The swords army is the world of men. There is no place to smell perfume in that place. Even if dragon Yue Ling is a girl, it is absolutely impossible to use perfume.

Therefore, Chen Yuyue would never have such a woman's taste before.

But now he is in a different environment. Yesu Fu and Ye Xiaoyao are all girls who live in city since they were young. And the occasions when they are in contact with their work, perfume is already their daily necessities.

Although Chen Yue jump can not use perfume, but he and Ye Xuefu live together for a long time, weekdays at home contact, clothes will have some girls perfume perfume is also normal.

It's just that Chen Yuyue didn't pay attention.

When she came to Tian Hai last time, she had already smelled the perfume of Chen Yuyue. So when she came to Tian Hai, she didn't notice Chen Yuyue for the first time. Instead, he did a simple "investigation" to Chen Yuyue by proving the chance of the camouflage.

Although this kind of thing makes long Yueling feel uncomfortable, she doesn't have any right to interfere with Chen Yuyue's personal life.

This is Chen Yuyue's own life.

Long Yueling told himself more than once that if Chen Yuyue couldn't come back, they would be people from two different worlds. Once they get there, they will be two parallel lines, and there will never be a moment when they intersect.

Therefore, long Yueling feels that he has no reason to interfere in Chen Yuyue's current life. Everything about Chen Yuyue is his own.

"After all, I have lived in the city for a long time... Some things are inevitable." Chen Yuyue said with a bitter smile.

"Of course, these are inevitable, and you are used to it?" long Yueling's expression was a little lost: "do you think you can go back to the past?"

Chen Yuyue was stunned: "although I have some changes on the surface, my bones are still the former Chen Yuyue."

"Chen Yuyue? Hehe... You will always be Chen Yuyue. No matter what you become, you will always be Chen Yuyue." long Yueling shook his head and smiled bitterly and dimly: "I said 'inverse scale'..."

Chen Yuyue was speechless again.

These words of long Yueling sound nothing, but they pierce Chen Yuyue's heart.

Because these are issues that Chen Yuyue himself has not considered.

"Counter scale" belongs to the divine sword army. When Chen Yuyue left the divine sword army, was he still the counter scale? Obviously not.

If he stays away from the divine sword army for longer and longer, can he find the "inverse scale" even if he goes back in the future?

Chen Yuyue never thought about these problems. If long Yueling hadn't put forward them, Chen Yuyue still wouldn't think about it now.

Although Chen Yuyue also knew that this was a problem he had to face, he didn't want to face it.

He's running away.

And still know that this is to escape, but still continue to escape, this kind of thing "against the scale" can never be done.

"If I really can't go back to the past... What will you do?" Chen Yuyue asked in a low voice.

"Of course I will be very disappointed, very disappointed. This will be the most disappointed thing in my life." long Yueling smiled and hid the bitterness as much as possible.

Chen Yuyue completely fell into silence.

Time does not know how long, Chen Yuyue finally slowly opened his mouth.

"I won't let you down, never."

Chen Yuyue's voice fell. Long Yueling could no longer control his emotions and rushed into Chen Yuyue's arms.

Although they have known each other for a long time, Chen Yuyue has never seen such a dragon Yueling.

From the first day he knew long Yueling, he knew that she was a girl different from other girls.

Then for a long time, Chen Yuyue felt that long Yueling was just a boy. She didn't have a little girl's temperament. Even the deepest part of her heart seemed to be hard.

It seems that from the day they met until now, the Dragon Spirit has never been soft at that moment.

So at this moment, Chen Yuyue was at a loss.

Long Yueling himself was surprised.

She can't even believe that she is not herself at this moment.

Long Yueling felt puzzled about her actions, but just at that moment, she just wanted to do so.

Chen Yuyue slowly reached out and hugged long Yueling. At this moment, he finally felt that long Yueling was also an ordinary girl.

Just because she is the head of Tianzu, she has never enjoyed the treatment that a girl should have.

So that over time, she herself has forgotten the feeling of being a girl.

They snuggle up on the balcony and quietly look at the night sky outside the window.

Today, the night sky of Tianhai is very clean. Such a clean night has not appeared for a long time.

They can even clearly see every star hanging in the night sky, some close, some far away, and some if there is nothing.

I don't know how long it took, long Yueling finally said, "in fact, being an ordinary person is the happiest thing in the world."

This is a question Chen Yuyue asked long Yueling a long time ago.

It was also such a clean night on the playground of the divine sword army.

Chen Yuyue asked long Yueling: what do you think is the happiest thing in the world.

At that time, long Yueling thought for a long time and didn't get the answer. She shook her head and answered that she didn't know.

Now Tianlong Yueling has found her answer.

Being an ordinary person is what she thinks is the greatest happiness in the world.

Chen Yuyue smiled: "there are really a lot of happy people all over the world who don't know their happiness in happiness?"

"They really don't know their happiness." long Yueling smiled faintly: "you've been to Tianhai for so long and know so many people. What do you think is the most sad thing for ordinary people?"

Chen Yuyue answered without thinking, "desire."

Long Yueling nodded: "yes, it's desire. All happy people are deeply trapped in desire. Only unfortunate people don't have desire."

"So... Are unfortunate people happier or happy people more unfortunate?" Chen Yuyue's question is really quite philosophical.

Long Yueling shook his head: "do you think we are unfortunate or happy?"

Chen Yuyue smiled bitterly. He really couldn't think of the answer to this question. He is not a philosopher and doesn't have so much understanding of life.

"I hope we are unfortunate. Because only we are unfortunate, most ordinary people are happy." long Yueling is really no worse than any girl: "if we are happy, most people will become unfortunate."

People who still think about things like this are really rare, don't they?

"Then I will accompany you to be an unfortunate person." Chen Yuyue smiled.

Long Yueling looked at him seriously: "but I hope you are a happy person. If you really can't come back... Maybe everything now is your luck."

Tonight, they are destined to stay up all night.

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