Zhao Weitong's action force is very powerful, and quickly arranged everything.

Although others also suggested that the fish restaurant was very dark and advised her to change it, Zhao Weitong still had a way to deal with it.

When everything was done, Zhao Weitong went to the fresh fish restaurant and booked a place.

The location of the fresh fish restaurant is very good. There are three tables in the largest private room, which can easily entertain more than 30 people at the same time. Zhao Weitong invited just 30 people, and she herself was 31.

This room can gather everyone together, which is more conducive to Zhao Weitong's observation than the separate ten people in each room.

After school in the afternoon, all the people invited by Zhao Weitong arrived as promised.

Before they came to the fresh fish restaurant, Feng Yu and Du powu had already pretended to be guests to eat in the fresh fish restaurant.

"Make complaints about the black shop, the name of the fish hall, and the fish that you made is not fresh at all."

Du Po Wu thought it was OK: "whether it's fresh or dead, it's delicious. Besides, your mouth is so powerful that you can tell whether the fish was dead or alive before it was made?"

"Can you have some common sense?" Feng Xun pointed to the position of the fish's eyes with his chopsticks: "the eyes of the living fish are exposed, and the eyes of the fish have a yellow film, and the eyes are concave, which is obviously a dead fish in the pot."

Du Po Wu looked at it in surprise. It was really like this.

"Also, look at this steamed fish." Feng Yu said again: "if the steamed fish head is separated from the fish body, such fish must be dead. If the live fish is steamed, the fish body and the fish head will not be separated."

"Yes, I didn't eat less fish." Du Po Wu took care of his life and death, picked it up and ate it.

"Although I don't pay attention to it, I say that the fresh fish restaurant wants fresh fish. What kills me is cheating. The price of this shop is not cheap." Feng Yu said, "look at the meat you just caught. It doesn't have any elasticity."

Du Po Wu motioned him not to pay so much attention: "we're not here to eat fish today. We're here to do business today. We can make do with two bites."

Feng Xun smiled: "you said whether our third brother is powerful or that classmate Zhao is powerful. This place is the best choice."

"Neither of them is simple. This classmate Zhao has a strong identity background." Du Po Wu continued to eat.

Feng Xun suddenly frowned: "Po Wu, she came from Yanjing. Something happened at home a while ago... Isn't she from the Zhao family?"

Du Po Wu lost his appetite and slapped his chopsticks on the table: "don't mention that son of a bitch to me. Although we don't have exact evidence yet, all aspects are enough to show that the grandson cheated us."

"Don't talk nonsense before there is no evidence. Don't let the third brother hear this." Feng said: "if it is really, it will be ugly."

Du powu looked at Xiang Fengyu curiously: "it's impossible that the third brother hasn't considered this problem? The third brother has long known that her background is not simple..."

"Of course he thought about it." Feng Yu nodded. "You don't know what the third brother does. In fact, he is more cautious than anyone, although sometimes he seems indifferent."

Du Po Wu doesn't quite understand.

But he doesn't want to think too much about these profound things.


In the big private room upstairs.

Zhao Weitong is already greeting everyone to take their seats.

At this time, some people still wonder why Zhao Weitong chose this famous fresh fish restaurant.

"Wei Tong, we really shouldn't have come to this place. The price here is really not low." the speaker is the president of the student union of the College of biology, who is a man of the moment in Tianhai College of biology.

"If his price is high, it means that the price of fish is high." Zhao Weitong smiled.

"When you buy fish in the market, you often see some fish with high prices. After they die, they sell very cheaply for a reason." the other party added: "what they do may not be fresh. Many people say so."

"If so, we won't give money." Zhao Weitong shook his mobile phone: "the consumer association can protect our rights."

At this time, the waiter of the hotel also came. Zhao Weitong immediately asked the waiter to call the boss.

The owner of the fresh fish restaurant also came.

When Zhao Weitong asks him to come, he wants him to ensure that the fish are fresh. If what he does is fresh, Zhao Weitong will try his best to avoid possible losses in a while.

But if the boss promised that the fish was still not fresh, she wouldn't be polite.

The boss nodded and made a promise that their fish was 100% fresh!

After the boss left, some students said that Zhao Weitong was useless because they couldn't eat it. The boss insisted that it was a live fish. Who could make it cooked?

But Zhao Weitong gave them a popular science: "the meat of dead fish is not as strong as that of live fish. It is usually soft and tastes not fresh. You can tell it by careful experience."

"Come on, what's dead or alive is almost enough." Lin Qi is a little annoyed by the affectation of those guys. He doesn't have so much to do with a young master of the Lin family. These guys still have so much to do. It's annoying.

Lin Yanbai shook his head: "if the fish dies too long, it will affect the taste. Because the protein and amino acids are corrupted or lost, the taste will be much worse."

"Stop, sister, don't give me a lesson. All of you here are biological and knowledgeable. I don't understand or understand." Lin Qi said, "how many people drink? White or red?"

Several boys present shook their heads one after another, saying they didn't drink.

"The old men don't drink when they come out for dinner. Are you men?" Lin Qi said nothing. "Drink more or less beer."

Lin Qi said this not because he wanted to drink, but because it was a task arranged by Zhao Weitong. He must ask all the people present to drink.

Human skin masks are not human skin after all.

But people's skin will change a little after drinking.

Human blood vessels are dominated by two kinds of nerves, one is called sympathetic nerve, which can promote blood vessel expansion when excited, and the other is called parasympathetic nerve, which can promote blood vessel contraction when excited and dilate blood vessels when inhibited.

At ordinary times, these two nerves coordinate with each other to control the contraction and expansion of blood vessels.

However, alcohol can excite the sympathetic nerve, inhibit the parasympathetic nerve and expand the blood vessels more than usual.

People's facial skin is the thinnest and there are many capillaries, so people's facial skin will change after drinking.

This is why Zhao Weitong must ask everyone to drink some, but it's hard for her to persuade. After all, there are many girls, so the "bad guys" are left to Lin Qi.

"Today is Zhao Weitong's birthday, let alone a man. All the sisters present are good friends? Shouldn't good friends have a drink to celebrate?" Lin Qi said to Lin Yanbai, "sister, I know you never drink, but you must drink today."

In order to cooperate, Lin Yanbai must nod and promise: "OK, I will drink this glass of wine today."

"See? You guys don't blush?" Lin Qi looked contemptuous.

He was so excited that a man wouldn't lose face: "OK, I'll drink some wine for Wei Tong's birthday today!"

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