him down!" Lao Song said. He had taken out his mobile phone. As long as Chen Yuyue gave an order, he would not hesitate to call the police.

Chen Yuyue shook his head: "the express car can shuttle freely in the small streets of the city. He can take those sections without monitoring. If it was him, I would turn to those old streets."

Chen Yuyue guessed that the other party would be easy to look, so as long as he got into that place to "change" a face, he would never be recognized.

"What shall we do?" Lao Song said anxiously.

Chen Yuyue pointed to Xiake's mobile phone and motioned Lao song to accompany him through it.

Lao song can only stand beside Chen Yuyue with patience.

A minute later, the man in black in the video finally spoke again.

"You can certainly figure out that such a thing doesn't need to bother the police." the man in black seems to see through everything: "if you don't even know this, there's no need to continue playing between us."

Old song was surprised and couldn't close his mouth. He looked around and suspected that a camera had been installed in their security office.

Chen Yuyue wanted to ask the other party what purpose, what requirements and what he wanted to do, but he couldn't communicate with the other party.

However, the intelligence quotient of the man in black is quite high. When he recorded this video, he had thought of what Chen Yuyue would want to say.

"Now it's time to get to the point. The first is what I want, and the second is what you will get if I don't get the result I want."

The man in black was not polite, conditions and threats, all thrown out.

"The answer is very simple. I'm going to destroy professor CONDA's project. Christian was originally asked to do these things, but now he has been abandoned by you. So you have to do it instead of him. If you can't do it... You know the result. I won't threaten you again by the same means. Next time, I'll play really, and the means are unexpected Ha ha ha! "

With a burst of gloomy laughter, the video was over.

: on the first day of the new year, I wish you all a happy New Year! Let troubles fly away and let blessings show their true colors! You are sure to have a happy couple in the new year and have good fortune!

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