Until the kimono women left, sasukuma longer slowly said, "Mr. Nagano, it's hard."

Nagano nodded respectfully at once: "this is what I should do."

"What did you get out just now?" sasukuma longer said straight to the point.

"After the two Koreas left, they went directly back to the hotel suite where they stayed. I checked that the suite was long-term occupied by Koryo Yaxing entertainment company." Nagano Ningci said: "that man is the director of Yaxing. He came to China to sign the Chinese girl just now."

Nagano Ningci then bowed his head and signaled that he had finished.

Zuo Jiujian longer frowned: "Mr. Nagano, your position in the meeting is not low. The president and many big men also trust your ability very much."

"Yes!" Nagano Ningci said seriously.

"But you found this thing when you went out this time. It really disappoints me." sasukuma longer said faintly, "I thought you could figure it out after you chased out. The two Koryo people are not worth checking. You should check the Chinese people of one man and two women."

Nagano Ningci was stunned: "check the three Chinese people?"

Sakuma ryuno took a look at Nagano ryuno for the first time. When Nagano's eyes met Sakuma ryuno's eyes, he quickly lowered his head: "please give me your advice. I really don't understand what the three Chinese have to check, but the Korean people booked a place to eat in the store."

Although Nagano's attitude was very low, Sakuma longer still heard his dissatisfaction.

"You don't check Chinese people because you despise Chinese people from the bottom of your heart." sasukuma longer continued.

Nagano Ningci was stunned: "I may look down on the Korean people more than the Chinese people... However, I don't have a good impression of the Chinese people, just a group of cowardly, hypocritical and smooth East Asian sick men."

Zuo Jiujian longer frowned and picked up his hand to signal Nagano Ningci to continue.

Nagano Ning paused for a second and continued: "Chinese people have always been ruthless to their compatriots, but they are kind to foreigners. We don't need to be polite to them. They will bow their eyebrows to us."

"So you think so." Sakuma ryuno obviously didn't agree with Nagano's words.

"I always think so. You think it's ridiculous that after World War II, China can even give up the post-war reparations we should give them." Nagano Ningci said: "we invaded them and maimed them, and they can also give up the reparations. They despise themselves and have no blood, so of course I will despise them!"

Zuo Jiujian longer shook his head: "history is in the past. At the beginning, Huaxia had to consider the international situation, and the compensation could not resolve and make up for those injuries... I have a different view from you, but I think Huaxia's practice is more backbone. If the injuries suffered by Huaxia people can be solved with money, it would be a real humiliation."

Nagano Ningci was stunned and couldn't understand what sasukuma longer said.

Sasukuma longer stretched out his hand and pointed out: "if you go out, a Chinese will slap you in the face and compensate you 200 yuan, will you?"

"Of course I don't want to!" Nagano said without hesitation.

When he finished, he realized what sasukuma longer meant.

Sasukuma longer nodded: "so this is not China's cowardice and self abasement, but a kind of lofty and broad."

Nagano Ningci bit his teeth. He didn't like the idea of Sakuma ryuno. He couldn't accept the idea of increasing his popularity and destroying his prestige.

"Since history is the past, we won't talk about it." Nagano Ningci retorted: "Look at China's current development status, waste of resources and deterioration of the environment. What is the waste of such a good energy province in the Central Plains? People's lives are poor and corrupt officials are rampant! China always says that its economy surpasses this and that. Why not look at the per capita? The per capita is not more than US $10000, but what about Japan? More than US $30000! Why should we look up to them!"

On Nagano's view, Sakuma ryuno just sneered.

He only asked one question: "don't you think it's terrible for a country with so many people to reach this figure?"

"Terror?" Nagano Ningci was stunned.

"Sometimes we can't talk about per capita. Luxembourg's per capita is over 100000, but a country's population is not as large as that of a county in China. What international status can it have? The US empire's per capita is 50000, half less than that of Luxembourg. Do we Japanese dare not listen to it?" sasukuma longer said: "If China's per capita also reaches that figure, which country on this earth dares not to look at China's face?"

This sentence will make Nagano rather speechless.

Sasukuma longer said this not because he thought that China was good "from foreign countries", but because he saw the reality more clearly.

"I hope you don't look at China with prejudice, and don't look down on Chinese people. Remember that they are terrible." Zuo Jiujian longer added that he didn't want Nagano to "underestimate the enemy", so he would be in China.

Nagano Ningci bowed his head for a while, and then he said he understood.

Sakuma longer was very satisfied, which proved that Nagano Ningci listened to his words in his heart.

"Don't think Chinese people are easy to provoke." sasukuma longer sighed: "there are still great people like Mr. Lu Xun and general Cai E in China, but you and I don't know."

"I will keep your words in mind." Nagano Ningci said seriously.

Sasukuma longer sighed again: "you got your goal wrong today, so you must have achieved nothing."

Nagano Ningci admitted his mistakes very actively: "I know this in my heart."

"Just be clear." sasukuma longer's eyes were like electricity: "do you remember the appearance of the three Chinese people clearly?"

Nagano nodded: "please rest assured that I will find out their details in the fastest time."

"Don't worry too much. Your people are injured. It's best to let them recover well these two days." sasukuma longer said, "after all, my suspicion is groundless. Maybe the three Chinese people have nothing worth checking."

"I'd rather check a thousand wrong than let one go." Nagano Ningci said, "now anyone close to us may be bad for us."

"This sentence is very good." sasukuma longer nodded with satisfaction: "I like it very much."

Nagano Ningci was praised and quickly lowered his head to express his humility: "I will continue to work hard."

"It's getting late. Since there's nothing to gain, let's have a rest early." sasukuma longer said faintly, "the rain may last all night. I hope I can enjoy the rain quietly. If there's nothing to do, don't disturb me."

"Yes!" the crowd bowed their heads.

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