Long Yueling left, but the threat left by Japanese ninjas always surrounded Chen Yuyue and them.

These Japanese ninjas must have a close relationship with the Zhao family.

Chen Yuyue didn't understand until the next day that long Yueling left these Japanese ninjas to him in order to leave him some clues.

With Tianzu's strength, it's easy to destroy these Japanese ninjas. Long Yueling walked briskly and did not mean to blame these Japanese ninjas.

Chen Yuyue really thanked long Yueling for his sacrifices, which was absolutely impossible for long Yueling before.

Long Yueling has done one thing after another against her own principles on the edge of her bottom line, and all this is because of Chen Yuyue.

This friendship, only Chen Yuyue himself knows how heavy it is.


With President Hu's photos, ye Xuefu's trust in Chen Yuyue soon rose to another height.

All of them have become more and more curious about Chen Yuyue, and Chen Yuyue's sense of mystery has become more serious.

It can be said that except Zhao Weitong, no one has a little understanding of Chen Yuyue's identity. Even Zhao Weitong only guessed about one direction.

Zhao Weitong guessed the general direction of Chen Yuyue's identity because of his cousin.

Although Zhao Weitong's father was the commander of Yanjing military headquarters, his father never mentioned some things to him.

For example, several independent departments and secret forces that were in Yanjing but did not belong to the Yanjing military headquarters could not be known by Zhao Weitong.

However, she is very clear that there are such secret forces in Yanjing, and there are more than one, but she is not very clear when it comes to the details.

For those independent departments and secret forces, Zhao Weitong only knows a little. Her father, as the commander of Yanjing military headquarters, is also the leader of a confidential independent department.

In addition to her father, she knew that her cousin Zhao Yanpu was also in a secret army, and that Zhao Teng, who was only one day older than herself but had to force her to call her brother, was also doing research in an independent secret department.

Based on the understanding of these things, Zhao Weitong can basically determine Chen Yuyue's special identity. The only thing she doesn't know is the specific situation.

President Hu was very angry about his being attacked. He used almost all the relationships he could use. Both black and white issued a "reward order" to help him catch people.

Su Qing is too clear about this. The municipal leaders personally came to the criminal police team to talk to Zhou Chengxuan about it.

Zhou Chengxuan was really surprised that the city leaders found him personally and asked him to arrange the best people to investigate the "Burglary".

As far as President Hu is concerned, Zhou Chengxuan can guess with his ass that this is revenge. President Hu must have done something to offend others, otherwise he could not have been retaliated at home, but he didn't take any money.

After all, he is a big leader. Everything in his family is very valuable. Even the ashtray is made of rare stones.

President Hu is still a "watch controller". There are more than a dozen watches at home. If President Hu said that he broke into the house and hurt people, at least take a few watches and go.

But President Hu didn't lose anything at home.

Although team Zhou didn't want to get involved in this shit, when the city leader spoke, he had to do it. Su Qing, as the hottest and best young man in the criminal police team, was naturally assigned by the city leader.

They had to go to the scene and do some investigation.

Naturally, nothing was found.

There is no trace left in President Hu's house, which shows that it is definitely not done by ordinary people.

Zhou Chengxuan pulled Su Qing aside and made it clear that this kind of thing was definitely not done by "mortals". If you want to catch someone, you can only ask Chen Yuyue for help.

Su Qing knew very well that Chen Yuyue ran to President Hu's house as soon as he got home that night.

She doesn't need to ask at all. She can be sure that Chen Yuyue must know who did it.

Su Qing also has criminal investigation experience. According to her own understanding of this matter, she can probably guess that it has something to do with the girl in the picture Ye Xuefu said.

So when Zhou Chengxuan asked Su Qing to contact Chen Yuyue, Su Qing didn't directly agree, but made an excuse that Chen Yuyue was too busy recently.

Zhou Chengxuan could see Su Qing's meaning, so he didn't force it. Just due to the requirements of the municipal leaders, he still had to arrange personnel to investigate.

Whether this thing can have a result or not, what he should do is to do it.

Su Qing decides to tell Chen Yuyue about it that day.


After work in the afternoon, ye Xuefu had a party. Chen Yuyue came to see him himself. Su Qing had come here early to wait for him.

Chen Yuyue was surprised to see Su Qing coming so early: "I didn't work overtime today. This is not the style of your criminal police team."

"Be quiet." Su Qing cut straight to the point: "did you see everything at President Hu's house that night?"

Chen Yuyue was stunned.

"You don't have to hide it from me. I'm sure you've been there, and things have happened when you went. President Hu said that someone went in after he was entangled into a silkworm chrysalis, and helped him press the indoor alarm to inform the property." Su Qing said, "this person must be you."

"Why is it your turn to investigate this? Isn't it the responsibility of the police station?" Chen Yuyue said.

Su Qing stretched out her finger and pointed to the ceiling: "if the leaders above didn't speak, it's really a matter for the police station under the jurisdiction, but now the leaders above have spoken, we must thoroughly investigate this matter, and personally came to the criminal police team to ask team Zhou for a guarantee."

Chen Yuyue said with a wry smile, "so Zhou Chengxuan pulled you out?"

"I asked me to find you, but I refused. I know you must know this, but you will never say it." Su Qing said, "so I helped you refuse."

"To tell the truth, I don't know much." Chen Yuyue's words are half true and half false: "it was really me who went to help him press the alarm, but it was like that when I went, I don't know who did it."

Su Qing said, "you don't know, I know."

Chen Yuyue understood Su Qing's meaning: "I sent her to the high-speed railway station that morning. If you don't believe it, we can go to the high-speed railway station to call out the surveillance video that morning. I remember the time period."

"You don't have to lie in front of me?" Su Qing said helplessly, "there must be something I want to see in the time period you said, but if I calculate according to the time after you appeared at President Hu's house that night, I can also find the monitoring picture of you going to the high-speed railway station again in the evening?"

Chen Yuyue was stunned.

Su Qing added: "if the monitoring of the high-speed railway station at that time in the evening is lost, it shows that you are guilty and must let people do it."

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