When Chen Yuyue left, Huaishi restaurant also closed slowly and closed directly.

At the moment, the sky was completely dark, overcast, and the rain hit the ground with a thunder without warning.

The pedestrians who were caught off guard were all drenched and flustered looking for a place to take shelter from the rain.

The big man with SUMO body in Huaishi cuisine didn't mean to take shelter from the rain at all. He looked up at the cloudy night sky, closed his eyes and took a deep breath.

"Don't catch cold." the kimono woman appeared behind the big man. The woman who tried to give him an umbrella finally gave up: "come in."

"It hasn't rained in Tianhai for a long time." the big man shook his head: "let me enjoy it more."

The kimono woman nodded silently and left.

This man's name is Sakuma longer. He is a very powerful sumo wrestler. Although he has no Henggang title, there are rumors that his strength has long exceeded Henggang level.

In Japanese sumo, there are ten levels, namely, the mouth of the preface, the second section of the preface, the third section, under the screen, the tenth two, the front, the summary, Guan threat, Da Guan, and finally Henggang.

Henggang is the most senior title of Japanese sumo. In a sense, it can be regarded as a lifelong honorary title.

Generally speaking, players at the level of Shimonoseki have to win two consecutive games before they can obtain the honorary title of Henggang. However, there are usually no more than four Henggang sumo wrestlers in service in Japan at the same time.

Sumo, which has a horizontal class, is as noble as God in the eyes of Japanese people! This status is semi permanent, because as long as you get this title, you will not be demoted even if you lose the war. If you continue to lose, you will be forced to retire. When you retire, the Henggang title will be cancelled, but you will enjoy a lifelong salary.

If you look back, this movement is also passed down from China. It is only because the aesthetic views of Chinese people are improving, so the movement is slowly diluted.

Few people in China are willing to increase their weight for this sport.

But this is different in Japan. Sumo is very sacred to Japan. Sumo masters in women's eyes also exist like gods. So doing SUMO in Japan can not only make a lot of money, but also won't lack women because of the fat variant.

Maybe many people think that they can be sumo if they can eat, which is wrong.

Sumo is not a lazy person who can only eat and sleep. If you can only eat and sleep and become fat, you can get high income and beautiful women. It is estimated that not many people are willing to fight in other industries.

Sumo is really eating. When you wake up, you have lunch, professional hot pot, all kinds of meat, vegetables and fish.

After eating, I go back to my room to sleep, that is, I want to turn what I eat into fat, wake up and continue to eat dinner. I have to eat to my throat for each meal, and then continue to sleep.

But it seems that behind eating, sleeping and eating, sumo is trained. It is very intense fitness training. The intensity can completely destroy and tear the muscles and muscles, and then make the muscles grow bigger through eating and sleeping!

So a weight of three or four hundred kilograms is too normal for sumo. Therefore, sumo does not live long. Heart disease, cerebral thrombosis and liver function decline are normal, and they basically hang up in about 50.

Sakuma ryuno is 45 this year.

He knew that he didn't have much time, so he wanted to go back to his hometown to find a woman to marry and have a child. He hoped that before he died, he could let the child remember his father, so he must hurry up. He had to return to his hometown early to carry out all this.

Sasukuma longer is the man who came out of Wujiu Island, but he hopes to die in his hometown when he dies.

That place is located in the south of Kagoshima. It is also a part of the Dayu islands group in Kagoshima county. It is the place where it rains the most in Japan. It is locally known as raining 35 days a month.

It is here that Sakuma ryunoji's favorite cartoon master Hayao Miyazaki's work called ghost princess was taken.

The island of his hometown is surrounded by the foothills. Due to the humid air and a large amount of rain all the year round, the vegetation in the forest grows very luxuriant, the branches spread vertically and horizontally, and the shallow streams in the mountains are clear, primitive and mysterious.

Whether it is Baiyu Yunshui gorge, Yongtian coast or pingneihai hot spring, it is a place that Sakuma longer misses very much.

He hasn't gone back for twenty-five years. I don't know what it's like now.

Zuo Jiujian longer really missed the rain there. It rained every day. He opened his eyes and then rained. When he closed his eyes, it was still raining. When he ate, he heard the sound of rain. When he slept, he heard the sound of rain

Unlike the sea of heaven, it hasn't rained for many days.

Today, it finally rained. Now sasukuma longer just wants to miss his hometown in the rain.

Maybe the rain is his only way to remind himself not to forget his hometown.

He left his hometown at the age of 18 and entered the sumo industry. At the age of 20, he was promoted to the big mark! It can be called a super genius in Japanese Sumo!

Just when the Japanese expected him to be the youngest Yokogawa, he was invited home by the president of the shimakawa Association

Later, he joined the shimakawa club and withdrew from the sumo industry, but his defeated generals got the peak of Henggang ten years later.

However, all this has long been a thing of the past for Sakuma longer. Now he just wants to go home early. The money and reputation have long been unimportant to him.

The rain is getting heavier and heavier, and sasukuma longer's longing for his hometown is getting stronger and stronger.

I just hope that after China's work is finished, the president can let him choose to retire home and go to his few peaceful times left.

I don't know how long later, the kimono woman appeared behind Sakuma ryuno again with an umbrella: "Sakuma Jun, Nagano Ningci has come back. Why are you still in the rain here?"

Sasukuma longer slowly turned to the woman and said, "I know. Go and tell him first. I'll go back to my room and change my clothes and see him right away."

The kimono woman nodded and left.

Sakuma ryuno strode back to his room.

Just now, after Chen Yuyue and the two Koreas left, Nagano Ningci followed them out in person.

Now is a sensitive period for them, because Nagano Ningji has a task to bring people to China, but his people were greatly blocked in the process of the task. At the moment, all his ninjas are injured and are cultivating.

But the Korean suddenly booked a place here for dinner at this time.

How can Nagano Ningji not doubt that the Korean named Jin Dafa did it intentionally.

Any disturbance now will make Nagano feel uneasy, and he can only confirm many things in person.

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