Chen Yuyue took a deep breath and seriously looked into Ye Xuefu's eyes: "Xuefu, some things are not what you imagined. I don't know what you saw or heard... But please believe me. Sometimes what people see and hear is not necessarily what they imagined."

Ye Xuefu nodded calmly: "well, what you said is very reasonable. Since what I see and what I hear are not necessarily facts, please explain to me what the facts are like."

"Don't we even have such a basic trust?" Chen Yuyue seemed disappointed.

"Of course not. I trust you so much that I think everything you say and do is right." Ye Xuefu said, "so I never even thought you would hide me and deceive me."

"I've never lied to you," Chen Yuyue immediately denied.

Ye Xuefu was stunned: "yes, I admit that you have never lied to me. But I hope you should admit that you have concealed a lot from me, but I have never forced to ask you anything because of your concealment“

Chen Yuyue suddenly felt that ye Xuefu was unreasonable: "no one has the right to force others to ask what they don't want to say?"

"Of course, I have no right, and I never said I have this power." Ye Xuefu said, "since I don't have this power, you don't have the right to ask me what happened just now?"

"I just care about you. If you don't want to say it, you can not say it. We don't need to have a senseless quarrel here." Chen Yuyue was obviously angry.

He didn't understand that he was so concerned about ye Xuefu, worried that she was hungry, worried that she forgot to eat and ran out to buy something for her to eat, but why was she such an attitude?

A hot face and a cold ass won't make anyone feel comfortable.

"Yes, I don't want to say, I don't want to eat either." Ye Xuefu said stiffly.

Chen Yuyue was completely out of temper. He silently covered the packing box and put the "Eight Immortals crossing the sea and making Luohan" back in the packing bag: "I'm sorry, Mr. Ye, I disturbed you. I made the air in your room turbid. Do you need me to open the window for you?"

Ye Xuefu was even more uncomfortable when she saw Chen Yuyue like this. Both of them were stubborn.

Ye Xuefu thinks he has a reason to be angry, but Chen Yuyue has no reason to be angry at all!

Chen Yuyue quickly packed up the things in front of Ye Xuefu's desk: "well, President ye, I won't disturb you. I apologize to you for taking the liberty to disturb."

After saying this, Chen Yuyue bowed deeply to Ye Xuefu. He was ready to take things away. He spent a lot of time and was despised, making no one happy.

"You don't want to apologize to me for this," said Ye Xuefu coldly.

Chen Yuyue was really speechless at this time. Ye Xuefu has always been a very rational and intellectual girl. Today, she has become inexplicably unreasonable.

He really can't accept a unreasonable and inexplicable girl pointing at him.

"Well, I ask you, what else do I have to do to apologize to you? In this way, you tell me everything and I apologize to you one by one?" Chen Yuyue said indifferently: "I'm very serious now. I sincerely apologize to you for anything as long as it's my fault."

Ye Xuefu frowned.

Of course, Chen Yuyue is conditional: "what you said must be worth my apology to you. If it is unreasonable, I'm sorry, I can't accept it."

"Sorry, I don't need it, thank you!" said Ye Xuefu. "I don't need you to apologize to me."

"That's because I have nothing to apologize for." Chen Yuyue shook his head speechless.

Ye Xuefu's anger was suddenly ignited because of this sentence.

"You don't have anything to apologize for, do you? Who am I in your eyes? Just an ordinary friend? Or is it a superior subordinate relationship between us? Or is it a utilization relationship?" Ye Xuefu said coldly.

Chen Yuyue thought, "I really don't understand what you're going to do."

"If in your eyes, we are really just an ordinary relationship, then I don't need you to apologize and explain to me. But if in your eyes, the relationship between us is not so ordinary, I need you to seriously give me an explanation!" Ye Xuefu raised her voice.

"OK, what explanation do you want? As long as you say, I'll give it to you, all to you!" Chen Yuyue also raised his voice.

Ye Xuefu stared angrily and almost bit her lower lip: "OK, now tell me which hotel you were in last night? With whom? And tell me who the girl who was in the hotel with you last night."

Chen Yuyue was speechless.

Ye Xuefu pressed: "didn't you say you want to explain to me? Come on, explain to me. I don't need anything else. I don't need any apology from you. I just hope you can explain to me as a respect for me."

Chen Yuyue stared at Ye Xuefu in amazement. His words reached his throat, but he couldn't say a word.

Ye Xuefu pointed to the sofa behind Chen Yuyue: "you can go there and sit down and think slowly until you understand, and then explain to me. I don't have time to waste with you now. I still have a lot of work to do. Can you stop disturbing me?"

Chen Yuyue rubbed his temples heavily. It was really troublesome for him to explain.

But he really didn't understand. How did ye Xuefu know that he spent the night with long Yueling in the hotel last night?

Does Ye Xuefu have thousands of miles of eyes and ears? Or what mobile positioning and mobile monitoring are installed on him?

This is incredible.

Even if Chen Yuyue was a little tired yesterday and didn't notice Ye Xuefu following him, long Yueling is not a vegetarian! It's impossible not to feel tracked and monitored.

"I don't quite understand what you heard." Chen Yuyue finally opened his mouth after being silent for a long time: "I absolutely didn't do anything last night. What happened yesterday was because... Xuefu, I really can't explain it with you."

Ye Xuefu didn't lift her head and pointed to the door of the office: "if you can't explain to me, please go out."

Chen Yuyue clubbed in place with a helpless face. Of course he can't go at this time. If he goes at this time, it will be more troublesome.

"Let's go."

Chen Yuyue shook his head: "I won't go."

"Explain if you don't go." Ye Xuefu only gave him two choices.

"I can't explain this clearly," Chen Yuyue admitted.

Ye Xuefu took a deep breath and calmed herself down as much as possible: "since I can't explain clearly, I'll ask you to go out first."

"I can go out, but I hope you promise me that after I go out, you must calm down and think about whether I am that kind of person." Chen Yuyue turned and left.

It's not appropriate for him to say more at this time.

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